I wake up screaming as the plane lands and wake everyone up. This week must have made us more tired than i realize. Logan looks straight at me asking, " are you okay little sis?" i shake my head and whisper, "nightmares are back."
he looks shocked before saying, "knew it. We will head to my place first the yours." i nod and lean further into his side. As we get off the plane i toss my keys to logan before telling him and ashley to goget in my car while i wait for my luggage.
After i get my luggage i message logan that i'm running to the bathroom real quick. After his reply of okay i dash to the restroom and lock myself in a stall.
I pull out my bathroom bag and take apart my razor getting the razor blade out. I sigh knowing I made a promise not to cut but the nightmares cause it.
After cutting my arms a few times I hurry and clean everything up before heading out to my car. I slam the trunk door shut and climb in the back letting Ashley drive. I fall asleep and go straight into a nightmare.
New nightmare.
I open my eyes to see a dark and dusty basement. I love my arms and realize my hands are cuffed to the wall. I start calling out hoping to get someone's attention but fail miserably when no one comes out.
A few minutes later I hear locks turning, a door opens and someone walks down the stairs. I cover my face with my hair so I don't have to see who it is.
All of a sudden that person grabs the back of my head and hair making me look at them. Me eyes widen and I try to say, " Get the hell away from me." but fail. "Cat got your tongue or was your voice box cut out?" Josh asks laughing.
I start moving hoping to kick him but he holds my body to the wall so I couldn't move. He whispers in my ear, "now I can do what I've been waiting three years to do." He smiles evilly.
I shake my head no and tears stream down my face as he tears the clothes I wore on the plane off leaving me in a sports bra and underwear.
Next he tears my underwear off and forces himself into me and my heart tears as my virginity and pride are take against my will and blood runs down my legs. A little while later he leaves me alone feeling dirty both inside and out. I pass out sometime after that.
End of nightmare.
I wake up to Logan pushing on my shoulder saying we are at my place. I stumble out of the car and fall when I try to walk causing Logan and Ashley to run to me asking if I'm okay. I shake my head truly not feeling well and lie, "just still feel bad from all that has happened."
Logan picks me up with ease and I bury my head into his chest but still feel someone's eyes on me from a great distance.
Logan sits me on the couch and I bury myself into a blanket saying, "I'm a blanket person now go." And he leaves to help Ashley with the bags.
Logan's pov
Lynn seems off since she got off the plane. I know something else is bothering her besides the nightmares but what?
As I step outside to help my sis the same guy is staring from before so I tell Ashley, "I'll be right back." She nods and I walk towards the guy confronting him.
"Dude why are you staring at my sisters and I?" I ask angrily. He looks shocked before saying, "I didn't know Sarah had a brother and we dated for months."
I look shocked before punching him in the face and saying, "you deserve that for hurting her more than once." Mason agrees before saying, "yes but I honestly truly love her."
I look shocked and ask, "so what are you wanting to do? She's basically heartbroken all over again. Her nightmares are back which means more anxiety attacks, panic attacks, and asthma attacks."
Mason, "I tried to make it down with her but wasn't successful. Luckily I could climb the vines on the other side and get down. But anyways I want her back but way before she thinks I'm truly gone."
Ashley comes over to see what is going on and looks over at mason and says, "hello asshole." He nods to her before turning back to me. "The best bet is for you to stay away for a while. Ash and I will keep you updated on how she is doing and when the best time for you to resurface would be." I say.
He nods, "I understand but please keep in eye in her. She could go back to cutting and could possibly try to commit suicide again." I nod and he walks away while I turn to face ash. "Try to commit suicide again? Lynn tried to kill herself before. I can't believe it." Ash shakes her head and say, "me either but let's get back inside to Lynn."
We walk in and see Lynn having problems breathing. I tell ash to get her inhaler and slowly began approaching her saying, "shh Lynn. It's okay." While she backs up she says in between breathes "w-who was that outside?" "Just an old friend from a time ago." Ash says. She nods before tears run down her face making me go over to her and bend down to hug her, "oh Lynn it's alright. No one is ever going to hurt you again!" I tell her and she sniffles before saying, "I-I honestly thought it was M-Mason. I thought he survived."
She continues to cry in my arms until she falls asleep. I lift her up and take her to her room and lay her in bed before sitting beside the bed watching her sleep.

Deception **ON HOLD**
أدب المراهقينSarah Allen is a sarcastic, funny, rich girl but she hates being rich. Doesn't like her family(who honestly don't like her either) or those player boys from school. or as she says "they can go to hell!" (she has a bad past)what happens when she meet...