Its ok

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Evans POV:

          I was walking to school. Oh crap... I have to practice with Connor again. He's gonna hate me now. Maybe I could run away from school? Wait. No. I can easily get caught. I was thinking about excuses all the way to school. I walked through the doors and saw Karen.
         I didn't think much about it, I didn't really want anything with her, but she wanted something with me.
          She automatically shoved me onto the floor.
           Karen likes to bully me a lot, ever since 4th grade. That's why I didn't like her.

            A bunch of students started to surround the area, cause they wanted to see a fight. I can't defend myself, my cast. I quickly ran away out the doors and pushed through all the students. I hid in a mini forest off school campus, wasn't that far away, but it was good enough. I sit down and close my eyes, not to sleep, but because I was thinking.

             All of a sudden there's a major pain in my stomach. I look up to see that Karen kicked me in the stomach, but it was a good thing that it was lighter that I expected it to be, but it still hurt. A. Lot. 'This is all happening so fast.. I just got to school... What the hell.' I said to myself.
               I slowly fall to the floor and my eyes slowly start to close.

           I open my eyes again.... Gee... What's with me and waking up in houses this week. I sit up and.... This is not my room. The walls were painted gray, the bed sheets were a very dark red. I look over to see the desk and-
             "Oh, your awake." A voice said. I looked down to see Connor laying beside me under the blankets. I backed up a little because of the other day when he punched me. But he quickly sat up and grabbed me into a tight hug.
             "I fucked up. I broke up with her. I fucked up Evan. I didn't kno-"

           I cut him off and said
"It's ok.".

Two friends, True friends (Connor X Evan) [remake]Where stories live. Discover now