Chapter 13

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"So what you're saying is you want me to finally fight him!" Natsu said with crazed eyes and insane smile, as he lit up his fists and started to pop his knuckles. "NO! That's not what I'm saying at all! How did you even get that from what I just told you?"Lucy exclaimed. The blond haired celestial mage and little white blue winged owl had just gotten done with explaining to Natsu and Happy what they had been worried about. The two girls thought the fire dragon slayer and blue exeed would at least act more serious about it, but apparently not. "Besides, I don't think you can just fight him Natsu, you haven't felt the amount of magical power he gives off. It practically radiates off him" Lucy said, wearing a extremely worried expression on her face. Happy flew up to Lucy and hugged her around her torso, hoping to make her feel better. "Don't worry Lucy, I bet Natsu can still knock his socks off any day!" Happy said with a fierce look on his face. "Haha, I hope so" Lucy said with a small smile, laughing at Happy's happy attitude towards the situation. "Hey! What do you mean you hope so! Don't you mean you know so?!" Natsu exclaimed as his lover's words rang through his head. "Mmmmmmm, no. It's hope. Hahaha!" Lucy told the pink haired man, laughing at the hurt expression on his face. As Wendy and Happy saw this, the two soon joined Lucy in her laughter. Natsu growled a little at this, crossing his arms across his chest. To the fire dragon, this was not funny. As Lucy glanced up to look at Natsu, she wiped away a small tear that was building up in her brown doe eye. "Oh Natsu. I was only kidding" Lucy said as she placed a delicate hand on his broad shoulder, still giggling a bit. "Good. Cause your wearing white, and there's a pond right behind us" Natsu smirked at Lucy while pointing his thumb pointing at the clear moonlit pond. Lucy blushed a light shade of red while her eyes widened, clearly embarrassed by the pink haired man's words. "You baka! There's a child here!" Lucy yelled at Natsu, hitting him on the head and leaving a small bump right at the top. "Yeah Natsu!" Happy joined in. "Oh, not you too!" Natsu said, not wanting to belief that his friend was going against him on this. I was only kidding! I mean sure, it's a great idea and I would love to do it. Just in an another time, Natsu thought as he rubbed the bump on his head, quickly making it shrink back into his head. "Anywho, pretending that your comment never happened, I'm just worried that you won't be able to defeat Mard Geer on your own. Like I said, you can feel the magical energy radiate off him" Lucy said, looking Natsu right in the eye. "So, what you're saying, is that he'll need back up!" Wendy exclaimed, her eyes sparkling for an unknown reason. "Yeah, exactly! Natsu," Lucy said, turning to her pink haired lover, who turned his own head at the mention of his name. "Do you know anyone who could help us fight in your kingdom. I think that there was your Mom, that one guard named Sting, umm-" Lucy said, listing names from her memory before the fire dragon slayer covered Lucy's mouth, stopping her in her tracks. "No, not Sting! He ,uh, won't be strong enough!" Natsu quickly said, eliminating the high ranked guard from the list, as memories of Sting hitting on Lucy flooded his mind. "Oh, ok then. I know, what about Gray!" Lucy pointed out. "Mmmmmmm, yeah I guess" Natsu replied. Happy flew over while carefully carrying Wendy on his back, both wanting to be part of the two lovers conversation. "Plus I heard he got a crazy crazy amount of power, I think he's a Ice Demon Slayer now. So that would be perfect for this mission!" the blue exeed said, adding the new found information. "Great, now we know who should help, but how do we ask? I have a feeling that if Natsu explained all this to his Mother, he'd look crazy" Wendy added in. "Hmmm. What if I asked for help in person!" Lucy said, her eyes widening, and a smile spreading across her face. Wendy's mind caught up with what her friend was saying, and a fierce look took over face. "Then they would have no choice but to believe you! And we could finally take down Mard Geer once and for all!" the little white owl exclaimed. "Yeah! But how are we going to do that?" Lucy asked. "I know! I'll ask Mom if we can have another another ball tomorrow night!" Natsu suggested. "But we just had one Natsu" Happy said, his sounding like he was explaining a simple fact to an idiot. "One word. Cake" Natsu said. Happy's face looked like it was in deep thought for a moment before saying, "I guess you have a point there" with a small smile. "It's all planned then!" Wendy exclaimed. Lucy hugged Natsu, overjoyed that she was finally able to create a plan to take down her enemy. However, the moment was ruined by the blinding sunlight that shined in her eyes suddenly, causing her to gasp. "I'm sorry Natsu. I thought we had more time" Lucy said as she broke apart from Natsu. "What do yo-" Natsu started to say, but cut his sentence short when he saw the sunlight in Lucy's brown doe eyes. "Don't worry about the ball, I'll be there! Just get home safely, ok?" Lucy said as light started to engulfed her, soon shrinking smaller and smaller until it was only a bit bigger than Wendy herself. The leather belt that held her celestial spirit keys that she had held onto for the whole night, dropped to the ground. Natsu and Happy watched with wide eyes as the bright light vanished to reveal Lucy, but as the fire phoenix that lead them there to the abandoned castle in the first place. As Lucy stood up on her clawed legs, Natsu kneeled down in front of her. "Don't worry Luce, we'll change ya back" Natsu said, a kind smile on his lips. "Come on Natsu, we gotta go" Happy said as he latched himself to Natsu's back and slowly flew off. As Lucy watch Happy lift Natsu into the sky, the two lovers never broke eye contact until they were far far away from each other. And not one of them noticed the object in the shadows that smirked as he finally formed the perfect plan.

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