Part Nine: Talents

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"I will now be assigning groups for our month long group projects. I don't care if you don't like who you're partnered with. You must get along with them if you would like to receive a good grade." Ms. Bustier announced to the class.

I groaned softly. I was guessing that I probably wouldn't end up with Alya or Nino since she was assigning them. I scanned the classroom, wondering who would be in my group. "Alya, Rose, and Ivan are together." Ms. Bustier said.

Alya turned to me. "Sorry, girl."

I shook my head. "It's fine."

"Juleka, Mylene, and Sabrina are together. Nino, Max, and Alix are together. Kim, Lila, and Chloe are together. If I didn't call your name please come to my desk." Ms. Bustier said loudly. I stood up and walked over to her desk. Nathaniel soon joined me. Ms. Bustier eyed the two of us. "Alright, here's the thing. There are fourteen people in this class, and that means there's not enough people for five groups. I'll give you two a choice. Either you can work together, or you can do it as a single project. Your choice."

I turned to Nathaniel. "Do you want to work together? I'm fine with it."

Nathaniel turned bright red and nodded eagerly. "S-Sure."

"Alright, everyone please get into your groups!" Ms. Bustier called out to the class.

Nathaniel and I walked back over to my desk and sat down. The project was to design an ideal town with a government, economic system, achievements, geography, and a religion. We also had to create a model of our town. "So what should we start with?" Nathaniel asked.

I thought for a moment. "I guess we should draw the layout of the town, and then we can start building our government from there."

Nathaniel nodded and took out two pieces of sketch paper. He handed one to me, and I began to draw away. After a while I leaned over Nathaniel's shoulder to see what he was drawing. It was beautiful. Houses of all shapes and sizes lined the streets. There were market places, shops, offices, and a town hall. I smiled. "It's really pretty."

Nathaniel turned in surprise, his face almost colliding with mine. Our noses were almost touching, and he turned bright red, jumping back in surprise. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Sorry."

"No worries." I replied. "I was wondering, how did you become such a great artist?"

Nathaniel shrugged. "I'm not one hundred percent sure. Everyone is born with a natural talent. For the longest time I couldn't find what mine was. One day I met this girl that I thought was really pretty, and I wanted to remember what she looked like. I picked up a pencil and decided to draw her. I've been drawing ever since."

I grinned. "Thats amazing! I wonder what my talent is."

"I'm sure you'll find it one day. You just need to find it in your heart. When you figure it out, you won't know it right away."

I thought for a moment. I wondered if I had found my talent, and I just didn't know it. Was my talent creating things? That was artificial, though. I wasn't born with it. Adrien's father had given me that ability. What was my talent? I turned to Nathaniel. "What do you think my talent is?" I asked him.

Nathaniel smiled. "Well, I think you're very good at making people happy. If someone is sad you always know how to cheer them up. It's like you help bring people to life."

I brought people to life? But what about Adrien? I couldn't save him. I was meant to kill him. He had left me.

Why had Adrien's father placed the wretched ability in me?

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