~Chapter 9~

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In The Kouka Kingdom,
Yona's Pov,

I had woken up to hear Hak screaming a battle cry in pure rage as I soon felt his bloodlust aura. After running into Soo-Won I understood how much bloodlust he could have and how much power it had over him. The back of my shoulder was in pure pain as I saw myself on a boat with unknown men in red clothing with red masks on them also. We was heading toward two bigger boats as I looked toward the port to see more men in red attacking Hak, Shin-Ah and I was in pure shock to see Soo-Won with them.

"HAK" I soon shouted as loud as I could trying to stand only to get grab by some on the men as his head turned toward me as my eyes were watering. Shin-Ah was covering Hak as I soon saw Gi-Gan's ship heading toward our small one with her standing at the end looking toward us. One of the men set off a firework that soon moved the bigger ships toward us. I still had my arrow holster on my back as I moved my hand as much as I could behind me and got a arrow to cut through the bottom getting my own hand to get cut.

I used it fast cutting the rope and cutting one of the men holding me neck open. Blood covering my other arm as my fast actions had pushed the other one holding me backwards and off the ship as the one rowing the boat got up holding a dagger while I had my arrow. "YONA JUMP OFF THE BOAT" I heard Joo-Doh's voice on Gi-Gan's ship confusing me but I went to listen until the one with the dagger grabbed my arm pulling me backwards with great strength getting me to trip and drop my arrow into the water. 

The grip on my arm was hurting the wound on my right shoulder more getting me to fall onto my knees on the boat screaming in pain. I was able to see Hak's rage grow as he was killing nearly everyone on that port holding him back as Gi-Gan's ship got blocked by another as the two went into battle. I felt more people coming onto the small ship as the bigger one was next to us. A gag went around my mouth as I tried shouting to Hak, feeling scared. Whenever I felt scared it was Hak or Zeno who would come to help me.

Even Yoon at times helped with it. It was mostly Hak I went to. I soon saw Jae-Ha flying through the air heading toward the small ship looking in rage as he had dried blood all over his chest. He was still in pain. I was able to see it. "SHOOT IT DOWN" someone shouted as my eyes widen as arrows went toward Jae-Ha as he smirked pulling out his throwing knifes and threw them destroying the arrows before they could hit him as I was behind pulled up a ladder onto the bigger ship that Jae-Ha landed on. 

Once on the bigger ship rope was being put around my wrist as Jae-Ha was throwing his knifes as much as he could seeing me as his eyes widen looking toward the blood coming from my hand and right shoulder. With the men rushing the gag around my mouth fell down. "JAE-HA BEHIND YOU" I shouted as a man with a sword went to strike him down but he jumped high in the air as I was trying to get free. "Get the Red Dragon down below" the man who shouted before hand ordered as I was being dragged toward the stairs to below the ship. 

I was trying to struggle but the pain in my shoulder was holding me back as it was shooting pains every time I tried or when the grips on the man on my right arm got tighter. "YONA KEEP FIGHTING" I heard Jae-Ha shout in a worried tone as I was trying my hardest to fight but I wasn't having luck. "YOU BETTER SAVE HER YOU DAMN FLIRT!" I heard Gi-Gan's voice echo around as I saw Jae-Ha got slightly pale but it pushed him to move faster in fighting as he looked like he was winning until a firework blew up in his face.

The blast pushed him backwards and off the ship into the water. "JAE-HA!" I shouted in pure fear and worry as I was pushed down the stairs of the ship. "MOVE ONWARD" I heard the voice shout his order as the pain on my shoulder was worse as I ended up landing on it. Pure pain in my whole right side as my eyes felt heavy. They wanted to close from so much pain I was in. "Hak" I whispered in pure hope he would show up as I ended up passing out while being picked up in a tight grip. I knew it wasn't Hak...

I was in trouble....

I had gotten Jae-Ha hurt....

I couldn't fight back..........

I was useless.....

Also Helpless....

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