Chapter 18

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Natsu looked at the sleeping princess that was lying on the table. To anybody else she would appear to be in a nightmare, but Natsu knew better. He knew that Lucy was in pain, and that he needed to save her. He was her dragon, and she was his princess. And the dragon was supposed to protect the princess in the tower, at least that's how he thought the story went. All he knew at the moment is that there was only one way to protect his princess. I gotta defeat Mard Geer, that's how I can save Lucy, the pink haired dragon slayer thought as he faced Mira. "Alright, me and Happy can go in a few minutes" Natsu said with a stern face, his blue exeed friend nodding in agreement "Aye sir. I'll go pack a bag and let your mom know" Happy said before flying out of the room. "By yourselves?" Mira asked with a worried voice. She knew Natsu wasn't the smartest person, he was more brawn than brains. but going to fight a demon king was just plain stupid. You don't get the name The Underworld King for nothing, a title like that is earned. That demon even gave King Jellal a hard time in their last grand battle. And the late blue haired king was one of the most powerful wizards anyone has ever seen, even in recorded history. "Natsu you can't go alone, he too powerful!" Mira exclaimed. Natsu turned his head towards the white haired seamstress. "Mira, I know you're worried, but I can do this. I'll be back later, everything will be ok in the end. You'll see" Natsu said as he went for the door. Mira ran in front of him, blocking his path. I have to make him see reason, he can't just take a flying cat as his only teammate. He needs to form a real team, or at least get a partner, the white haired seamstress thought, standing her ground in front of the door.

"Natsu, think reasonably! You're going up against a demon king. Not Gray, not your mother, but a demon. You can't go alone it would be suicide!"

"I am thinking reasonably! And I'm telling you, I can defeat Mard Geer all on my own!"

"There's more to this. Tell why you want to go alone!"

"I just told you!"

"So you're going to go and fight a being so powerful, he killed Jellal! Lucy's life is a stake Natsu, her life!"

"That's why I have to go alone! So nobody else gets hurt!"

Natsu's words made Mira freeze. So nobody else gets hurt, those words repeated themselves in her mind over and over again. Natsu was risking his life so nobody else would get hurt, and he knew that there was a good chance he wasn't powerful enough to defeat Mard Geer. Natsu could feel tears starting to form in his eyes, but he pushed them down desperate not to let them be shown. "Lucy got cursed because I didn't think mard Geer was listening. That caused her to be mind controlled, and that lead to the death curse she's in right now" Natsu told mira, looking down at the ground, unable to look in her blue eyes. The fire dragon slayer's eyes shot open when he felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around him. He saw Mira gently hugging him. "Natsu, I know you're worried about Lucy, and that you not thinking straight. I get it, but don't do something so rash, it do any good. You need to accept the fact that you can't do this with just Happy. As strong as he is, you might as well be alone. You need more help" Mira said softly, like a mother would to her crying child. "But the only people that can help me are the people I care most about. My Mom, even Gray. I don't want them to get hurt" Natsu said while on the verge of tears. Mira pulled away and sighed. "I know, but right now, you three are the only ones who have a chance at defeating that demon. So go,we don't know how much time your princess here has left. And do whatever it takes to stop him. Lucy will be waiting for you when you get back" Mira said before she stepped out of the fire dragons way. Natsu looked behind him, to see Lucy in her sleeping state. "Thanks for the talk Mira, now I have to go defeat some insane demon who's gonna wish he was never born" Natsu grinned evilly before he ran out of the room, leaving Lucy in the hands of the seamstress. As Natsu ran down the dark torch lit hallways, he already knew who he was looking for. Mom and Gray will be in the war room, and if Happy found them he should be there too, Natsu thought as he turned a sharp corner, almost knocking over a vase. Meanwhile, Erza was pretty much holding the blue exeed hostage. Ever Since Happy had found them, the scarlet haired queen wasted no time in interrogating the poor cat, wanting to know what the heck was going on, and how her son knew the underworld king and how on earth Lucy was here. Gray just stood there, watching the spectacle while feeling sorry for the exeed. He wanted to help, but he knew better than to try and stop Queen Erza. He learned his lesson more than once and tried to avoid angering the queen at all times. "Thats everything I know Erza! Promise!" Happy exclaimed as he was caught in the murderous gaze of the queen. "Why should I believe you? What more proof do you have?" Erza asked Happy, a sword appearing in her hand, only causing Happy to freak out more. Suddenly, the door opened, gaining everyone's attention. "Cut it out Mom" Natsu said, walking over to the group. "Thank goodness Natsu you're here! What took you so long!" Happy exclaimed as he flew to hide behind Natsu's light pink hair. "I just saved you and your complaining?!" Natsu said to Happy before he face his mother and friend. "Listen I know I have a lot to explain right now, but we don't really have time. If you want, I can explain everything on the way to Mard Geer's hide out. But we have to hurry, Lucy's life depends on itb and possibly the worlds based on what he said at the ball," Natsu said, a serious expression on his face. Erza and Gray looked at each other. They both had a lot of question that they felt should be answered at this moment. But if the underworld king's threat was serious, and they were very sure it was, they didn't have time for questions that could be answered right after this dilemma. Especially with so many lives on the line. Facing Natsu, the two royals nodded their heads which caused Natsu to grin like a maniac. "Alright, you two can ride your horses or whatever it is you ride. Meanwhile, I'll have Happy fly me over there with you guys, sound good?" Natsu asked, pointing his thumb at the exeed who was still behind him. Gray sighed, placing his hands on his hips. "I don't trust to leading us to battle, but you know more than us. For once anyways" the ice mage said which caused Natsu to growl at him. A small smile spread across the scarlet haired queens face. "Well, I can't let you two boys go out alone and steal all the fun, now can I?" Erza joked. Natsu stared at his mother and friend while his best friend came into view. Natsu lit up his fist with bright flames, throwing it up in the air. "I'm all fired up now!"

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