who is Oli?

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Chris POV
I've been up now already for a while and so were the rest of my band however there was no sign of Lenora. I decided to look for her and walked upstairs to the bunk area. I slowly opened her curtain and a smile spread across my face. She laid there, sleeping and completely relaxed.  I didn't want to wake her yet, but I needed to as Oli wanted to spent some time with her bevor his show started today and I agreed as me and the guys had to leave soon for practice and our own performance. I laid my hand on her cheek and whispered "leni? Leni, love you have to get up. Oli will be here shortly" she turned around and groaned. I had to surpres a laugh. "C'mon love" she threw her pillow at me "go away I don't wanna get up" but while she said this she already sat up. I petted her hair as it stuck to all sides. "Hurry up love. We'll have to go now but oli will be here in 20 minutes so make sure to be dressed by than I don't want him to see you in just a top." I saw her blushing at my words but she nodded and got up.

Lenoras POV
I still felt down because of yesterday but I tried not to let it show in front of Chris. While showering I tought about what I should wear today as Oli is going to spend most of the day with me again. I steped out of the shower wrap a towl around me and searched for the clothes I decided to wear.


I looked in the mirror and almost started crying. I looked so fat. I'm still wondering why Chris let me live at his place and why the others even talk to me. As it hurts to look at myself I quickly turn away from the mirror and head downstairs. "Damn you look hot girl" joked Vinny laughing which ended up in Chris punshing Vinnys arm. Everybody including myself started laughing. I sat down next to Ghost and cuddled up to him. "Hey" he just simply greeted me with a smile. "Hey" I replied as simple as he did. After a couple of minutes the guys had to leave which resulted in me sitting alone in front of the tv waiting for Oli to turn up. *Knock Knock* I grabed the remote and turned the tv off. "Come on in." I yelled while putting on my shoes. "Hey lenora." Oli grunted as he walked inside. I looked up and saw him with an annoyed expression on his face. "What's wrong?" I hesitantly asked him. His eyes shot over to me and I couldn't help but feel slightly sceared. "Nothing." he simply replied and I didn't dig in deeper. "Are you finally done putting on your shoes? I don't want to spend the rest of the day in here" he snapped and I just nodded and got up.
We walked side by side in silence. It was awkward but I was too sceared to talk in case oli would snap and freak out. "Hey Oli!" somebody yelled further away. Oli clearly must have heard him but he just kept on walking. I looked behind us and when I was just about to open my mouth to talk to Oli about this his head turned around and he glared at me. "Don't say a fucking word about this. I heard him ok?!" I just stared at him unable to process in my head why he is so rude today. When I didn't responded to him he grabbed my arm harshly. "I expect an answer!" he hissed and I just nodded and looked down at the ground. "Yes I understood im sorry." I mumbled out trying to hold back the tears as olis grip on my arm hurt. By now the man who called after him reached our side and Oli quickly let go of my arm. I was too sceared to look up and see who was standing in front of us so I just kept studying the mud. "Hey Vic." Oli said in a polite voice. "Hey ya. How are you? Is that your new chick?" he asked Oli. When I heared his voice my head snapped back up and I couldn't believe my eyes. Vic Fuentes stood right in front of me and looked me in the eyes. Suddenly I heard a loud laugh from Oli. We both looked his way and he just shook his head. "No. God no. She's definitely not my new girl. She's way below my limit" he laughed out. I could feel the familiar stinging in my eyes. Tears threatend to spill over but I couldn't let that happen. Not in front of Oli or Vic. But it hurt. Really much. I had a crush on Oli for idek how long and now he said this. I knew it was unrealistic to think that something could happen between us but that was just as hurtful as if he had ripped my heart out of my ribcage. "Ey don't say something like this. She's pretty you know." Vic said as he saw me fighting back my tears. I know he only tried to be nice but it came out as if he only said it to make me feel better and not because he truly thinks so. "It's ok. Nice meeting you Vic." I stumbled out and turned around and left.

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