tour bus

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Lenoras POV
All my bags were packed and I was sitting on the couch with Chris waiting for the other boys to show up so we could go to the tour bus. In the second I wanted to ask Chris when they would be here the doorbell rung and Snowflake started to bark like crazy. "Snowflake stop!" yelled Chris and opened the door which reviled 4 really excited guys. "Are you ready?" asked Devin. Me and Chris nodded graped our stuff and picked up Snowflake.


"Its so huge" I said in surprise while my eyes got big. Ryan placed his arm around me and grinned "only the best for our baby girl" I blushed really badly. "C'mon let's go inside. As you are the only girl your allowed to chose first which bunk you want to have." I walked inside and loved it from the first second. Everything was so pretty and I couldn't believe that I was actually allowed to be with them during their tour. "Let us get upstairs where the bunks are I want to put my stuff away" complained Vinny and with that I followed him upstairs. "The coiche is all yours." and with that I looked at the bunks and tried to decide which one I should take. "If it's ok id like to take the one in the right corner at the really back. But only if no other wants it." I hesitantly said. Vinny grinned and told me that it's no problem at all and I could have this bunk so I made my way to my bunk to put my pyjamas away. After everyone put their clothes away the guys wanted to eat something bevor they all went to bed. "Leni do you also want something?" Chris asked but I just looked at him and shook my head. "Are you ok?" he asked concerned. I smiled slightly at him nodded my head and left to go to my bunk. As I crawled in it Chris came with a worried expression on his face. "What's wrong love?" I covered myself in my blanket and looked at him. "nothing I'm just really tired and I want to be rested for tomorrow when we are there." he looked at me for a second bevor he nodded and kissed me on my forehead. "Goodnight leni"
The next morning I woke up by people arguing loudly downstairs. I groaned and made my way downstairs to see what the problem is. "No you won't touch her! You won't even go near her or talk to her! Do you fucking get this in your head?!" I hear Chris screaming at somebody. I hid behind a door so they wouldn't see me listening. "I just wanted to say hi to the pretty girl you brought here. Is there something wrong with being polite?" I heared a voice which I knew only too well. My heart skipped a beat and my hands became wet. That was oli. Oliver Sykes. Here. In this bus. And they were talking about me. I run as fast as my feet could take me upstairs and into the bathroom. He couldn't see me in my pyjamas and bed hair. I had to look as good as I can for him. Since I first started listening to them I was head over heels in love with him. I tried my hardest to find a perfect outfit and after 20 minutes I found one. I quickly put on my black crop top and my trashed shorts and made sure that you coudnt see my cuts on my thights. Than I threw on my black oversized caridan and my overknees. I quickly applied makeup and straightend my long grey hair. I looked one last time in the mirror than took a deep breath and made my way downstairs where Oli was still talking to Chris.

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