~Chapter 14~

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In The Kingdom Of Clarines,
Hours Later,
Yona's Pov, 

Shirayuki and I woke up earlier before Obi. Last night was very fun as I was glad I wasn't the only one not to be able to handle alcohol as that morning we went outside to see three people coming inside the inn and see Shirayuki right away and rushing toward her all looking relieved.

 Last night was very fun as I was glad I wasn't the only one not to be able to handle alcohol as that morning we went outside to see three people coming inside the inn and see Shirayuki right away and rushing toward her all looking relieved

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"Shirayuki" the one with white hair spoke his face having the most relief as Shirayuki rushed to him and hugged him right away. He hugging back. "Zen" she spoke her eyes watering slightly as I saw the way I felt about Hak in Shirayuki's eyes. She was in love with this 'Zen'. I then remembered hearing his name from the kidnappers. He was a prince. Obi soon came down joining us. "Obi well done" the with sea silver-blue hair spoke as Obi shook his head. "This girl Yona was the one to save Shirayuki" Obi spoke as Shirayuki pulled away with her hug.

"We are grateful" the girl spoke smiling toward me as this 'Prince Zen' looked toward me. "I feel the same too. Thank you. I am Prince Zen, these are my guards Mitsuhude and Kiki" Prince Zen then spoke smiling toward me. "It really wasn't anything" I spoke as Prince Zen shook his head. "We have been looking for you both for awhile, I hope they didn't harm any of you but seeing the bandages I see they hurt you most" Prince Zen then spoke bowing slightly shocking me and others around.

"Thank you" he spoke as I was slightly confused on what to do as Shirayuki giggled toward my face as she soon explained to Prince Zen that my own friends were on their way by ship. "We will get people to keep watch for them" Prince Zen then spoke as he looked toward Kiki who nodded and left to sort that out. "I can wait here, it is fine" I spoke as Mitsuhude laughed slightly. "You saved his girlfriend, no chance he won't reward you" he soon explained as Prince Zen glared toward him.

"Zen you have to hear the stories of the Great Four Dragons that Yona knows" Shirayuki soon spoke sounding excited as Prince Zen smiled toward her. I saw the way he looked at her. It was easy to see they really was in love with each other. "We should return to the castle myself and my brother want to know anything you can think of about these kidnappers" Prince Zen soon spoke as I turned my head seeing something move past the window. I grabbed my bow, pulling it off my shoulder.

"They are here" I spoke getting ready to draw an arrow as Shirayuki was close to both Prince Zen and Mitsuhude. Obi was not far from myself. "This place is the busiest in the town, how much balls they got?" Obi asked pulling out sharp metal arrows as my mind went to Jae-Ha when seeing them. That made my mind think about him. He got hurt when I was grabbed. I was worried for him and the others. I was hoping they was alright. I was hoping that they would be here soon and we could all return home.

That we could go back to stopping a real war between Kingdoms. "We move toward the castle, Shirayuki don't leave my side" Prince Zen spoke sounding like a true leader as I grabbed an arrow fast and turned around just having a feeling as I shot someone through a window who was aiming their own bow toward the Prince. "They are attacking" I spoke loudly as many men inside the inn were getting their own weapons as some of the bounty hunters from before hand were coming into the inn.

"I had it with these guys" I muttered as I moved fast drawing my arrows and shooting while Prince Zen was defending Shirayuki with his sword. His style in fighting was different to what I knew and had seen. It was different and very powerful as he had Mitsuhude and Obi protecting himself and Shirayuki also. "Why are they even after us?" Shirayuki asked sounding in worry as I knew that tone of voice. She wasn't worried for herself, she was worried for the others around her. I knew that tone of voice too well. I myself had it, at times I still did. 

I went to shoot another arrow as something cut me through the back. "YONA!" I heard Shirayuki shout in pure worry and fear as I knew the sharp pain and stinging feeling. I was hissing in pain but turned around stealing a sword someone had and I had cut down the man that had cut my back. My right shoulder in worse pain than before. I felt sweat build up on my face as I was breathing heavy. "This is nothing to what I have been through" I whispered as I put the sword down fast and reequipped my bow.

I saw the back way looking clear to get out but it felt too clear. "Go through the front" I spoke to the others as Prince Zen agreed, grabbing Shirayuki's hand as he took her ahead as I followed shooting along with Obi and Mitsuhude. Many had joined our fight and were shouting about 'protecting the prince' when he wasn't even the target. Once outside I saw the guard Kiki cut around five men down to the ground blood only over her sword and bottoms. "More went toward the back entrance of the inn" Kiki informed us.

As I thought. Hak taught me well. I soon noticed a ship not far from port as my eyes widen with a smile. "Gi-Gan and the Awa Pirates" I spoke rushing toward the port getting the others to shout my name. I was in great pain but soon as I got there a hint of black was seen toward the ship with some blue. I knew that was Hak. "YONA BEHIND YOU" I heard Shirayuki's voice stand out as I turned around to have a sword at my neck by a bandit. "You killed my brother bitch" he snapped in rage as I was holding a arrow.

I was glaring toward him. "You harmed my friends and family" I spoke back in rage as he looked in fear his hand holding the sword was shaking as he ended up dropping it and fell backwards onto the ground look scared. "I am sorry for being pushed to do so. I do hope your brother didn't suffer" I then spoke putting my arrow away and my new bow on my shoulder as I picked up the sword he had dropped. "Please leave, you are young around my own age, you shouldn't die also" I then spoke as he was in shock.

Prince Zen, Shirayuki, Obi, Mitsuhude and Kiki rushed over as guards were showing up. "Your back is in a mess, you are going pale. We need to get you to a doctors or the castle" Shirayuki spoke worried as I gave her a smile, forcing it on my face with the pain. "Yoon will heal it up again" I spoke falling forwards into Obi's arms as he caught me. "Yona" Shirayuki spoke loudly and worried as my breath was getting heavy. "Gi-Gan brought them here. I should of guessed that" I whispered to myself getting the others more confused.

"Please I have to wait for them here" I then begged looking toward Shirayuki who looked at me in some shock as at that moment I swore her green eyes gave off a glow as she looked toward Kiki. "The herb store is near by please rush there and ask for treatment six from me" Shirayuki spoke shocking the four people around the two of us red heads. "She needs her family as much as a doctor and lucky for everyone here. I am one" Shirayuki undid some ribbon around her wrist and put her hair up.

Kiki ran off without even getting permission from the Prince. "Obi, Zen, Mitsuhude please keep them busy" Shirayuki begged as Obi placed me on the ground as Shirayuki was next to my side on her knees checking how deep the cut was. It wasn't as painful as the one I had before hand meaning it wasn't as bad as that. "Lucky it ain't deep, they really want us alive" Shirayuki spoke as Obi, Prince Zen and Mitsuhude were keeping some of the kidnappers away. 

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