~Chapter 10~

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In The Kingdom Of Clarines,
Two Day's Later,
Shirayuki's Pov,

After two days Obi was looking better. He was wobbly on his feet but was slowly getting there. I was so happy we passed the stages of him nearly dying. He was in the clear to live now. I was still feeling guilty as Kiki was my new guard while Obi was recovering. Izana had more soldiers brought in to guard the castle as him and Zen both agreed on protecting me at all cost. I was in shock about it and made me felt worse. I didn't want anyone to get hurt because of me. I was walking with Kiki who was looking toward me.

"If Zen sees that look he will get worried" she spoke as I stopped walking getting her to do the same. I leaned on the wall as we was walking along the balcony hallway as I looked toward the sky. It was dull and looked it was to rain. "These people want me, they will come Kiki and they will hurt all of you a-and even Zen" I spoke hugging myself in pure fear as Kiki smiled toward me and walked in front of me and placed her hand on my shoulder. "We care about you so we will protect you" she replied to me.

I smiled a tiny bit as I looked away. "I wish you didn't have to" I whispered as a hand went on my head as I opened my eyes to see Mitsuhude smiling toward me. Zen not with him. "Zen, Kiki and I all care for you Shirayuki so deal with it" he spoke in a joking tone but I knew he meant it as I smiled toward him and the Kiki. "Thank you guys.....Really thank you" I whispered as Kiki pulled me into a hug shocking me slightly but I hugged back right away still smiling. "Where is Zen?" Kiki soon asked pulling away.

We both looked toward Mitsuhude. "With Izana" he answered as we both nodded right away being quiet as normally that never ended well. "GUYS" Ryuu shouted rushing over to us getting the three of us to look toward him. "Obi is better but missing" Ryuu informed us as pure fear raised inside of me as Kiki, Mitsuhude and I rushed to the throne room all knowing that was where Zen and Izana was. Once we was outside the guards stopped Kiki and Mitsuhude from going inside but they didn't even try with me.

"Can you handle going in there?" Kiki asked as I took a breath and went inside right away seeing Zen turning around seeing me looking shocked. Izana looking toward me with no emotion. "Zen, there's something I want to talk to you about" I spoke as Zen looked as if I had saved him even as he turned to face his brother. "We shall speak and finish this later, King Izana" Zen spoke bowing as Izana looked slightly annoyed but Zen moved heading toward me as once next to me he grabbed my hand and took me out the room with him.

My cheeks burnt up slightly when he did so. "You all look worry" Zen looked toward Kiki and Mitsuhude as Kiki told him what Ryuu told us as he freaked as we was all looking around the castle not having any luck as I soon saw someone from our past on the castle roof. Torou. A assassin that Obi used to work with in the past. 

She looked toward me and smirked as I was confused as someone put their hand over my mouth and grabbed my arm

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She looked toward me and smirked as I was confused as someone put their hand over my mouth and grabbed my arm. I was in shock and the grip was tight as I was alone. We all split up to find Obi. Soon the person who grabbed me let go and fell to the ground as I turned around to see Obi rushing over and grabbing my hand and dragged me ahead us running. "Torou has been paid to kidnap you" Obi informed me while speaking fast. It was hard to pick up his words under his heavy breath but I understood.

"What?" I asked in shock as Obi pushed me into a wall as a unknown object flew past Obi's face and scratched his cheek. "She gave me heads up before the others came, she don't want to do this but she needs the money from some rich dude" Obi soon explained letting go of my hand and pulled out his throwing arrows and started to throw them in different directions as soon the alarms was going off to inform everyone unknowns had gotten into the castle. "We gotta move fast, no hiding place will work. Torou and I have the same skill set in getting a target they want" Obi spoke sounding annoyed.

Obi was very skilled and rarely failed in a fight and Torou was the same in that sense. They was both assassins together and worked together for a Lord. The two very deadly. I was glad Obi didn't go back to that type of life. "Get me to the herb garden" I got Obi to look at me confused as I gave him a smirk as Obi then nodded. He picked me up in a bridal hold and rushed ahead. He kept moving as I turned my head seeing some unknown shadows moving around fast as Obi was jumped up walls to miss unknown objects and other things. 

I saw guards even fighting once and awhile. Took awhile but we got to the garden as Obi put me on the ground and I rushed toward the greenhouse. Obi was following, looking around as I got inside looking around for certain flowers. "What is the plan?" Obi asked holding his throwing arrows. "Torou is their leader in this mission to get me right?" I asked as Obi nodded as I grabbed some flowers and started to crush them together and ripped my coat using it as a pouch and started to put them inside with some water and wrapped it all up.

"Can you get this to hit her?" I asked coughing from the mix I made as Obi came over and grabbed the pouch and attached it to an arrow. "Knocking her out will be hard once she is out it will get the other to back off for now" Obi smirked slightly as the mixture had gotten to my own senses. Not enough to knock me out but made me weak and tired. "I will be safe here, I got my weapons all around me. Good luck and don't get hurt this time" I ordered as Obi smiled toward me as I smiled back.

"Understood" he spoke rushing off ahead. I fell backwards onto the edge of the flower wall as I was coughing slightly. I had to get ready for attackers but a bright colour of red went over my eyes and something over my mouth as I was grabbed from behind. I was unable to speak or see but what I heard was some words about a 'Healing Princess'.

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