~Chapter 13~

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In The Middle Of The Ocean,
Hak's Pov,

From what Gi-Gan informed me, we was close to land. Another Kingdom even. Soo-Won was speaking to Gi-Gan alone while Yoon was with Jae-Ha and Kija down below to treat their wounds. They was still badly hurt. "Too bad they don't have your healing Zeno" I spoke trying my hardest to keep myself calm from murdering anyone. Mostly Soo-Won or Joo-Doh. It was in the middle of the night as I was staring at the sky. My mind was mostly on Yona. I was hoping she was alright and remembered her short lessons with a blade.

"Even Zeno wishes they had it" Zeno mumbled as I looked at him for a second. He looked like a worried child as I looked back toward the sky before he was able to see. "Yona will be fine" I spoke getting Shin-Ah to look toward me now. "She has to be" I added in a whisper as Gi-Gan came out her office as Joo-Doh went inside as she came over to us. She looked toward me, smoking on her pipe as I looked at her. Once she finished she blew out some smoke. "We head straight for the port, be there by tomorrow afternoon at shortest" she informed us.

I didn't like how long it was going to take as I got up and headed off to the bottom part of the ship. "Hak" Gi-Gan spoke loudly getting me to stop and turn my head as she was looking right toward me. "The King wants you first" he spoke giving me a 'now' look as Shin-Ah and Zeno got up and followed me into the Captains quarters. Soo-Won was sitting in Gi-Gan's chair looking toward me with no emotion as Shin-Ah was close to me, as he was the only one here with the chance of holding me back. 

"What?" I soon asked in a harsh ton as Joo-Doh glared toward me. "We need a game plan to save Yona, it is unknown if the Kingdom itself was the ones to kidnap her" Soo-Won answered in a normal tone of voice as Zeno soon moved in front of me getting me to be quiet. "We should not think straight to that, these people were hired but they wouldn't take money from unknown Kingdoms" Zeno spoke making sense as Shin-Ah nodded in agreement with him. "Plus we should plan on helping Yona, she was shot in the back of the shoulder, she will need medical" I heard Yoon's voice.

I turned my head to see him coming inside using a white rag to white blood from his hands. "How are they?" Zeno asked fast sounding worried as Yoon smiled toward him. "Should be fine by the time we reach that port" Yoon answered as I was in relief but didn't show any emotion. I didn't trust Soo-Won or Joo-Doh. "I just hope Yona gets medical help before pushing herself to much" Yoon soon spoke sounding worried himself as we all knew Yona wouldn't think about that at all.

"She will most likely get a new bow then work on that" I spoke having Yona's bow on my back. I was getting this back to her. I didn't like the idea of her just having arrows alone to fight. She had left her dagger with Yoon in case he needed it. "Making or getting a new bow could make that hole worse, she will lose to much blood " Yoon soon spoke his hands now in fist as he was the medical expert here. "We have to trust the Miss. She is smarter than most when comes to plans and fast thinking" Zeno then spoke.

Joo-Doh and Soo-Won were in slight shock but Soo-Won soon got to his feet. "I trust Yona is fine" he soon spoke as my grip on my glaive got slightly tighter as the blade of my weapon was covered in white rag held by a black strap. "We need to make a good impression but we must have a plan for anything" Soo-Won soon spoke his eyes were closed as my grip just got tighter and tighter. Joo-Doh noticing as his hand was on his swords holster. "You doing that could get us killed before we find Yona" Yoon then spoke before leaving.

He himself couldn't stand Soo-Won. We knew Yona in a way forgave him, not fully but enough to move on with her own life. I was glad but my own mind was if he was right. If it was the Kingdom itself I would destroy it within seconds until Yona was brought back to me.

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