Chapter 9

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Natsu feeling woke up more happy than he had in the last few months, which caused him to smile a little bit. And he knew last night wasn't some hopeful dream his mind conjured up either. It really, truly happened. After all the searching and heartache,Natsu finally found Lucy, alive and well. It made everything he went through worth it. It was especially satisfying to know that everyone was wrong for once, and he was right. His smile instantly disappeared when he remembered the ball his Mother had planned. He knew the reason for the ball very well too, and he didn't like it one bit. The soul purpose for the balls his Mother threw was to try and get Natsu married. She made very clear that was her plan all along. Probably figured if he proposed to Lucy in one ball, he would do the same with some other princess. Lucy was different though, Natsu thought inside his head as he looked at her shining gold and silver celestial keys. It must have been late morning, because even from his bed, the sun was pretty bright. As Natsu sat up in his bed, the pink haired dragon slayer noticed that his little blue friend wasn't there with him. "Probably got woke up and ate breakfast before me" Natsu said to himself before his eyes widened to the size of the earth before taking off to the kitchen. "HE'S GOING TO EAT ALL THE FOOD!" Natsu yelled as he dashed down the stone hallways like a madman on a mission. When Natsu reached the door to kitchen, he threw it open to find Happy getting ready to eat a huge fish at least twice his size. "The heck Happy! You took the big fish all for yourself!" Natsu said, obviously mad at the blue exeed for taking the prize fish. "Well, you were asleep and I'm more hungry than you are!" Happy said, defending himself. "How do you know? What if I'm more hungry that you?" Natsu said, walking closer to the blue exeed. "I know! How about we share, you get half and I get half. That sounds about even" Natsu thought out loud. "Natsu, you don't just cut a fish like this in half" Happy said, about to take a bite out of the fish, that is until Natsu grabbed the tail and pulled it back towards him. "Just share already!" the pink haired man exclaimed angrily. "No! Not with you being a big meanie!" Happy yelled, trying pulling the fish back, now using his snow white wings. Soon enough, a full out war broke out between the two right there in the kitchen.Somewhere in the middle of the fight, a random maid walked into the kitchen to get something, only to stare shocked by the sight before her of the prince fighting with the little blue exeed, using kitchen utensils as weapons. She just slowly backed away, hoping they hadn't noticed her. After closing the door, she walked away from the room, deciding she could get what she had needed later. "I swear I don't get paid enough for this" she mumbled under her breath as she walked away.


"I just got a report from a maid that you two were fighting in the kitchen again," Erza said with her hands on her hips, and eyes holding so much annoyance and anger that it made Natsu and Happy wish they were anywhere but here at this moment in time. "Do you care to explain?" Erza said, holding back her mother voice. "Ha ha. Well, you see, umm..." Natsu started to say but was cut off by erza who could only sigh at the moment. "Save it, I don't need to hear your excuses. You need to start getting ready for the ball. Go to the seamstress to pick up your suit please" Erza said before walking off to the ballroom."Well see you later Natsu" Nappy said as his wings appeared. "You too Happy" Erza said, her voice echoing in the hallway. "Dang it" Happy sadly muttered under his breath. Not wanting to fly or walk, he just floated to Natsu's head where he plopped right on top of it. "Fine" Natsu said as he walked through the castle and to the seamstress. After many turns, he finally came to a beautifully decorated door that was white, and had gold swirls all over it. He turned the golden door knob to reveal a brightly lit room filled with fabric, tables full of sewing tools, and designs all over one wall. "Why hello Natsu! Did you your mother send you to pick up your suit?" a familiar and sweet voice asked. "Sure did Mira" Natsu said turning to a woman with white hair, fair skin, and big blue eyes. "So, any luck with mission Lucy yet?" Mira asked. Despite what all the people in kingdom said, Mira believed that Lucy was still alive. From the moment she heard the news, it all sounded suspicious. Being the same age as Erza, Mira tried to tell the scarlet haired queen and get her to see reason, but she just wouldn't listen. "Actually, we found her" Happy stated simply from Natsu's head. "Really?! Is she ok?!" Mira asked, her eyes widening. "Yup, they even kissed twice" Happy said. "Happy!" Natsu yelled, glaring at the exeed. "That's even better!" Mira exclaimed as she clapped her hands together. "Well then, let this ball celebrate the finding of you true love! Where is she though?" Mira asked. "Things aren't as simple as it sounds. She's under some sort of spell, or curse" Natsu explained to the white haired woman. "I see. I'll look into it tonight while everyone's at the ball. Meanwhile, you have to get ready ready" Mira said handing Natsu a white box, inside his new suit for the ball. "Do I have to?" Natsu whined. "Yes. Yes you do" Mira said before pushing Natsu out of her work place. She quickly turned to a hidden closet, which was hiding a beautiful work-in-progress wedding dress. "I guess waiting five months paid off. Well, better start finishing what I started for the future wedding!" Mira said holding up a pure silver needle and pure white thread. Meanwhile, Natsu was walking to his room with Happy still on his head. "I don't get it? Why do I have to come?" Happy complained. "Because Mom wants to keep an eye on you too" Natsu told the blue exeed. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense" Happy said. "Plus, we're both being punished for sneaking and fighting over fish" Natsu said. There was a moment of silence before Happy broke it, causing them both to laugh a little. "Well, it's not our proudest moment it it?"  

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