I wake up next to Mason, very excited for today. Which is Christmas Eve. I carefully get out of bed not waking Mason up, picking the phone up ordering a big breakfast for everyone and ingredients for cookies for tonight.
I head to my suitcase pulling out bag and box with items that Beth convinced m in getting 'in case i change my mind' so I'm thankful for her. In the bag there is a gorgeous red dress and in the box there are sparkly green heels. Might as well be a girl for this special holiday.
I take a long hot shower and get out drying off before slipping my garments on and carefully putting the dress on. As I'm doing my makeup Mason knocks on the door and hollers through it, "breakfast is here."
"Okay, go ahead and start eating. I'll be out soon." I tell him through the door. After finishing my makeup, I curl my hair into sleek, shiny ringlets. After I finish my hair I slip my heels on and go into the bedroom.
Seeing no one in here I grab my phone off charge and walk to the kitchen. Beth looks up as the others are focused on eating and says, "holy shit Lynn." before her mouth drops in surprise.
One by one everyone looks up their mouths dropping out of surprise. Everyone but Mason compliments me : Ree- "gosh Lynn, you look amazing." Kayden-" Bout time you showed your stuff girl." I blush at his comment.
Luke says," looking good babe," in a joking manner Bryce- " If it weren't for Beth and I loving her so much, I'd tap ya Lynn." he earns a slap to the head from Beth and I. Hales- she squeals before saying, " finally you embrace your beauty!!"
Mason just sits there looking shocked and not saying anything. Finally Luke reaches over snapping Mason's mouth shut. I sit in between Beth and Hales sad that Mason didn't say anything to me. I take some fruit not really hungry since I'm upset.
After breakfast everyone but me goes to get ready. I stand in front of the mirror in the bedroom trying to figure out why Mason didn't say anything to me.
After standing there for five minutes Mason comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist before kissing the exposed skin of my neck before looking up with lust filled eyes and says, " you are so fucking beautiful. Everyday you're beautiful but today you just embraced it and it's amazing." I blush and he chuckles before turning me around to face him and kisses me.
After kissing for a few minutes we break apart, breathing heavily, and Beth walks in saying, "Lynn we are all ready. Come on." when she sees us she squeals at the sight of us.
I blush and mason chuckles before kissing me on the forehead and grabs our jackets helping me put mine on before he slips his on.
Beth grabs both of our arms and drags us out of the hotel and to the car. We drive fifteen minutes to Central park and I look in awe at the beauty of it.
After we park we all climb out and I shiver from the cold pulling my jacket closer to my body before Mason pulls to him and puts his arm around my shoulder sharing his body heat.
We head to the middle of the park where a concert with Twenty One Pilots are playing.
we sit there for a couple of hours listening to them play their songs. My favorite being 'Ride'.
After they finish playing we all huddle into a nice cosy homey like feeling little café. We all sit down together with Mason's arm behind my chair like Bryce, Luke, and Kayden have done to Beth, Hales and Ree's chairs.
We all order some hot chocolate and some kind of dessert and start to warm up as we wait for our stuff. After about ten minutes two waiters come with trays of our hot chocolates and desserts.
We all eat and drink our stuff before slipping our jackets on and paying the bill before leaving. We head over to two horse drawn carriages and pay ten dollars to ride in both.
Mason and I along with Bryce and Beth go in one while Ree, Kayden, Luke, and Hales go in the other one.
*15 minutes later*
We get out at the same place we got in and start walking around to the shops.
ending it here because it was too long with the rest. The next chapter will be upload with this one.
Please remember to vote comment and share so others can enjoy this greatness called a book.
Bookshark16 out.

Deception **ON HOLD**
Teen FictionSarah Allen is a sarcastic, funny, rich girl but she hates being rich. Doesn't like her family(who honestly don't like her either) or those player boys from school. or as she says "they can go to hell!" (she has a bad past)what happens when she meet...