Chapter 5

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"Are you sure you're ready so fast Lucy? I mean, I just got done with the introduction speech" Wendy asked the fire phoenix with a worried voice. She had indeed just got done with her lecture about the important parts of flying, and she didn't think Lucy would want to start trying to fly the absolute second she was finished talking. "Don't worry Wendy, I've been stuck here for a few months with nothing to do but practice flying. I just needed a little help!" Lucy smiled, climbing up a willow tree. "Then why are you starting off with jumping from a tree? Why don't you start flying to a tree" the little owl asked nervously as Lucy made her way to the first branch she came across. "Because, if I'm able to start off from here, then flying from the ground will be a cinch!" Lucy explained, as she got herself ready to jump off. The morning sun reflected off of her fiery red and golden feathers. "That doesn't make any sense though! If you don't start off small you could hurt yourself really badly!" Wendy warned with worry laced in her. "Wendy, I'll be fine. Now, tell me what I have to work on when I land, ok?" Lucy said, waiting for a response. But the only response the fire phoenix for was a nod from the little white owl. With a technical yes from the child, Lucy took off. She flew off of the tree branch, making sure to get plenty of thrust when she flapped her wings. I'm doing it!, Lucy cried in her head as she stayed flew three the air. Then she realized one thing wrong with her plan. She didn't know how to steer or land. Out of instinct, or just pure terror, she stopped flapping her wings, folding them at her side and tightly closed her eyes. Agreed, it was a dumb move. And sadly, Lucy realized her mistake too late."Ahhhhhhhhh!" the fire phoenix cried as she came closer and closer to the ground with each passing second. Then, just as Lucy was a few seconds from crash landing, the golden phoenix felt herself stop in mid air. Slowly opening her eyes, she saw a flapping Wendy strongly holding her up by her golden red wings. She was using her injured wing, and it was obvious that the pain was unbearable for her to stand much longer. Quickly, Wendy safely put Lucy on the ground, tears in her eyes from the pain from the pain in her wing. "What were you thinking Lucy! You could have gotten hurt, and I would have no way of healing you!" Wendy yelled at the fire phoenix. "I think it's time you told me why you're here now, because you seem rather desperate to escape from here" Wendy said sternly. She's right. I'm an adult, I should have known better. And yet a child had to save me from my own stupid mistake. Some princess you are Lucy, what would Dad say?, Lucy thought sadly, quite disappointed in herself. "All right, but I'll have to start from the beginning though" Lucy told Wendy, who only settled down so she could be comfortable during the story.


Natsu woke up feeling sore all over his body. The fire dragon couldn't help but groan in pain as he sat up in his bed. The pink haired man shuffled out of bed to start his morning. First taking a shower which took a bit longer than usual, mostly because his legs have out a few times. No matter what he did to cause himself pain was nothing compared to The Mighty Queen Erza. And being her son who did something wrong only made it worse. After the shower, Natsu got dressed and went downstairs so he could eat breakfast already. When he stepped into the kitchen, Happy had already everything up. "This is the day I break out the Natsu!" Happy exclaimed as he eyes the two tall stacked of pancakes. One of Natsu and Happy's favorite talents was their ability to eat huge amounts of food in less than thirty seconds. The problem was, the two were evenly matched. Which meant they could only compete against each other in hopes of winning. "No chance pal! I'M GONNA WIN!" Natsu said as he grabbed one pancake and are it at the same time as Happy. Long story short, it ended in yet another tie. No it was off to the library to possibly find a clue to Lucy's location. Natsu was horrible at research, but he tried his best for Lucy's sake. She was always better at this sort of stuff, with books and all. Having Happy there was a huge help, and today was no different. "Hey Natsu! I found a dusty book that's supposed to have a list of Lucy's kingdom's enemies" Happy called, carrying a dusty brown book. "That's great! Good thinking buddy!" Natsu exclaimed as Happy dropped the book book into the wooden table, creating a big dust cloud. "That's more dust than I thought there would be" Happy mumbled to himself. The two stared at the boom when Natsu opened it to reveal all the enemies of King Jellal and his kingdom. Jees, who knew there'd be so many!, Natsu thought as he flipped to the more recent part of the book. His eyes stopped at the picture of a man with a long black long tail, his face calm yet dangerous. He read the description which said: Mard Geer was a powerful demon, using curses instead of magic and often is referred to as The Underworld King. Mard Geer was planning to overthrow the king and take the kingdom as his own, planning to take over the world and open a gate to the demon world which would bring untold chaos. Thankfully, King Jellal discovered his plans and put a stop to his in an epic battle, resulting in Mard Geer being banished. Many feared the king to merciful when Mard Geer threatened to come back and take back the kingdom.

"Happy, I think we found out who just took Lucy and killed Jellal" the link haired dragon slayer told his blue exeed friend. "Aye sir, me too" Happy said, agreeing with his friend as they stared at the picture of the sinister Mard Geer on the book. At least we know who took you Luce, now all we have to do is find you, Natsu thought. This day was getting better, all the way until his mother came barging into to room all happy and giddy which only meant one thing. A BALL, Natsu thought horrified.

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