I open my eyes and realize I woke up without screaming. Without a nightmare. I sigh in relief before rolling over. My eyes widen when in I see Mason asleep beside me. Remembering Josh I go back to my go to hell mode. He wakes up and my eyes go hard and cold. I stand up grabbing my clothes for the day and head into the bathroom.Hoping that he is gone I head back out throwing my dirty clothes in the hamper. I look at Mason who has freshened up wearing some of Matt's clothes. I give him a glare before heading out to the staircase. I know he is following me without having to look back.
I also know he's worried but I couldn't give a fuck whether he is or not. I see Matt as I enter the kitchen."I'm not eating but he probably will." I say with a shrug. I watch him scarf down Matt's delicious food but I can't bring myself to eat or I'll puke it back up. After Mason finishes I leave to bring the car around. I stop in front of the door and honk for him to come out. He hands me my lunch which I immediately throw in the back. We drive in complete silence to Beth's house.
As I pull up I see seven year old Marie Royce run outside obviously running away from her mother. I step out of the car and catch Marie who ran straight for me. As I hold her Mrs. Royce comes over.
"Thank you dear." She says. "It's no problem Mrs. Royce." I tell her. She blushes, "I'm not that old call me Anna." I nod just going with it before handing Marie to her who fights to get loose but Mrs.Royce has a hold on her obviously one she learned when she had to deal with the older boys.After that I get in the car and beth comes out. After five minutes in the car and her non stop talking, I have a headache and tell her, "if you do not shut the fuck up I won't hesitate to stop this car and kick you out." I pull into the school parking lot and park in my normal spot before stomping off. I leave two very shocked Beth and Mason. All morning I ignore and avoid everyone and anyone possible.
At lunch I sit in the far corner of the library before sending a text to Bethany- "get one of your new friends to start picking you up for school and dropping you off afterwards." the bell rings and I stand and rush to the parking lot. I make it to the parking lot but Mason stands in front of me stopping me.
"Why the hell are you avoiding us all?" He asks. My eyes go cold hard, " doesn't matter bad boy. Get a new fuck toy and stop messing with me. And go to hell why you're at it." I yell before stomping off. I get in my car and drive off with him watching me drive off.
I get home and see my dad's car in the garage. I growl and curse the world as I get out and head into the house. As I am about to enter my room he stops me. "Why the hell are you home earlier, murderer?" He asks voice cold and eyes hard.
"Why the hell would you care? You never gave a fuck before. Now you want to mess with me?Well guess what I'm eighteen so you can stop me from doing what I'm about to do." I practically growl before taking in a feel breath, "I dare you to stop me but it won't happen. I am moving out of here and into Bethany's house before Christmas."
His eyes widen and I know I got to him but he covers it almost immediately, "fine, you ungrateful bitch do what you want." He says before pushing me and then walking downstairs and out the front door. I walk in my room and pack a small bag before going down to the kitchen."I'm sorry Matt. But I'm tired of it so I'm leaving." I tell him before giving him a hug. He only nods as he lets me leave. I get in my car and realize I have nowhere to go. I'm no longer have a best friend whose house I can go to. Finally I turn my phone off and head to the childhood park we all became friends at. I park and put my phone in the glove box before exiting into the rain.
I stop at the tree we all sat in back in the day we thought we were too old to play. I sit down at the bottom of the trunk, with the rain soaking my and my tears running but hidden by the rain.
I don't know how long I sat there, but judging by the worry in my friends voices as they call my name looking for me, it's been a long time. When they suggest taking me home that's when I start panicking, "N-no I can't go back there!" they say okay and that is when I break down sobbing. I cry while Mason holds me and I cry until I fall asleep the world going black.** 2 hours later **
I wake up screaming from my latest nightmare. As soon as I open my eyes I start freaking out not knowing where I am. I see my bag in the corner and soon I can't breath from the asthma attack. I hurriedly get to my bag knocking a book and lamp off the table beside the bed before frantically searching my bag.
The door flings open and that sends me into a panic attack, "please don't hurt me! Please!" I feel familiar warmth surround me as arms hold me and my inhaler is tossed to me.
After using it and breathing deeply for a few minutes I open my eyes and I see Mason beside me while Bethany stands in front of me both having worry on their faces."I'm fine." I wheeze before jumping up and hugging Bethany. "I'm so sorry." I tell her. She hugs me back saying that everything is okay. "Now can you please explain why you were in the park by yourself in the rain?" Mason asks.
"I told my father I was moving out because he told me I was an ungrateful bitch and a murderer. So I told him to forget about me." They nod in understanding.
"Well you are welcome to stay here or at my house." Bethany explains and then leaves. Mason promises to stay with me before I fall asleep in his arms.***********
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Bookshark16 out.

Deception **ON HOLD**
Teen FictionSarah Allen is a sarcastic, funny, rich girl but she hates being rich. Doesn't like her family(who honestly don't like her either) or those player boys from school. or as she says "they can go to hell!" (she has a bad past)what happens when she meet...