~Chapter 18~

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A Day Later,
In The Kingdom Of Tanbarun,
Yona's Pov,

Kiki and Shirayuki had taken us to a pretty large mansion in the middle of the woods. Obi had joined us on the way as Prince Zen and Mitsuhude were to come later on. It had been some hours as I was the only one awake. We got here pretty early this morning but I couldn't sleep. Something was bothering me. Something other than the Xing Kingdom, Soo-Won and these kidnappers. I was unsure on what was coming but I felt it. Something dark and evil is what it felt. How stupid it sounded was why I kept it to myself.

I was outside looking toward the sky letting the wind blow through my hair that was cut right before I had seen Soo-Won. I was glad Algira was good with cutting hair. I was also thankful as in a way my short hair was a part of the new me. The me that was free and wasn't some idiot Princess locked up and away by her father who feared for her. "Yona" I heard Hak's voice as is sounded as if he just woke up as I turned around to see him walking over. He grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him shocking me and making my cheeks burn up.

As I got close to him he put his hand on my side and kissed my forehead. My cheeks were bursting on fire. "I ain't as dense as Soo-Won" Hak whispered as he pulled away from the kiss on my forehead as he then looked toward me. We were both so close to each other. "Plus you made that clear how you felt" Hak whispered moving his head close to mine. My face must of been the same colour of as my hair, blending into it I was guessing. "You don't know how long I been waiting for this" Hak whispered as he pressed his lips onto mine.

My eyes widen in pure shock as his lips were warm and soft as my eyes slowly closed as I kissed back. My free arm moving, placing my hand on his cheek. I was passed flushed. I wasn't sure what level of red I was on. Hak had pulled away as my eyes slowly opened to see his looking toward me, him smirking. "You were are dense as Soo-Won" he whispered as I pouted slightly. "I know I was. Jae-Ha pointed it out to me after he figured out how I felt about you" I whispered back as he looked slightly annoyed.

I knew Jae-Ha was pretty much in trouble later but Hak put his forehead on mine. The hand on my arm moved to onto my hip as it just felt right. "I am sorry for bringing Soo-Won all the way here. I held back so much bloodlust this hold time" Hak then whispered as I moved my now free hand to put it on Hak's other cheek my hands now being on both. "As long as you are alright and with me. I don't care for or about him" I replied as I wasn't sure on why we was whispering as Hak smiled toward me and closed his eyes.

"King Li will hate this" Hak then spoke with a small chuckle as I laughed slightly also getting him to look at me with his deep blue eyes as I was getting slightly lost in them. "I think my father would of agreed, he favored you so much and would of preferred you as King and by my side" I replied as Hak smiled slightly more as I felt my eyes watering slightly at the thought of my father. In a way did I had to be thankful to Soo-Won for all of this? Wasn't for him I wouldn't of found the dragons or my own feelings for Hak.

From my own memories I may of liked Soo-Won but I had feelings for Hak. I was just an idiot girl back then who was blinded by Soo-Won's fake smiles and self. "When this is over lets find a place for us to where the idiots can have their own house next to ours" Hak then spoke putting me in pure shock as a bright smile came upon my face as I nodded in agreement slightly excited as Hak kissed my forehead as I felt a tear go down my cheek. "Hak, thank you for always being on my side" I then spoke as we was looking into each others eyes.

"I always will, Princess" Hak spoke as I didn't feel like a real princess. I wanted to be HIS Princess, not a countries or anyone else's. I heard a yawn as Hak and I turned our heads to see Jae-Ha coming out the mansion smirking toward us. "Finally a couple then huh? Seems I lost my chance in a rare gem" he then spoke putting the back of his right hand on his head acting all dramatic getting me to laugh as Hak glared toward him. "Mostly thanks to you pushing me Jae-Ha, thank you" I replied walking over to him and kissed his cheek.

I saw the jealous look on Hak making me hide a smirk as Jae-Ha's own smirk grew. "Anything for you Yona" he spoke bowing as I turned my head toward the sky once more seeing a flock of birds flying off screaming in fear even. "Something's coming" Hak spoke moving to the door where his glaive was resting as he removed the white rag around it showing off the sharp blade toward the end. "CODE GREEN" Jae-Ha shouted confusing me as Kija was rushing out the mansion along with Kiki, Obi and Shirayuki. 

"Obi get the red heads inside they can draw attention" Kiki ordered as Obi listened along with me and Shirayuki as we headed inside where we heard what sounded like horses moving toward the mansion. "It could be Master" Obi spoke in a hoping tone as Shirayuki looked like she was hoping also as I was looking around. We was being watched. Something sending a cold shiver down my back was watching us. "DOWN!" I shouted fast as I pushed Obi and Shirayuki to the ground as the sound of glass breaking echoed. 

I was on the ground an arrow in the back of my shoulder as Yoon was rushing down the stairs and over to me. "YONA!" I heard everyone's voices mixed together as Shirayuki and Yoon was by my side right away as through the window I saw Hak, Kiki and Jae-Ha moving fast to where the arrow had came in from as Kija came into the room. I was hit. Again.

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