Chapter 14

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Mard Geer entered the abandoned castle, glad that his plan was all coming together perfectly. His plan to spy on the princess had paid off. What he had wished he'd known about was that prince, and how on earth he had missed his presence the other nights. Oh well, there was no use in worrying about now. It is quite fascinating that they think they can defeat me. Though that demon slayer the exeed spoke of could prove to be a nuisance in my favor, Mard Geer thought as he paced around in the entrance hall. "Mmmm. Well, no matter. My curses will be no match for either of those humans" the raven haired demon said to himself, as he wore a calm yet evil and proud smile on his face. "Tomorrow nights battle is sure to go down in history as the night the demons took their first steps towards world domination and the humans obliteration" Mard Geer said to himself as the morning sunlight started to stream in through the cracked stone and broken windows.


Happy had finally reached Natsu's window, tired and almost completely drained of magical energy. And carrying the pink haired dragon slayer did not help the situation. When Happy was inside Natsu's room, the blue exeed dropped the said dragon slayer on his bed and laid down down right on top of him. "Where did you boy's run off to at such a late hour?" a voice asked, fury dripping from it. Natsu and Happy shot up to find Erza sitting in a chair, half of herself hidden in the shadows and the other in the golden sunlight. Her face was showing a mother's wrath, her eyes glaring at her son and the blue exeed as fear to hold in their eyes. "Hi Mom! You see, it's been kinda a long story," Natsu said as he nervously scratched the back of his neck. "Let me guess, you and Happy went out and trained again? Happy, leave" Erza told the blue cat, who walked out of the room and closed the door quietly with a sad look on his face. Natsu sat up straight on the edge of his bed, making sure to face her. Erza sighed and put on a more calm face, which surprised the pink haired man. "Natsu, for the past five months you've been sneaking off to Mavis knows where, or rarely the library. And the only reasons I have are training or because Jellal told you that you had to! On top of that, you seem to be a bit anti social.As a mother this has me worried. And whenever I try to bring you out and be more social, you just sneak off again. Sure I try'd to get you to get hitched again, but that's not the point right now. Do you see why I'm so strict about this rule now?" Erza explained to her son, making sure that her son got her point of view. Natsu nodded his head and looked down, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry, I didn't know how you felt about all that" he said. "Oh, it's alright. And I hope you don't run off again" Erza said as she pulled him into a tight hug, squeezing all the air out of his lungs. "C-can't... breath!" the fire dragon gasped out, his face looking pale. "I know" the scarlet haired queen stated, hugging her son a bit tighter. "And I've decided that this is only the first part of your punishment" Erza said as she release her son from her death grip. Natsu took deep breaths, wanting as much oxygen as he could get at the moment. "Now get back into your suit. I've arranged a small get together with some nearby friends and I want you to be there the whole time" Erza said as she walked towards the door. Natsu couldn't believe what he was hearing, he didn't even have to ask. Sure it wasn't a ball, but it was close. "Hey Mom, can it be in the ballroom?" Natsu asked as Erza placed her hands on his doors doorknob. Erza turned her head to look at her son, her eyes softening. "Yes, that would be a lovely idea" the scarlet haired queen said, opening the door and walking through. She didn't close it so the blue exeed could walk in. Happy closed the door after flying into Natsu's room. "Wow, we didn't even have to ask!" Happy exclaimed. "I know, I'm just as surprised as you. At least thats taken care of. I feel like we got lucky though" Natsu said, falling backwards onto his bed. He could feel his eyes starting to close, sleep wanting to take hold of him. And he didn't care one bit right now. "Tired?" Happy asked his pink haired friend, flying over to him and laying on a pillow next to him. Happy laid on the soft pillow, curling into a little ball of blue, his long tail curling around the majority of his body. "Mmhmm" Natsu replied thoughtlessly, practically asleep. Happy closed his eyes, falling asleep.


"Oh! Wendy, I can't make this dress any more presentable! And I'll be practically coming back from the dead, and I can't even look nicer!" Lucy complained as she held the fabric of her dress in her hands, which were tightened into fist at this moment. The sun had set and the moon had risen early, which was strange to the celestial spirit mage and the blue winged owl. The once fiery orange sunset was fading into a starry dark blue night. For the last hour, Lucy had been trying to readjust her dress. Since she didn't have any needle and thread, it proved to be a near impossible task. "Then summon one of your celestial spirits" Wendy said as she watched the blond haired women. "I can't. Mard Geer might sense the magical energy in a heartbeat, and then the plan would just be ruined all together. I can't risk that, no matter what" Lucy told the little white owl. "Well said" Wendy told Lucy as she walked over to the pond and took a sip. "Lucy, shouldn't we have left by now?" the blue winged owl asked. "I guess, since we don't know how far away the castle is" Lucy said as she carefully picked up Wendy and placed her on her shoulder. "Now I wouldn't leave just yet" a dark voice said from behind them. Lucy whipped her head around, eyes wide and full of fear with her mouth agap, to see Mard Geer standing a little ways behind her. "Why so surprised to see me? Surely you would have guessed this to happen eventually" Mard Geer said as he took a few steps towards the pair. "Fine, you caught us. What do you want now?" Lucy asked with venom dripping from her voice. "Not much. Just for you to go to the ball that you're impotent prince has set up tonight" the raven haired demon said, a small smirk on his face. Lucy stood up straight and glared right at Mard Geer. "Anything you want can't be good, so I won't go no matter what you do to me" Lucy told him. "The situation can go down two ways, either participate on your own will, or be forced to do as I ask" Mard Geer said. Lucy threw a deadly glare to the point where it was starting to scare Wendy. If looks could kill, there wouldn't even be anything left of the underworld king to bury. "Go to hell" Lucy spat at Mard Geer. I've already been there, Mard Geer thought as he sighed. "Humans are so obstinate, especially the women" Mard Geer mumbled to himself as his hands started doing strange movements. Wendy's eyes widened in fear as realization set in her mind. "Lucy run!" the white owl yelled, knowing what the demon was doing. But as the blond haired celestial mage turned to run, everything turned black and she could feel herself falling to the ground.

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