~Chapter 17~

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Shirayuki's Pov, 
Still In Clarines Kingdom,

Once we heard the information that Kiki had we was in all so much shock. "The red moon is in some days meaning more of a force will be thrown toward us" I spoke worried for anyone else who wanted to keep us safe. "After that they should leave us alone, Hak how many attacks you think can be more deadly?" Yona asked as she had asked for a map of the town. Kiki got the guards to get her one as we was all outside the castle talking still. Hak was looking through the map thinking.

"They would be in places less people would visit putting our own hiding a pain in the ass. We could move around to the snowy looking Kingdom near by, it could slow them down while we will be able to move around easy well other than you Yona" Hak then spoke looking toward Yona who was in deep thought. "That is Lyrias, I know the country very well and been there myself" I informed them as Hak was liking his own idea even more as Yona was now looking toward the sky thinking.

Something was on her mind other than this plan. I had a feeling it involved Soo-Won. "I have a feeling they want that" Yona then mumbled looking toward the map. "They are pushing us up the country" Yona then spoke putting a finger to the island and then where we was now. From her point it looked true. It looked like they truly looked that way. The wind started to blow as Yona then looked toward Kiki. "We need a place away from others but not to far from a town for food" Yona spoke as Kiki smirked slightly.

"I know the perfect place. Shirayuki remember where we met?" Kiki asked as I was shocked but smiled right away nodding with a 'mhmm' with it. "We should leave soon as your friends returned" Kiki then spoke as Hak was looking toward the map still. He was studying parts over and over again. "We would basically be in Tanbarun, should I contact Raji?" I asked as I knew this in a way was a visit to my birth home. The town I hadn't been in for many months and nearly a whole year. "No we be on down low, Zen will most likely come along also" Kiki then spoke.

"I don't like the idea of leaving Soo-Won alone with your King or Prince" Yona soon spoke as I saw pain, suffering and guilt in her own eyes. The pain was real and extreme. "May I know why?" Kiki soon asked crossing her arms and closing her eyes as Yona looked toward Kija and Zeno who both looked away with pity in their own eyes. "Soo-Won killed the past King to gain the throne" Yona informed us getting me and Kiki to freeze up and stare toward Yona in pure shocked and horror. "He won't hurt the King or Prince, I-I just can't trust him" she then added looking toward the ground.

I walked over to her right away, grabbing her hands without even thinking as she looked toward me. "I know you are hiding back because of the pain he must of brought you but Izana can handle anyone" I informed Yona as she smiled toward me with some hope and joy in her eyes but the pain and suffering were still there. Her mind on what else this so called 'King' had done to her. "I and Shin-Ah can watch Soo-Won" Zeno offered shocking Yona as she looked toward him. "I see you are worried about it Miss. Zeno wants you on full guard" Zeno then smiled brightly toward the two of us.

"Thank you Zeno" Yona spoke as Shin-Ah was soon returned and whispered to me and Yona that Jae-Ha was helping Yoon with carrying things. I soon asked him with watching Zeno and Soo-Won as he agreed smiling toward Yona as she smiled back. "Thank you both. Really" Yona spoke as Zeno came over hugging Yona once more before Kiki took Shin-Ah and Zeno into the castle. "Hak, did you ask Soo-Won to come?" Yona soon asked not even facing Hak as she was scared that Hak would trust Soo-Won.

"No he forced us to let him come along. If it was me, I would of killed him on spot" Hak answered with honest truth shocking me as Yona nodded as she came over grabbing my hands. "I know I trust you so would you hear my story?" Yona asked shocking me but I nodded. My eyes had widen when I did hear her story. I was in pure shock, horror and rage hearing about everything she and Hak had went through but at the end Yona was smiling toward me. "I am glad in a way Soo-Won cast me out" Yona then shocked us all.

"Thanks to that. I gained a family that I can protect" Yona then added as my eyes were watering from the heart breaking story as I pulled her into a hug. "No one should go through all that Yona. You are so strong" I whispered as Yona hugged back as I was crying slightly. "It is thanks to Hak that I am so strong. It is thanks to the dragons I had to strength to even carry on and hold onto a light that stopped me from turning into some killer wanting a throne" Yona spoke, speaking from her heart.

We both pulled away from the hug, us both holding hands now. "Now you have me too. I won't let you be alone with that thing who calls himself King. A King should care for his people. ALL of them not just the mayor part" I then spoke as Yona was smiling even more her eyes watered slightly as Hak was smiling toward us both. Kiki got back near sunset along with Jae-Ha and Yoon. After that we all headed off toward the Tanbarun Kingdom. On the way I told Yona my own story on how I became the person I was like she had trusted with me.

Yona ended up wanting to kill Raji but then I got to the point where he changed making her calm. Kija, Jae-Ha and Kiki were teasing Hak from what I picked up on as I was wondering on how wise that was. Yona's stories he could keep up with the dragons, he had to of been the most deadliest person in any country.

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