~Chapter 20~

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Some Hours Later, 
Zen's Pov,

The attackers soon left, most where dead all around us as Hak and Jae-Ha never returned. We all was heading East like they had done so. I was carrying Shirayuki on my back as she wanted to come along also. I couldn't say no to her when she started crying. "You should be able to move in an hour or so" Yoon spoke as Shirayuki nodded as I was giving her a piggy back ride in a way. Her head was snuggled into my shoulder as I was struggling to hold back a blush. Kiki and Mitsuhude were smirking at me.

"Why do they want you guys so bad is the question" Yoon sighed trying to think. "He said something about a temple" Yoon then mumbled as Mitsuhude looked as if he had an idea but was thinking on it. Kiki raised an eyebrow at him as Kija and Obi were helping each other with staying on their feet. "There is a temple in the border line near the mountains, we are heading the right way toward it" Mitsuhude soon informed the rest of us as we all were unsure to be more worried or not.

We soon came across Hak and Jae-Ha who were out cold on the ground both looked fine just asleep. Yoon was helping them as Shirayuki was trying to get off my back but I wasn't letting her down or getting to work. "You need rest too" I turned my head to look a her as the wind blew slightly her eyes had pure guilt in them. "Yona picked to help me over herself and now she is in deep trouble again" Shirayuki whispered her hands on my shoulders as her hands were gripping my clothes as her eyes were watering.

"Yona always does things like that" Kija spoke smiling at some memories getting our attention. "She held back the parts of where she nearly died. She always picked to protect others and anyone who needs it over herself like a true leader and would kill anyone who threatened the ones she loves" Kija then explained as my eyes widen slightly remembering the young boy's words about the 'Great Dragon'. I was worried even more for Yona. Yoon soon had Hak and Jae-Ha waking up confused on what happened.

They explained one second they went to attack someone who was holding Yona and then someone else showed up with a symbol the cultist had on a sword then they was blacked out. "We should head for the temple. If we hurry we can get there by tomorrow by sadly around sunset" Kiki spoke as I made Obi send a message to my brother Izana and to ask for help if he can get there in time. I never thought I would ask my brother for help in my life. "Shirayuki you should head back to the castle" Mitsuhude spoke.

"No, she saved me two more times now. I am not leaving her to suffer" Shirayuki replied with pure passion and fire in her. Something that got me to like her even faster. Her passion. Once she wanted to do something she would do it. She would climb the rocky and high roads and reach where she wanted to go. She always did. No matter how long it too she got there. We headed off walking toward the temple with Mitsuhude leading the way. Yoon was being the head Pharmacist for this moment with helping the others.

Hak was silent through the whole trip as Kiki informed me quietly he and Yona were a couple. I understood his pain in worrying for a red head. Shirayuki always found trouble or trouble always found her. We all headed toward the temple hoping that Yona was alright.

Red Here!

Hey everyone. Sorry chapter so short but might be a longer chapter next or in the future <3

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