returning home

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Lenoras POV
Today I finally got dismissed from hospital. Its been a week since the dreaded day and the doctors said I'd be safe to go home with Chris if I go under therapy. Of course I haven't told Chris or the others anything about the condition the doctor placed to let me get out of here. "Oh no no love you aren't going to pack your stuff sit down I'll do it for you." Chris said while coming inside the room to pick me up. "Thanks" I whisper while sitting down on the hospital bed. "Is it ok if the guys come over to ours? They want to see you but if you don't feel like it I can just tell them" Chris asked me while helping me up and walking outside to the car. "No it's ok I guess. I'm just really sleeping because of the medicine they gave me" I replied trying to hide the pain my deep cuts still give me. "I'll tell them not to stay too long. Just sleep while we are driving home I'll wake you up when we are there" and with that I closed my eyes and fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

Ryans POV
"How is she?" I asked Chris while sitting down on his couch. "She's really tired they put her on a lot of medication" Chris answered while giving us all something to drink. "And where is she right now?" asked Ricky. "She's upstairs and sleeping. Please be quiet I removed the door to her room so something like last time wont be able to happen again." I shook my head "Chris we get it you are worried but the girl needs some privacy. You can't just remove the door. I mean remove fhe look that's way than enough." I scolded him. "It'll only be temporary as soon as she's off the medication I'll put a new door in." he defended himself. I watched Ricky getting up from the floor and walking towards the stairs. "I'll look if she's awake" was the only thing he said befor he disappeared.

Rickys POV
I quietly make my way upstairs to see if she's ok. As soon as I looked inside her room her eyes met mine and she gestured me to come inside. "Hey how are you feeling today?" I asked her while sitting down on her bed. "Kinda ok I guess. Just a bit off because of the painkillers" she ansered while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Can I ask you something?" "yes of course you can Ricky" she said anxiously. "Why did you try to kill yourself?" I blurted out and regretted it the second it left my mouth. A really sad look spread across her face and i could slap myself for hurting her. "I ehm I didn't intednt to kill myself...I-I was just so sad and I guess that I accidently cut too deep." was all she could say. I slowly patted her head "well talk about it when you aren't on any meds ok? Dont you want to come downstairs the others want to see you" she looked at me and nodded. I helped her get up and as I saw her struggeling to keep herself on her legs I picked her up and carried her downstairs. As soon as the guys saw me conning downstairs with her they all left the couch and Chris put some pillows on the end and graped a blanket to cover her. She blushed slightly and mumbled "y-you know I can just sit on the ground or stay in my bedroom if you want to be a-alone" as soon as those words left her lips everybody tried to assure her that she wasn't bothering us and if she needs anything she should just ask for it. She looked at me and I already knew what she wanted to ask so I just smiled and told her that I didn't bring my dog but I will ,if chris allows, take her puppy shopping as soon as she is well again.

Chris POV
I cuckled as I saw her eyes grew big and her mouth forming an big O. She slowly turned her face so she could look at me and bevor I could even say anything she started ramble about why she needs a puppy and that it is basicly the most important thing in the world and she couldn't live without one. Everybody started laughing and I just nodded my head "yes love I already talked with Ricky about it bevor it's fine if you get one as long as you promise me one thing." a frown spread across her face "what is it?" "you will Start eating again. You will eat at least one meal a day infront of anyone of us. As soon as you don't do this the dog will leave this house at the same day." her eyes began to water and I instantly felt bad for putting her infront of this coiche. "Why do you first make me happy and than you destroy it?!" Lenora screamed while teares were streaming down her face. She pushed the blanket away and tried to run away but fell down. Ghost caught her bevor she could hit the ground. "Cmon I'll bring you back to your room" and with that he carried her back upstairs.

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