Chapter 12

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"Are they here yet?" Lucy asked for the hundredth time that day as she soared through the air. Wendy groaned in annoyance, while sitting up in her tree branch. Her feathers had now been tamed, and were neatly against her head thanks to the phoenix's help. Ever since Lucy remembered that Natsu and Happy were coming back tonight, she had been constantly excited. Granted it was good to see Lucy so happy, but Wendy didn't know how much more of this she could take. "For the last time Lucy, I don't know" Wendy said, rubbing the bridge of her beak with her claws. "I'm sorry for asking so much. I'm just so happy!" Lucy said as she started to do summer salts. The sky had become a late fiery sunset, so the pink haired fire dragon slayer and blue exeed would either be here a bit early or just after moonrise. "That's good, but what if Mard Geer doesn't ask you again? Should we be worried then?" Wendy asked Lucy, who was now flying in place in front of Wendy. Lucy flew and landed on the branch the little owl was perched on. "That's a good question. It does make me nervous. I may not know him all, but this doesn't seem like him one bit" Lucy said. What is he doing? Is this part of some plan? Has he given up?, Lucy thought. But soon her last question was dismissed from her head. No, he wouldn't do that. He asked you that horrid question for five months, there's no way he would give up that easily. Right?, Lucy pondered inside her head. "Should we look into it?" Wendy asked the golden red fire phoenix. "I think so, but let's decide tomorrow" Lucy said. "Well let's at least tell Natsu and Happy. Who knows, they could be a big help" Wendy pointed out, hoping Lucy would agree. "Ok, it's all settled then" Lucy said as she stood up on her legs and jumping off of the branch, continuing her flight. It wasn't long until the moon was high enough in the sky that Lucy stopped and glided down to the pond. With the soft moonlight shining on her, Lucy began to transform back into a human. "Ahhhhhhh. That's better!" Lucy exclaimed, stretching her now human limbs while also keeping an eye out for Mard Geer. Before she and Natsu had their reunion, she would have been glad that the raven haired demon hadn't bothered her. But now, it made her nervous and uneasy. Was it just a coincidence that this happened just after Natsu and Happy got here? What if she was wrong and Mard Geer did somehow know that the two were there? Well, if he did, he didn't show it. Lucy walked out if the pond, looking at the sky. "Hey Wendy-" the blond haired women started, but was cut off by by the blue winged owl. "Lucy, I don't know when they'll be here" Wendy said, trying to keep the venom out of her voice. Meanwhile, Natsu and Happy had been flying for a while, taking only a few braking along their journey so the blue exeed could snack and fuel up on fish so they could continue the long flight. The two friends had just got to the castle when Natsu had noticed. "Hey Happy! Look, I found it!" Natsu exclaimed as the wind whipped past her ears. "Where?! I can't see a thing with your girly pink hair in my face!" Happy yelled. "What'd you say about my hair?!" Natsu yelled at the blue exeed. "Oh! I see it! And there's Lucy!" Happy exclaimed as he saw Lucy walk out of the pond. And at that moment, the mischievous flying cat got an idea that made him stop just above the blond women. "Hey Natsu. Would you say that you've fallen for Lucy?" Happy asked, hoping that his pink haired friend wouldn't catch on to his joke. "Uhhhh, yeah. Why?" Natsu said before his face paled, and his onyx eyes widened in fear and realization. "Oh no Happy! Not again, I didn't even do any-ahhhhhhhhh!" Natsu pleaded with Happy before the devilish exeed dropped his best friend. And down, down, down he went until the fire dragon would land, well more like crash, on top of his waiting princess. Meanwhile, Wendy was trying to get through to Lucy at this time. "Besides, it's not like he'll just fall out if the sky!" Wendy said, throwing out her wings off her sides. At that moment, the said man crashed on top of the celestial mage, the two lovers groaning in pain on the ground. "Natsu, what the heck happened?!" Lucy croaked out. "I don't know, ask Happy" Natsu said as he was pushed off of the brown eyed women herself. "Hi Lucy! Sorry that we're kinda late" Happy said as he softly glided down. "Dumb cat! What kind of friend just drops his best friend from the air?!" Lucy yelled at Happy as she sat up on her knees. "Me of course" Happy replied simply, landing on the ground while his wings disappeared. Lucy couldn't help but facepalm her forehead at the blue cats answer. Natsu, finally shaking away the dizzy spell Happy put him under went up and hugged Lucy tightly. "Nice to see ya again Luce" Natsu said with a gentle smile. "You too" Lucy answered while ruffling his soft pink hair. "Oh, Mira got you something" Natsu said as he pulled away from the hug and began to rummage through his backpack. Memories of the white haired seamstress flooded through Lucy's mind faster that a tsunami. "Mira? As in Mirajane Strauss?" Lucy asked with admiration in her voice. "Yup" Natsu said, only paying half attention while still digging through his bag. "Oh my gosh, I loved her as a child. I remember how she'd alway fix my dress after me and you duked it out!" Lucy said with a bright smile. "Mmmhhhmmm" Natsu said, still paying half attention. "She was so nice and even gave me a few makeovers and taught me how to properly fight!" Lucy exclaimed as memories kept popping up in her mind. "Here we are!" Natsu said as he took out the belt Mirajane made for Lucy. "Look in the pocket" the fire dragon said as he handed it to Lucy. Turning it over so that the pouch was facing her, Lucy opened the leather flap and gapsed. "It's them" Lucy whispered as she gazed down at her gold and silver celestial spirit keys. "Thank you Natsu!" Lucy cried as she wrapped Natsu in a death hug. "Luce! C-can't br-breath!" Natsu horsley gasped out. "Oh, sorry" Lucy said as she released the pink haired dragon slayer from her hold. "Now that we greeted each other, me and Wendy have something to tell you" the celestial mage said, walking over to Wendy and helping her down from her branch. The little owl perched herself on the blond woman's forearm. "It's about Mard Geer" Wendy said, sounding cautious as if she feared the demon himself was listening.

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