Chapter 4

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Lucy ran over to the pond with the little white owl safely in her arms. Once there, Lucy examined the owl only to find the only injury was the arrow. "Aww, poor thing" Lucy whispered to herself, while snapping the wooden arrow in half. The owl have put a cry that almost sounded, well... human. That can't be right, Lucy though. The blond haired women ripped off a long strip of the hem of her dress. Then after pulling out the half of the arrow that was stuck in the owl's wing, Lucy then wrapped up the little owl's wing with the ripped off piece of cloth, the blood being soaked up and showing through the makeshift bandage. Now all she had to do was wait for the little owl to wake up, if she ever did anyway. Don't you dare think like that! This little owl will make it, Lucy thought determinedly as she waited.


After what felt like almost half the night to Lucy, the white owl started to stir from her peaceful sleep. Opening its eyes, the owl immediately staggered back at the sight of a human. "Please don't hurt me! I don't even taste that good!" the owl pleaded, it's fearful voice sounded of that if a kind child. "You can talk?!" Lucy said, more surprised than any other emotion she felt right now. "Well if course I can, I'm actually originally human!" the owl explained. "Really?" Lucy asked, slowly walking back towards the owl. No, child really. "Yeah. But, how did I end up here? The last thing I remember was getting chased by a hunter," the child told Lucy. "Well, actually, you crash landed here, and you had an arrow through your wing. So I patched you, see?" Lucy explained, pointing out the bandages wing. The owl child looked down to her wings. Lucy was proved right. "Thank you! I'm Wendy Marvell!" the white owl said, holding out her claw for a handshake, which Lucy gladly took. "I'm Lucy Heartfilia. So, how did you end up as an owl?" Lucy asked Wendy. "Well, I was a protector if my city, the most powerful one actually. I was a Sky Dragon Slayer, and I took my job seriously because the City I was protecting was Crocus, the capital of my kingdom. And at least once a week I had to stop gun or drug dealer's, but the toughest were the spies that worked for the enemies of the kingdom," Wendy explained as she to tear up. When Lucy was about to tell Wendy she didn't have to continue, Wendy went on with the story. "Then one day, a group of wizards just comes in to the capital. No warnings, no announcement, nothing. They just attacked, so I defended the city as best as I could. But it wasn't enough, and i got cursed. Ever since then I had been trying to find a way back to normal" Wendy said, trying to hold back the tears. "Don't worry Wendy, I'll help you. It'll be ok!" Lucy said, trying to comfort the girl. Though, she didn't really know how. She's been pretty much by herself for the past five months, and Mard Geer only came to her once or twice a day, or night. "I'll tell you what, how about we help each other out? I may not look like it, but I'm under a spell too" Lucy told Wendy, who seemed to calm down. After a year of flying around and dodging arrows, magic, and other hunting tools, it felt nice to meet someone who sort of knew what she was going through. "Really? How? Your human right now" Wendy pointed out, her hopes dropping once she realized this. "Sure, I'm human now, but I won't be for much longer," Lucy said looking up at the starry night sky, the moon was half full and near the ground. Almost time. "In fact, it'll be about ten to twenty minutes now" Lucy said, eyeing the moon as it dipped closer and and closer to the ground where it would disappear for the rest of the day.


"Wow... you got a way better transformation than me!" Wendy exclaimed looking at a newly transformed fire phoenix Lucy. "Yeah, I guess. But it's painful as heck!" Lucy told Wendy stretching her wings. "Now I have to try to fly" Lucy said to herself. In the five months she's been stuck here, Lucy still hasn't learn how to fly properly for more then barely a minute. "Oh! I could help you!" Wensy offered, raising her non injured wing. "Thank Mavis! That would be great!" Lucy exclaimed as she gave the little owl girl a hug. We'll both be ok, we'll get through this!, Wendy thought as she pulled away from Lucy's hug. "Now, let's start with learning about the important parts of flying," Wendy started to explain to the fire phoenix.

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