~The End~

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Yona's Pov, 

Shirayuki's eyes were glowing as I knew mine had to of been as we rushed to the side of the canyon. "There" Shirayuki pointed out the crystal covered in blood as saw the canyon was very deep. "Need a lift?" Jae-Ha asked as I turned around to see him standing there with the three other dragons. I smiled toward them. "I will need all of you for this" I then spoke as Yoon was helping Zeno over as he was fully healed once he was. Jae-Ha picked me up in a bridal hold while Kija then picked Shirayuki. 

We all then jumped down to the bottom of the canyon. Jae-Ha place me down as Kija placed Shirayuki down. Shin-Ah ended up helping Zeno down as Yoon shouted he was to help the hurt soldiers. "What's the plan?" Jae-Ha asked as I walked forward looking toward the crystal in front of me. "We destroy the outer layer and then heal the inner one" I turned my head to the others who all smirked and nodded. Jae-Ha pulled out his throwing knifes, Kija made his hand grow and Shin-Ah pulled out his sword. 

"Zeno I need you on shield is that alright?" I then asked as Zeno nodded smiling and gave me a thumbs up. "Shirayuki our job is to heal it as fast as we can" I informed her offering my hand once more as she took it smiling toward me with full confidence. A lot more than I had. "Understood" she replied as the guys were starting to crack the crystal as I heard the Blood Dragon roar once more loudly to shake the ground. "We can't let go of each other once we start, it will be up to you guys to make sure we don't" I then spoke to the Four Dragon who all replied with a 'HAI' loudly as they destroyed the top layer.

It was pure dark red as Shirayuki and I stepped forward moving our hands that were connect toward the crystal as we closed our eyes. "Don't give into the darkness" I and Shirayuki spoke at the same time as once my eyes were closed all I saw was Soo-Won killing my father in front of me and then chasing me out the castle just to kill me. I was forced to rewatch it over and over again. The pure fear inside of me getting me to shake slightly as soon it looked as if Hak was in the corner of the memory smiling toward me with the others.

I saw them smiling as my mind focused on them. "We believe in you Yona!" they shouted their voices echoing around my mind as I knew that I had them to pick me up whenever I fell down. I knew I could trust and believe in them. I was going to and I wasn't going to fail. I couldn't fail. I pushed forward remembering King Hiryuu's words from before. I couldn't let my feelings about Soo-Won push me down. I had to push forward for the others. If I was unable to do so, the Blood Dragon would kill them all. Kill the ones I loved.

With that second I was able to open my eyes to see rain starting to fall as my friends were fighting the Dragon itself as Zen and Hak were with them. Both looked hurt as I was in shock to see Hak holding Soo-Won's or should I say My Fathers sword. The sword of the King. My father never touched that sword once. He hated it but always spoke about having it for his own father's memory. I saw Shirayuki's eyes were closed as some sweat was going down her face. "You got this Shirayuki" I spoke as the crystal was starting to turn green. I smiled seeing so as I knew this was up to Shirayuki.

My hand holding hers was letting her use my own power as a dragon to heal the crystal. It wasn't me who had to fight it was her. I had to help her. I was going to. "YOU LOT BE CAREFUL" I shouted to the boys as Hak turned his head looking toward me in relief as he then smirked and nodded making me smile even more. Shirayuki started to open her eyes as her hand that was connected to mine was shaking. "You are stronger than you give yourself Shirayuki" I spoke getting her to look toward me. She was slightly worried.

"You have the power not me. I am here to help you out" I then spoke as she smiled toward me and nodded looking toward the crystal her eyes glowing as I saw the crystal glow bright green pulling me and Shirayuki toward it in a force. A light came out of it as it hit the Blood Dragon sucking it into the canyon on top of us. "YONA!/SHIRAYUKI!" we heard everyone shout as everything went black. When my eyes opened the Dragon and crystal was gone. Where the crystal stood was a puddle of clear blue from the rain as Shirayuki was laying opposite to me.

She smiled toward me as I was in shock as red and purple flowers were growing around and all over the canyon floor. "We did it" Shirayuki spoke weakly as a smile grew onto my own face. "Yeah we did" I replied as we reached out hands toward each other getting them to touch. "The Red Dragon" Shirayuki whispered. "Healing Queen" I whispered back as our eyes gave as glow as I heard Hak shouting my name as Zen shouted Shirayuki's. Both our eyes closed as we both fell into a peaceful sleep.

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