Chapter 11

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When Lucy woke up, her brown eyes fluttered open to see the morning sunrise. The sky was a cascade of lavender purple, hot pink, and a fiery orange which was breathtaking against the white clouds. The way that it all reflected off the surface of the water was even more beautiful. Standing up on her claws, the golden red phoenix took notice of the blue winged owl that was peacefully asleep on the ground. Poor Wendy. She doesn't deserve what's happened to her. She's just a kid, too young to go through all this, Lucy thought sadly as she looked at Wendy's sleeping form. As she did, Wendy ever so slowly, began to stir, signalling that she was waking up from her sleep. "Morning Lucy. How did you sleep?" Wendy asked, slowly stretching due to her injury. Lucy's eyes widened to the size of the moon itself. Her owl friend's head was full of feathers that were out of place, sticking up, down, left, right, just everywhere in every direction humanly possibly. "I slept pretty good, but you got a pretty bad case of the bed head!" Lucy laughed, pointing at her friend's head. "Huh?" Wendy said before standing up and walking over to the water to see her monstrous mass of feathers. "What the heck happened to my hair?!" Wendy exclaimed, surprised by the sight of her feathers. "Haha! Feathers. Not hair, feathers. And I don't know, but it's hilarious! Hahaha!" Lucy laughed, she laughed so hard, she thought that she was starting to tear up. "Lucy, this is no laughing matter! This needs help A.S.A.P" Wendy said, pointing at her horrible bed head with a talon. "No offence Wendy, but it's beyond help!" Lucy said giggling. "PLEASE!" Wendy yelled, desperately pleading with the phoenix. "Alright, but keep it down. You don't want to wake up the demon do you?" Lucy asked as she walked over to the owl and sat behind her. "No" Wendy said quietly as she sat down so Lucy could help her dilemma. No, I definitely don't want to do that. Who knows what would happen to either of us. Wait, where is Mard Geer? He didn't come by last night, Wendy thought as she began to become worried at her new observation. "Hey Lucy, did you notice that Mard Geer didn't show up last night?" Wendy asked Lucy. The red gold phoenix slowed down on fixing Wendy's hair and thought about what Wendy said. Her eyes widened as she realized the little blue winged owl was right. For once the raven haired demon didn't show up for his nightly question. "Now that you mention it, he didn't" Lucy answered, stopping her ministrations on the feathers, which have been partially tamed with the help if Lucy. "Do you think it has something to do with Natsu coming here? I mean, Mard Geer didn't ask you to marry him the night after Natsu came here" Wendy said, thinking aloud. I really hope that's not the reason, Wendy thought. Lucy started to work on the owls hair again, wetting one of her claws in the pond and brushing down the jungle of bed head. "No, I don't think so. Demons don't have heightened senses. At least, not nearly as well as a dragon slayer" Lucy explained assuring Wendy and herself that this was just a random coincidence. But she couldn't shake off that bad feeling she had. Why didn't the Underworld King come by like he had every night for five months? Did he have some new twisted plan? If he did, what was it? "Lucy!" Wendy exclaimed, gaining Lucy's attention and tearing her away from her thoughts. The owl had tried to get Lucy's attention at least five seven times now. "Huh? What?" Lucy said, kind of surprises a little bit. "Your claw is stuck in my feathers and it hurts!" the blue winged owl exclaimed.


"So let me get this straight. You tow were fighting over who was a better and stronger mage?!" Erza exclaimed, hands on hips while Natsu and Gray were sitting criss cross next to each other with their hands on there ankles.

"Sound about right"


"Could be changed just a little..."

"What am I going to do with you two" Erza said rubbing the bridge of her nose. True, they used to fight as children, when Gray's mother Ur, before she died, and brother Lyon came to her castle for meets and relaxation time. But she never thought they would fight like this. Especially at a ball. The scarlet haired queen took in a deep breath before speaking again. "I'm sorry Prince Gray, but you'll have to stay here for a about week due to the great distance between our two kingdoms" Erza said. "No offence, but can't I just borrow a ship and got to my kingdom" Gray said standing up. "Geez, put some clothes on stripper" Natsu said causing Gray to look down and find that his shirt and pants had gone missing. "Oh come on!" Gray exclaimed as he began to look around for his missing clothes. "I'm sorry, but I can't do that. All of the royal ships have already set sail and won't be back for a while, and the only ones left are the armada" Erza explained as Gray picked up his clothes off the ground. "It's alright. I understand" Gray said with a calm straight face. Erza let herself smile a bit. "Good. Now get dressed please" Erza said before walking away so she could go take care of the "small" mess in the grand ballroom. When Erza left, Gray started to quickly get dressed, not want wanting any of the castle staff to see him like this. "Hey Natsu, where you going?" Gray asked when he saw Natsu leaving the room they were in. "I'm going to my room? What's it look like?" Natsu answered as he continued his way down the stone hallway that would lead to his room. When he opened his door, Natsu saw that Happy had the bags all packed for the trip. "You got everything Happy?" Natsu asked the blue exeed. "Yeah. Mira came by about two hours ago and dropped this off. Said it was for Lucy" Happy said handing Natsu a box. On it was an envelope, which he openes to find a note.

Hey Natsu! Happy told me about your trip to see Lucy. So I made her a small gift in my spare time, I think you'll know what's it's for! Wish you luck.


Natsu put the note back into the envelope and opened the box. Inside was a brown leather belt with a pouch to hold her celestial keys. It was perfect for her, he knew she would love it. "What is it?" Happy asked as he packed a fish into his bag. "A belt" Natsu said as he took the belt out of the box and carefully took out Lucy's celestial keys and put them in the pouch on Lucy's new belt. "Well put it in the bag, we gotta go" Happy said as he latched himself onto Natsu's back and his wings appeared. Natsu pit the gift into his bag and Happy flew them out the window and into the sky.

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