~Chapter 11~

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In The Kingdom Of Clarines,
Yona's Pov,

I woke up to see myself in a unknown room as I sat up in pure pain as I flinched and hissed. I saw that there was bandages over my arms and I was wearing different clothing as I turned my head to see a girl with red hair like mine looking toward me in shock. "You are alright now right? I was thrown in this room by some guys in red and saw you hurt, there was herbs around to help out" she asked sounding worried really for me as some reason I felt as if I could trust this unknown girl as I put a small smile on.

"I am fine, thank you for helping me" I replied as I turned my head to see my normal clothing and holster of arrows. The holster was fixed as I got up and walked over to my clothes. "My name is Yona" I informed the unknown as I turned my head to see her getting on her own feet and smiled toward me. "I am Shirayuki" she replied as I smiled now knowing her name as I got changed fast. The back of my right shoulder was killing me as Shirayuki ended up needing to help me get changed and put my arrow holster back on.

"Where is the bow?" Shirayuki then asked as I looked away ashamed. "I dropped it when I was kidnapped" I answered as she nodded sadly as she then walked over to a small bag that matched her outfit was. "I got only some herbs left but if I mix them together with a arrow feather and use the arrow to cut them up we could use them as a smoke bomb type that could paralyzed these people" Shirayuki soon spoke thinking fast on a plan as I walked over pulling a arrow out of my holster and passed it to her.

"How long we got while they are down?" I asked stretching my arm as Shirayuki started thinking. "I don't have much maybe around two minuets or less" Shirayuki then answered as I nodded as she took the arrow and started her plan as I looked around the room for any weak points. This place reminded me of when I meet Yoon. "This is where Yoon would be handy" I whispered quietly as I was glad Shirayuki didn't hear. It was too long of a story to explain and we had to get out of here. I soon heard men outside the doors of the room.

I pulled out another arrow getting ready to fight. I had only just started training in blades, swords, daggers and so on, I wasn't the best with fighting with them. Hak trained me with the bow first as he always thought I would be with his side so I didn't have to fight in a close battle. I had done so a couple of times and got hurt badly myself each time. I knew I had to push forward with the back of my right shoulder still in pain. "I am nearly one" Shirayuki whispered to me as I moved to the door, and leaned on the wall next to it. 

I had to by time if I had to. I knew the only way out was to work together with this Shirayuki and some reason I just felt as if I could trust her. My first thought at the time was because of the hair. "That Thunder Beast is already on his way to our country, we must move bases before Prince Zen comes also" I heard the men on the other side of the door as soon as the name 'Zen' was spoken, Shirayuki froze up slightly. I knew Thunder Beast meant Hak, this Prince Zen must of been the person who cared and watched for Shirayuki. 

"Hurry" I whispered as she snapped back and got back to work and started to rush even more as I heard them unlocking the door. The arrow was in my right hand, my grip being tight. I was taking a quick breath as they soon stopped before fully unlocking as I then heard shouting before the sounds of swords clashing. "Ready" Shirayuki spoke holding a pouch as she was coming over to me. "Stay behind me" I looked toward her as she nodded as I knew the door was half way of becoming unlocked. It was old and seemed to be a normal lock on the other side.

I kicked the door hard bursting it open as I moved forward. I turned my head to see Shirayuki staying close behind as I was forced to stop to see men like the ones that attacked Soo-Won, Algira and Vold. "Seems two sets of kidnappers" I mumbled as I moved forward ducking under their swords and ended up cutting their necks like the unknown cult looking people at the boats. "Shirayuki behind you" I spoke fast as she turned around to see a guy about to grab her until she stabbed him in the side with the arrow I had given her before.

I moved over to her side and grabbed her hand with my free one as I ran ahead, pulling her along with me. I was glad to know she wouldn't get frozen when scared like I had done when Soo-Won killed my father. "To the left, I know this place" Shirayuki spoke as I was confused but listened to make us head up some stairs. It sounded as most of the fights with the two unknown set of kidnappers was downstairs as Shirayuki took me to a unlocked window. "This place is in middle of an island. Most people know it as, The Mountains as well that is really mostly that is here" Shirayuki informed me as I nodded.

"Can you jump?" I asked as she nodded soon some of the guys in red was behind us. Shirayuki threw the pouch at them a mist of the herbs and flowers making them cough and fall to the ground within seconds as I left go of her hand and jumped out the window first. I was used to much of Hak and the other being there to catch me but I was able to land on my feet as Shirayuki joined and landed on her feet getting to wobble while doing so as I helped her stand straight. She thanked me as it was daylight.

"The boat, if we hurry we got a way out of here" Shirayuki soon spoke rushing ahead with myself following as it wasn't long until I heard others following. "I need my bow" I mumbled annoyed as I wished I took Jae-Ha's offer in learning to throw daggers and even arrow heads. "There it is" Shirayuki spoke as I soon saw a boat at a dock. Many people there also as it looked like they was boarding. We started to speed up our pace as I saw someone rushing in fast to grab Shirayuki as I moved forward more pushing her head.

It pushed her to the ground but I ended up being the one grabbed. "Got one of you" he spoke as he looked like a normal paid bounty hunter. He had both my arms as I was struggling. "Go, get out of here" I nearly shouted to Shirayuki who was looking toward me in shock as I ended up learning my lessons from Zeno and Kija as I ended up kicking the unknown in the gut getting him to let me go. Shirayuki got on her feet as she grabbed my hand and started running ahead once more, dragging me along this time.

She didn't leave without me, like I had ordered in a way. I was in shock but it proved me right in trusting her.

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