You can't be serious?

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"You can't be serious?!" I asked her. "What's wrong?" she replied all innocently. "Do you want to go to a concert or make money as a hoe? Because right now you could defenetly make money with this shit your wearing!" I yelled at her. "Calm down Leni I just want to catch Chris attention." "Oh yea with this outfit you will get it for sure" I replied still kind of pissed off.
"Cmon lets go and stop complaining about my outfit. We have some fun waiting for us." and with this she dragged me out of my house and into her car. "I'm so excited!" she squiled and I nodded my head in response. "Get going we dont want to be late!" I laughed and with this we drove off to the concert.


We stood infront of a huge building with a big sign which announced that Motionless in White will be performing here tonight. I squiled again and jumped up and down because of the excitement which is taking over my body. We handed the security guards our tickets and he let us in. We run inside to save ourself the best places and luckily we stood right in the front row. Everyone was talking and laughing and suddenly it got dark and everybody stopped as the concert began.


"Goodbye New York. Get home safe!" Chris screamed into the mic befor they all left the stage.
Hayden and I completly freaked out during the entiee concert because it was just simply amazing. As the hall emptied itself slowly we walked backstage and groaned as we saw the long line of people who were also waiting to meet the guys. After about 10 mins a security guard came and grabed a mic. "Hey guys. I know you are really excited to meet them and they will come in a min but please dont freak out too much and dont make our job harder as it already is. Thank you." And with that MIW came around a corner and I started panicking. What if they hate me? What if they think im ugly and a freak? What if they think im fat? What if they bully me just like everybody else does? Somebody suddenly grabed my hand and when I looked up I saw that it was Hayden. "Honey calm down ok? You know exacly they arent these kind of people and they will be really kind. So take a deep breath and try to relax. Just talk to them like you would talk to me. Except to Chris hes mine so hands off!" she laughed but I knew that she was serious.
After 1 1/2 hours waiting it was finally our turn and we stepped forward. All eyes landed on Hayden because of her slutty outfit and she of course starting talking right away. "Hey guys I'm a huge fan of you and Chris your voice is the one from an angel!" she told them. She kept going and I just stood behind her not saying a word and staring to the ground. I'm not even listening to her anymore. I wanted to go home and cut myself but why am I even so surprised that they didnt even realise I'm here? Suddenly somebodys hand was on my shoulder and shook me lightly. I looked up and almost chocked on my spit. Right there stood Chris with a smile on his face and his hand on my shoulder. "Oh uhm sorry did you say something?" i asked shyly while looking away. "Yes I asked you what your name is" his deep voice answered. "Oh she's my friend Leni! But she's new to the fandom so she doesn't like you as much as I do!" Hayden answered for me and pushed herself close to Chris. He smiled at her "Thank you for the information Hazel but I asked her not you" "My name is not Hazel but Hayden!" she answered him while glaring angrily at me. "Im sorry that I confused your name. Don't you want to talk to some others of the band while I'm taking a quick chat with Leni?" he politly said. Hayden scoffed and walked off to Ryan. "My name is not Leni" i whispered, sceared to annoy him. "Oh I'm sorry love than what is your name?" he smiled at me. "Lenora" i simply said. "Well Lenora, tell me do you have a favourite song from us?" I looked at him surprised that he actually is asking me a question and wants to talk to me. "Oh uhm yea I, I do have one. It's called City Lights" i stuttered. As soon as I said the titel his face changed from a smile to what I believed was angry. "Lenora I want you to be complete honest with me now ok?" he said smoothly. I just nodded. "Do you feel suicidal?" he asked. This question caught me completly of guard. I started at him and realised that everybody else from the band was now staring at me also. I felt my anxiety rising and my eyes began to water. I turned around and run away but I didnt got far as suddenly a hand was wrapped around my wrist. I let out a scream of pain as the hand was on the place where one of my new cuts was. The hand quickly losed it's grib and I saw that it was Chris who hold me. He looked shocked at me and was about to open his mouth when I turned around and run away.

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