~Chapter 19~

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Shirayuki's Pov, 
In The Kingdom Of Tanbarun,

Yoon had gotten Obi to pull the arrow out of Yona as she hissed a bit as I push the healing cream on thanks to some of the herbs Yoon got I was able to make some fast. Yona bit her bottom lip hard as afterward Yoon was wrapping up Yona's shoulder as Kija was looking around ready to attack anyone near by as him and Obi were in alert mode fast. Obi throwing his metal arrow heads toward Arrows coming from windows destroying them while Kija made his white dragon hand grow and cut the arrows in half with one swing.

Kija looked in pure rage as there was some unknown aura coming off him. "Yona can you move?" I asked as I noticed she was hit in her right shoulder once more. She had really bad luck with that shoulder. "At this rate I am going to lose this arm" Yona mumbled pushing herself with her left arm to sit up as she was in pure pain but kept going. She was turning into someone I was really looking up to. She was much stronger than I was or ever would be. "We gotta move if they want you guys they want you tomorrow night" Obi spoke.

I put Yona's left arm over my shoulder as she gave me a smile as Yoon was grabbing the healing mixture I made. "Lets move" Yoon spoke as Kija was moving around us all fast, destroying all arrows he could as Obi was throwing his arrow heads toward the unknowns as I heard horses coming toward the mansion. I was worried for if Zen came. He would come into a war zone. Soon an explosion at the wall next to us pushed us all flying.

Yona and I were on the ground hurt. I used my body to cover Yona getting burns on my right arm and leg. Yona was in pain from her shoulder as Obi was forced to move around and was unable to get to us as fighters and bounty hunters were rushing into the mansion. Kija was getting hit by throwing daggers as he was in much pain and getting tired. A man looking like a general walked over and went to grab my arm until Yona pushed me away and glared toward the man. He looked in raged as he grabbed Yona's hair pulling her upward.

She didn't let out a yelp but looked in pain. "YONA" Yoon shouted trying to get up and rush to help her until he was kicked in the gut by some of the men as Yona glared toward the man as I saw it. Fire. There was fire in her eyes sending fear into the general and myself seeing it. The general stepped back fast and dropped Yona to the ground, she was breathing heavy as he took her bow and broke it. "NO!" Yona shouted worried as I saw her heart be broken by the destroyed bow. Some men grabbed me tightly getting me to yelp.

"Shirayuki" Yona spoke going to grab an arrow from her pouch only to get grabbed herself. "Hurry we have a day to take them to some stupid temple" the general spoke as me and Yona were being dragged toward the hole that was made. Soon as we was outside I heard swords clashing. "ZEN" I shouted in pure fear and hope that he would come as one of the men grabbed my hair getting me to let out a very loud yelp in pain. "SHIRAYUKI" I heard Zen's voice in pure worry and rage as the sword fighting got louder. 

"YONA" I soon heard Jae-Ha that landed on the ground near us as the general walked over grabbing Yona's hair once more this time tighter as Yona bit her bottom lip. "You care for them huh?" he asked with a crazy look upon his face as Jae-Ha looked in pure rage like Kija did. It then hit me. The was the Four Dragons there to PROTECT and help the Red Dragon. Yona was that Red Dragon so her being hurt would push them in pure rage. They would move without thinking clearly. "Jae-Ha, I am fine please help Yoon" Yona spoke loudly.

This shocked us all even the general as Yona begged Jae-Ha to helped Yoon over herself or me as Jae-Ha looked torn up in what to do until Hak showed up cutting the general's hand clear off as it fell off Yona's head. Jae-Ha then rushed inside to help Yoon as the men holding me where shaking in pure fear. "The Thunder Beast" they spoke as Hak was looking toward them deadly. Even I was scared of his glaze. "Let them go or I will have your heads" he spoke as Yona was looking at him with a smile and hope.

One of the men holding Yona pushed the others off and pulled Yona close to his own body with a dagger at his neck. He made a slight cut that drew blood getting Hak to freeze and glare toward him. "Don't move Beast, I will end her life here and now" the man snapped as I was starting to be dragged off. "Help Shirayuki. Hak I will be fine" Yona spoke looking as if she had an plan as Hak hated to do so but listened rushing to my own side killing the men that were holding me. The others who didn't die ran for the hills.

I soon saw Yona stabbing the man with his own dagger as she was out of breath and pale. "Yona" Hak and I spoke worried as the ground we was standing on exploded like the wall of the mansion as Hak had used his own body to shield myself. I wasn't harm this time but once Hak was able to move we saw Yona was gone leaving not but blood in the place she was last standing. "JAE-HA" Hak shouted as the green dragon was jumping in the air and headed east to land. "That way" Hak spoke pushing himself toward Jae-Ha's landing.

He was covered in cuts, bruises, dirt, dust and burns from that explosion but he rushed ahead putting a look he was fine. I got on my feet but the burn on my right leg made me yelp in pain loudly once more as Yoon was rushing to my side along with Zen and Mitsuhude. "Shirayuki" Zen spoke worried as Yoon was making me sit on the ground as he was making a small something for my burns while using the herbs in his bag. "Yona was taken again" I informed the others worried as she picked to protect me and others over herself.

I was wondering, did she have a death wish?

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