Escalation In The Kitchen

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I heared how somebody walked in the kitchen so I looked up and saw Chris. "Do you want another portion?" I asked him. "No but I'd like you to eat something" he said and I began to panick. "I-I've been eating a hotdog with Ricky at Ikea. I'm still stuffed but maybe later" I mumbled while cleaning the kitchen. Chris suddenly started screaming at me "I DONT GIVE A DAMN IF YOU LIE TO YOURSELF OUR IF YOU LIED TO YOUR FUCKING PARENTS BUT IF YOU LIE TO ME ONE MORE FUCKING TIME THAN IM GOING TO THROW YOU OUT OF THIS FUCKING HOUSE OK?! THAN YOU CAN SLEEP ON THE FUCKING STREETS!" I was so sceared of him that I stumbled backwards and fell over my own feet. I was now laying on the floor, tears streaming down my face and Chris standing next to me. "DO YOU REALLY THINK IM THIS FUCKING DUMB? YOU ARE GOING TO EAT NOW OR IM GOING TO FUCKING FORCE IT IN YOUR MOUTH!" he screamed while taking a hand full of food out of the bowl. I shook my head violently and cried. "What the hell is going on here?" Ricky came storming into the kitchen followed by Ryan, Vinny and Ghost. "SHE IS FUCKING LYING RIGHT INTO MY FACE!" Chris yelled. "Hey hey Chris calm down she's just a teenage girl. They don't know what they are saying she didnt meant it like that. She's just a kid you cant scear her like this." Vinny said while standing in front of Chris. The words of Vinny cut me deeper than Chris words. Those from Vinny were just mean and putting me down but Chris just told the truth. Vinny and Ryan pushed Chris in the living room and tried to calm him down while Ricky and Ghost stayed in the kitchen with me. Ghost started to clean up the mess Chris just made and Ricky sat down next to me. "Chris can be an asshole sometimes no doubt but why did you lie to him and told him that you ate with me?" He questioned me. I just put my hands infront of my face and cried even more. Ricky slowly wrapped his arms around me and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek. "Everything will be alright we all are here to protect you.  The same goes for Chris he's just so worried about you that he just lost control because he doesnt know how he should get you to eat something." he whispered. I looked at him through my tears and slowly nodded my head. "C'mon go upstairs. You need some rest Ghost and I will clean this mess here up ok?" he said while pulling me up from the floor. "Thanks" was all I could say befor heading upstairs.

Rickys POV
I watched her walking up the stairs and turned around just to catch that Devin was staring at me. "What?" I asked him slightly annoyed. A huge grin spread across his face "you like her". My cheeks turned slightly red "shut up" was all I said to him and started helping him with the cleaning. I just heared a small cuckle from Devin. "Where is she?" Chris asked while comming inside the kitchen. "She went upstairs to sleep" I simply said. I was pretty pissed at Chris for what he just had done to her. She's so fragile, so many people hurt her befor and because he wanted her to be save he took her with him and now he's the one scarrying her. "You fucked up big time" Ghost said while looking at Chris. "I know. I don't know what happened to me I just dont want her to get hurt and seeing her starving herself upsets me just so God damn much. She doesn't understand that starving herself wont do her any good!" Chris tried to excuse himself for his behaviour. "Chris there is no excuse for what you did to her. Yes it's really unhealthy but you knew already befor you brought her here that she has some problems and that it won't be easy so don't pretend now that you didn't knew this already beforhand." I said " I think you guys should go now" he said quietly. "I'll stay the night. Not that I don't trust you but I'm sure that she wont be talking to you if she feels bad." I stated and with that the others all left.

Lenoras POV
I was sitting on my bed with my blade in one hand and blood on my other. My entire bedsheets and pyjama is full of the red liquid. The smell of my blood slowly rose to my nose. That triggered me even more. I pulled the blade again over my arm this time deeper. Soon everything went black and i lost consciousness.

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