Chapter 17

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About thirty minutes later, Gin arrived at the clinic and whisked me away from Alex. I'd be lying if I said I wanted to leave. We had just arrived in Limbo, and honestly it was more terrifying than I thought it would be.  

The lost souls seemed to be scared, terrified, and wanted someone to listen.
A lot of them tried to touch me and even drag me into the ditch below, but Gin's present stopped them each and every time.

" Be careful, your recognized as a human and they'll drag you down into the depths of the abyss."
I looked around and sighed. This place is so creepy... I'm kind of scared.
We arrived at what looked like a huge gate covered in skulls.

" When we enter.... just know whatever happens... I can't do much about it."

I looked at Gin who's face no longer showed the smile he showed before we left.
He's terrifying me.

He grabbed my hand roughly and his grip was painful.
" Gin! Let go!"

" Can't..." he whispered into my ear.
" If I do you'll die."
He said in a nonchalant tone. I looked up at his face and the shocking sight surprised me, his eyes weren't there anymore. Only a simple lit dot stared me down as his body changed, his features now terrifies me to the core. I've never ever seen something more frightening than very sight behind me.

" G-Gin..."

His very breath trembled the air as he walked me into the gates and he wasn't the only one completely terrifying.


We arrived at this place that looks like a prison.
" Stay in here till someone comes to get you."
Gin left slamming the gate closed behind me and leaving me with a girl who had her face stuck in a book.
She looked up at me and smiled.
" Your new. Who are you?"

" Robin... what about yours? "

" Shane. " She closed her book and stood up, Patting the dust off her body.
" If your here, you must be special, huh?"

I nodded to her and she smiled.
" I figured. I see your shocked, but in a minute someone will come for us. "

" Is that so..." I didn't exactly fully grasp the situation. I guess Alex was right and with that a sigh escaped my lips. Shane patted my back to let me know I wasn't alone.

" Hey, I know it's tough right now but it'll get better okay? The prince is really nice."

I nodded and pulled myself together.
" Yeah, I'm aware... I guess I've just been stressed it's so random for all this to happen."

" I see well... I hope that you'll f-," she was cut of by the cage rattling open and this time, it was not Gin who was there.

" The prince would like an audience with her." He pointed to me and waited for me to walk over to him.
" He's been expecting you. "

I sighed at the thought of Danni looking similarly as scary as the rest of these reapers and only kept my eyes downward.


We arrived at a lavish door and the guard knocked loud enough for the sound to bounce off the walls.
" Sir, we have brought the Nephalem as instructed."

I heard the very familiar voice respond back to the guard," Come in."

The guard opened the door and Daniel looked at me with the same expression as usual, just with different features. He motioned the guards away and when they left, he spoke.

" I'm sorry you had to witness such terrifying sights."

" It's ok." I responded in a low monotoned voice.
He motioned me to sit in front of him and I looked at his green eyes that reflected like glass.

" I guess it's just a trait..." I spoke aloud and he smiled at me, knowing exactly what I was talking about.

" It is the way we trap a person in their own life. When they are about to die... we make it so their life flashes before their eyes."

" Oh..." I didn't know exactly what to say. I didn't feel much, even when it was my bestfriend sitting in front of me. Maybe I really am out of it.

Daniel got up and walked over to me.
" Hey!" He said loudly and poked my forehead.

" W-what?!"

" Stop spacing out or I'm going to lick your face."
He said with a teasing smile.

" Danni... don't play like that you idiot." A tiny smile crept on my face and he laughed.

" Your so damn simple!" He began to hold his stomach as her bursted into laughter.
" What's with that perverted smile huh? Did you really want me to lick you?"

" No!" I got up and punched him and he was completely unfazed.

" Your so weak Robin." He put a finger to my forehead and flicked it.
   I pouted at the stupid grin on his face. Ugh, well at least the anxiety I had is gone .

" I didn't mean to intrude." I looked back at the man standing by the door. His looks were similar to Daniel but he had a more mature appearance compared to Danni.

" You didn't intrude much Jasper."  Daniel patted my back and pushed me towards the one he called Jasper.
" This is the girl, I'm sure you just came to see who she is am I right?"

  Similar to Newell his hair was slicked back however his hair in the front was free and shifted to the side.
" I guess... yes you can say I was interested to see a nephalem  appear. After all, the last one of the hybrid between an angel and demon was more than 200 years ago."

  He came closer to me and fixated his eyes on me.  His eyes carried judgment over my body and his serious expression froze me to the spot.
  " Your still asleep...pure breeds awaken at birth where as a hybrid awaken at the age of 18." 

I guess he's thinking out loud since he answered himself in a way.   He shook his head at me then looked at Danni.
" My thoughts were wrong. "

" About ?" Daniel walked closer a bit curious to what his brother would say next.

" I thought she'd be more I don't know...masculine with how you described her."

" Masculine?" A puzzled expression spreads across my face.

" Daniel told me that you were actually a very strong person... my image was that of a more masculine female but you don't look that strong for a hybrid. Maybe it's because you took after your mother."

" Hey! Daniel you said I was masculine ?"  Daniel's face bursted into laughter and he grabbed his side.  Jasper kept talking to himself ignoring the situation leaving me exasperated. 

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