~Chapter 22~

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Yona's Pov, 

Jane's eyes widen after Kiki shouted out her weak point as I looked over to see Shirayuki passed out, her head leaning on the crystal as it turned pure purple so we was unable to see her any longer. I felt myself wanting to pass out but the pain was keeping me wide awake as my crystal was slowly turning green. My eyes landed on Zeno who was out of the count. Soo-Won and King Izana moved forward into the markings as soon as they had done so the shield was back and the soldiers and Joo-Doh were unable to join. Hak was on the ground getting up in pain still in the marking.

Shin-Ah was checking on Zeno worried as my own eyes were getting heavy until it felt as if I was being stabbed in the chest over and over again getting me to be wide awake and screaming in pain getting the three awake dragons to stare at me worried. I closed my eyes tight as I heard the sound of swords clashing on metal as I opened my eyes. My sight was blurry. "Yona stay awake" Mitsuhude spoke being outside my crystal trying to find a weak point. I was worried for Shirayuki as I pushed myself to stand.

I pulled an arrow, being my last one out my pouch. I was breathing heavy as more pain from behind pushed me forward as I was now leaning on the crystal for support. "I won't give in that easy" I spoke mostly toward myself as I used the arrow and hit it on the crystal hard getting it to crack but it just fixed itself and more pain shoot throughout my whole body getting me to scream and drop the arrow as I fell on my knees. "Hang in there Yona" I heard Kija and Jae-Ha as I looked up to see Yoon helping them both over to Zeno as I had an idea. 

"Wake Zeno up" I spoke quietly getting them all to look at me confused as they soon did what I asked as Zeno was waking up holding his head. "The Four Dragons, work together as one, free Shirayuki first" I ordered as loud as I could as in the corner of my eye I saw Jane freeze up looking toward me in rage as I smirked. I was right. "HAK KEEP HER BUSY" I then shouted as pain shoot through me once more getting me to bit my bottom lip hard. I already tasted blood after I did so as Zeno, Kija, Shin-Ah and Jae-Ha looked at me worried.

"Please Shirayuki can't fight this like I can" I then begged my four friends no......my four family members as they soon all nodded and rushed to Shirayuki's crystal as stone soldiers from the temple were coming to attack the solders King Izana had brought as I turned my head to see Soo-Won and King Izana both swing their swords at Jane. They clashed on her arms as she used them to block as pure red scales were showing on her body much like Zeno would be able to. Hak pulled a dagger out as him and Prince Zen went to strike her down from behind.

Jane's eyes glowed as fire burst as Prince Zen and Hak pushing them both backwards as I saw they both got burned. "HAK!" I shouted in pure worry as both Kings were then blasted with fire as Jane was slightly out of breath. "Enough of this" she spoke looking toward me as I was able to push on my feet.

One arm was hugging me while my hand was on the crystal. "I fight for my friends, my family and some reason I will fight for Soo-Won" I then spoke glaring toward Jane getting her to step back as flames tried to attack her. Her own flames were trying to attack her from my glare as she stamped her foot on the ground getting me to cough up blood from so much pain inside of me. "YONA!" Hak and Soo-Won shouted as I fell back on the ground. I was laying on my side curled up in a ball as I heard The Four Dragons attacking Shirayuki's crystal.

"G-good luck.......Guys" I whispered passing out. Once I was blacked out it looked as if I was floating in a pure black space confusing me. I turned my head as my eyes widen to see a figure there.

"Y-your King Hiryuu" I spoke as he looked like the drawings that Zeno made for me

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"Y-your King Hiryuu" I spoke as he looked like the drawings that Zeno made for me. Zeno being the first Yellow Dragon to even server the Great Red Dragon himself. King Hiryuu. He smiled at me while walking over to be right in front of me. "The Blood Dragon. I was unable to kill him but was able to lock him away but sadly this Jane has the power to free him into her own body" he spoke his voice matching my fathers even. It made my eyes widen with his words and voice as they water slightly.

"You must push forward and push past the emotions you have for others mostly Soo-Won" he then spoke confusing me as I shook my head slightly. "I forgave him in a way. What do you mean? How do I lock the Blood Dragon or kill it?" I soon asked just wanted to protect my friends and family. I didn't want them to get hurt. I wanted to keep them safe. "You will know. Listen to your heart and follow your own path" he replied putting a hand on my shoulder as he had a caring look upon his face.

"Your father would be proud of who you grown into Yona" he then spoke getting a tear to go down my face as I was looking at him in pure shock. "Your mother would be so happy to see how beautiful you are" he then added as more tears then started to fall. Hiryuu got down to my height and put his other hand on my other shoulder. "You are stronger than you know, look inside and never abuse the power I am unlocking to you early" he then spoke as he soon vanished from my sight.

I hugged myself and fell to my knees crying not from sadness as I was smiling brightly. "I miss you, father......mother........I miss you both so much" I spoke smiling even more as I looked upward even if it was a dream or I was seeing things I knew they was always watching me. "I love you both too" I then whispered knowing I had to push forward. I had to help the others. Nothing, not even this 'Blood' Dragon would stop me.

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