Chapter 10

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"Wow Natsu! You don't look half bad" Happy said as he watched as the pink haired man walk out of his closet in his new suit for the ball his mother had planned. The shirt was a pure white button up, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and of course his white cream colored scarf. Over the shirt was a gray vest with golden buttons, and he wore black dress pants that matched his shoes well. Happy even helped out with his rose pink hair, making it softer and more shiny but still have the usual messy look to it. Natsu walked over looked at himself in front the mirror on top of his dresser. And he had to admit, he didn't look half bad. "Well I could say the same about too" Natsu said to the blue exeed. Happy's idea of formal attire was taking off his tie up back pack and wearing a bow tie and a navy blue jacket. They both looked pretty good. True, they wouldn't be as formally dress as the other royals, but all Erza cared about was that they were there and that the pair looked presentable for the ball. Besides, Natsu was most likely to start a fight with someone, so she tried not to have his suit be too nice. "Well, we should get going. We don't want to be late" Natsu said as he walked out of his room, Happy following him and closing the door behind him. Natsu's foot steps echoed in the stone hallway, with Happy sitting on on his pink hair. "So, what do you think Lucy is doing right now?" Happy asked, looking kind of sad at the thought of Lucy still stuck at the secret castle. "I don't know, but that Mard Geer guy better stay away from her. Or else he'll have to deal with me" Natsu said, looking mad. Well, he'll have to deal with me anyway, since I have to save Lucy, Natsu thought angrily. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Natsu yelled out, armes flaring out as he crashed down face first on the floor. Sitting up, Natsu looked behind him to see a small fish on the ground by his feet. Happy, who had fallen besides the fire dragon's head. "Sorry, it fell out of my jacket" Happy said with a guilty face. "It's fine" Natsu said standing up and walking the rest of the way there. When they came to the grand doors of the ballroom, they stopped for a few seconds to straighten their clothes out before stepping into the ballroom. The ballroom was huge, with a high dome ceiling that was a cream color with golden edges and held a massive chandelier that sparkled with lacrima and soft candle light. On one wall was a normal plain wall, while the other was made of glass which lead to the royal garden. "Natsu! Happy! There you are, I thought you weren't coming for a second" Erza said, wearing a red and silver ball gown that hugged her curves while still having a bit of poof to it. She walked over to her son and gave him a small hug. "At first I thought I thought the both of you snuck out on me" the scarlet haired queen whispered loud enough so that only the dragon slayer and talking cat could hear her. "Not tonight Mom. Just didn't make me dance with some girl and we're ok!" Natsu exclaimed putting his hands on his hips and putting on a smile. "Well, at least talk to someone for me" Erza said as she walked of, gesturing him to follow her. "Who?" Natsu asked, walking past the guest as he followed the queen. "Prince Gray. Remember him? You two were childhood friends" Erza said simply looking back behind her, not noticing the look of pure shock on her son's face.


"What do you think Natsu is doing right now?" Lucy asked, lying on a rock with Wendy. They were star gazing at the moonless sky, the one night sky she dreaded the most. They had been talking about just life in general, asking questions and laughing. "Probably at the ball he mentioned yesterday" Wendy replied, facing to the sky. "I know that, I mean what do you think he's doing at the ball" Lucy said, explaining her previous question she had asked. "Well, he's probably talking to people he knows, trying the food there, or maybe he's dancing" Wendy said calmly while rubbing her eyes with her good wing. "With another girl?" Lucy asked quietly, but not quiet enough to where the little blue winged owl couldn't hear the sadness in her voice voice. "Lucy, I don't think you have anything to worry about. I mean, he spent five months looking for you. That's way longer than anyone spent looking for me" Wendy said, looking down at her claws. "Aww, Wendy. You know what? I bet there's some still looking for you out there. Who knows, maybe they know your alive with every fiber of their being" Lucy said, giving the child a bright smile, hoping it would lift her spirits. "Really? You think so?" Wendy asked, looking hopeful. "Nope. I don't think so," Lucy said with a straight face, causing Wendy to lose that hopeful look in her brown eyes. "I know so! One hundred percent" the reddish gold phoenix said, putting on her bright smile back on. "Thanks Lucy! You always know what to say!" Wendy exclaimed with a happy smile, hugging the phoenix to show her appreciation. The hug surprised Lucy a bit, she wasn't expecting a hug. She hadn't had one in Mavis knows how long, but it felt nice and she soon sweetly hugged the owl back with a soft hug. "Thanks Wendy" Lucy said, gazing at the stars.


"Shut up ice princess! Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" Natsu yelled as he fought a shirtless Gray, who looked just as angry as Natsu. "Why should I when I know you're wrong pyro! Ice Make Hammer!" Gray yelled back. Gray Fullbuster had black hair and pale skin, along with cold but kind onyx eyes. But what he was best known for was unconsciously taking off his clothes at the most random times. Despite what Erza thought, Natsu and Gray were not best friends. They were the exact opposite, enemies since the beginning of time itself. But they did get along from time to time. And by time to time, I mean it was a very rare occurrence for them to truly get along with one and other. "WHy am I always wrong?! What if your wrong this time?!" Natsu said, his fiery fist colliding with the giant ice hammer Gray had formed with his magic. Meanwhile, tables were turned over, shielding the guests of the ball. Happy and Erza had been taking cover for about an hour at the most, playing cards while everyone was hiding, scared for their lives. "That's it. I can't take it any more! All I wanted was a nice night..." Erza mumbled to herself as she walk out onto the battlefield. "If you two don't stop right now, I'll have no choice but to end this fight myself!" erza said, using her strict mother voice. At that moment, all the servants knew exactly what was going to happen. "SHUT UP!" both Natsu and Gray yelled, not at all realizing who they were dealing with as they both directed their strongest attacks at the person who interrupted their fight. Just as they were mere inches away from Erza, she easily punched them down onto the ground, creating a crater of polished rubble in the dance floor, Natsu and Gray down for the count. All while having her eyes closed, barley using her strength, and not an ounce of magic energy. "Everyone can go home now. And I suggest you do so quick. I hope you enjoyed the ball" Erza said, her eyes still closed with a small smile on her face.

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