Chapter 8

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Wendy and Lucy looked around wildly to see where they could hide Natsu and Happy. This guy has horrible timing!, Lucy thought as she was starting to be overcome by fear. If Natsu and Happy were found out because if her, she wouldn't forgive herself. Where can they hide, where can they hide, where can they?! Wait a minute, where do I hide!, Wendy thought as the gears in her mind started to turn and click inside her head. As silent as she could be, Wendy tugged on Happy's tail, gaining his attention. She pointed to the willow trees with her claw, hoping he would get what she meant. Happy smiled and nodded and did the same to Natsu, who also nodded and went to climb the tree as fast and quietly as he could. Lucy, during all of this, had softly walked back into the water so it would look like she had just transformed. She looked behind her to see Wendy pointing up the tree with her good wing, and Mard Geer walking up to her. "I see you just transformed my dear. Perhaps now is the best time to ask my nightly question?" he asked, walking towards the willow tree and leaning against its trunk with his arms crossed. Meanwhile, Natsu and Happy were glaring right at Mard Geer, plus while trying not to fall down on top of the half demon. And little Wendy was perched on a branch, after getting a lift from Happy, making sure Natsu didn't do anything stupid, like fall down out of the tree or rustle the branches. "You know that my answer is just going to be the same as all the rest of the nights, so why do you still ask?" Lucy asked, venom practically flowing from her voice like a waterfall. "I have the greatest amount patience my dear princess," Mard Geer said. At least I thought I did befor this, the dark wizard thought, resisting the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. "But it's starting to wear thin" Mard Geer said with his own warning stare, his hands clenching into a fist. "Please just ask and get it over with!" Lucy exclaimed, now visibly mad. "All right, if you insist. Lucy Heartfillia, will you give me the honor of marrying me?" Mard Geer asked, bowing low for effect. Something in Natsu snapped, making him furious. If it weren't for the blue exeed and his powerful wings holding him back, the pink haired fire dragon would have full blown attacked the dark wizard. "My answer isn't changing. It will be, forever and always, no" Lucy said simply, turning away and crossing her arms across her chest. "Suit yourself. Perhaps you need more time to think about it" Mard Geer said as he walked back to the old dark castle. Lucy watched with hateful eyes as he walked away. "Alright. You can come down here" Lucy told Wendy, Natsu and Happy. And without warning, Natsu and Happy fell out of the willow tree, landing in a dog pile. Wendy however was given a easier way down, with Lucy offering her two hands as an elevator to the ground. They both groaned as he sat up straight. "I really don't like that guy" Natsu said standing up, growling in the back of his throat. "Me neither. I'm sorry to say this, but you have to leave" Lucy said while sadly looking at the ground. "What?! Why?!" Natsu exclaimed. "Because Mard Geer could have sensed you magical energy. That would put you guy's in danger" Lucy told Natsu and Happy. "Then why don't you come back home with us? I bet someone at the castle can help you" Happy asked, standing up on his two feet. Lucy only shook her head. "I can't. When the sun comes up I'll be a pheonix again. And I have to be in the pond when the moon's to turn human again" Lucy explained. "Then meet us here tomorrow night" Natsu said. "Look at the moon," Lucy said pointing at the glowing pure white crescent moon in the dark starry sky. "That means there won't be a moon tomorrow night"  Lucy told Natsu and Happy, trying to get her point across. "All right, fine. In two days then" Natsu said. "Deal" Lucy said as she started to push Natsu and Happy away. But before he could leave, Natsu turned around saying "wait!", and kissed Lucy lovingly. Being sure to let her know that it wouldn't be the last. "Ooooooooo! They lllllloooooovvvvvve each other!" Happy exclaimed, once again putting his paws on his cheeks, smiling wildly. "Shut up cat!" Lucy exclaimed, pulling away from Natsu. "See you soon Luce!" Natsu said, using the blond haired woman's nickname. Lucy couldn't help but blush slightly as she saw him run away. But he'll come back, Lucy thought as she walked back to the pond. "Cute nickname, Luce" Wendy teased her friend, who blushed a bright red. Wendy even though she was glowing. "Hey! Only Natsu can call me that!" Lucy said as she looked away.


"Do you think she noticed we were gone?" Happy whispered as he and Natsu snuck into the fire dragons room through the window. "Maybe" Natsu whispered back. "That's not very reassuring!" Happy yell-whispered. Then Natsu froze, but only for a brief second. "Hurry! I hear footsteps" Natsu told Happy as they quickly climbed through the window. Just as the door opened, Natsu and Happy looked as though they had been asleep for a long time. Erza walked in, her small heels making a quiet clicking sound. She stopped right in front of her son and softly ruffling her sons hair. "Goodnight you two. You'll need it for tomorrow" Natsu and Happy heard Erza whisper before she walked out of the room and quietly closing the door. "You know, your Mom isn't all that bad" Happy whispered as he curled up against Natsu's leg, too tired to go to his own bed. "I know" Natsu said back as he slowly fell asleep.


"Aaaaaaggggghhhhhh! What am I going to do! Its obvious shes won't just hand over her father's kingdom!" Mard Geer shouted as he destroyed the wooden furniture with his magic. "Perhaps if I have some sort of leverage. No, too easy and not fun at all" the half demon thought as he walked back and forth, hand on his chin and thinking aloud. "But if I kill the only heir to the throne, I can rightfully claim power. I can even do it in a grand master plan of some sort" the raven haired man said, a dark evil smirk spreading onto his face. "I do belive to tables have just turned my dear princess, and what a turn it is. Especially if it means you have no place in the future. Then again, you never had".

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