Part Eleven: Rage and Sorrow

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A single knock on my door. I did not wish to answer it, so I stayed hidden under my bed sheets. Two more knocks. I didn't knew. Then knocks consistently happening. I was becoming extremely annoyed. I groaned and climbed out of bed, dragging myself to the door. I slammed it open in a furious rage.

"What?" I yelled.

"I never thought you would be so happy to see me."

I looked up. There stood Adrien Agreste. My eyes widened in complete shock. I didn't know whether I should cry, or hug him, or slam the door in his face, or yell at him, or tell him I was sorry. But as I stared into his welcoming eyes, I realized something. Adrien Agreste had completely and utterly destroyed my life. At that moment I wanted nothing more than to kill him, to destroy him. I wanted him to know how much pain he had put me through.  I furrowed my eyebrows and glared at him.

"Why are you here Adrien." I stated forcefully. It wasn't a question. It was a demand.

"What happened, Marinette?" He asked me as if that would make everything better.

He placed his left hand on my pale cheek. I swatted his hand away. "What happened?" I snapped in anger. "You did! You think it's okay to just walk out of someone's life after you've made such a huge impression? Well guess what? You can't. Did you expect me to jump in your arms after seeing you? No. I have been trying to kill myself for the past six months! I have been starving myself, jumping off of buildings, stabbing myself. Nothing works. Nothing will kill me. I am immortal."

Adrien stared at me. "Oh, Marinette."

He wrapped his arms around me, and I tried to push him away. He wouldn't let go. I eventually gave up and began to cry. I cried in his arms for what seemed like an eternity. "Please, Adrien," I pleaded, "Please kill me."

"I could never bring myself to do that, Marinette. You are my world. You are my everything." He whispered.

"Then why did you leave me?"

"I didn't want to hurt you, Princess." He murmured, pulling out my familiar pet name. That just made me sob even harder.

"Adrien, do you love me?" I asked him.

"Yes. I do. I love you more than I have loved anything or anyone in the world." He replied.

"Then do kill me. Please. I can't stand this wretched world anymore. It just brings me so much pain." I sobbed.

Adrien gritted his teeth. "Then I will kill your pain. I will kill whatever and whoever I have to in order to see you smile again, Princess. I promise you I will."

"I'm lost, Adrien."

"I've found you."

"Do you want to come inside and tell me where you've been for the last half of the year?"

"Anything for you, my Princess."

I had never felt so happy to hear his voice.

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