Chapter 15

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"Natsu... Natsu... NATSU!" Happy yelled in the pink haired man ear, trying to wake up the sleeping dragon slayer. Natsu shot up, sitting straight up at the sudden noise. "What! Is the castle under attack?! Where are they!" Natsu said quickly, looking around with alert eyes. "No, it's much worse! We overslept and now we only have fifteen minutes to get ready for that ball!" Happy said in a worried voice, though Natsu couldn't see way he was. It was just a normal ball, right? "So? We can just arrive late like always" Natsu said as he flopped back down in his bed. "Natsu, your Mom will get mad!" Happy said, trying to get his friend up. "What's new? Plus she won't be that mad, she loves us" the pink haired dragon slayer told his exeed friend. "What about Lucy! Since you loooooove her and all" Happy said with a smug face. "Shut up" Natsu growled, sending a death glare towards the blue exeed. Happy ignored it, determined to get his pink haired friend out of bed. "Imagine when she walks through the doors, and you're not there. Imagine all the other men that will ask her to dance" Happy said, knowing he had hit a nerve inside Natsu. "WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT! Come on Happy! We gotta get dressed!" Natsu said, rushing towards his closet while dragging his blue exeed friend in his arm. At least it worked! But now I feel bad for the guests that are coming, Happy thought as he was practically forced into his suite that Queen Erza had told Mira make for him.


Erza was talking to one of the guests she had invited. The ballroom looked marvelous, even the floor looked amazing. You couldn't even tell that the powerful scarlet haired queen pretty much beat the living crap out out of two princes. Sure, it took a lot of magic enchantments, but it looked nice. It even looked better in her opinion. Erza headed over to the dessert table, she'd been absolutely dying to eat even a bite of the strawberry cake for Mavis knows how long. It was practically calling her name. The queen sliced herself a fairly big piece of cake and plopped it right on her plate, salivating just over the smell. Erza licked her lips as she heard the ballroom doors open. Looking over as she took a bite out of her cake, the scarlet haired queen almost choked on her food when she saw her son and the blue exeed. She whipped her head over to a grand clock on the wall, checking to see what time it was. They came here on time. Mavis must have blessed me this one night, Erza thought as she felt a pat on the back. "Hey Mom! Isn't that a big slice for a single person" Natsu said when he saw his mother's plate. She turned her head to see Natsu in his new suite. He wore a black shirt with a dark gray fancy vest over it. Like his shirt, his pants were black and he had dark brown knee high boots. But what caught her attention the most was his trench coat. It was blood red with golden orange accents to the bottom and sleeves with golden buttons. He's all grown up, Etza thought tearing up a little. "Mom are you ok?" Natsu asked a little worried about his mother. He didn't accidently offend her with his comment did he?! "Oh crap Mom! I didn't mean it in a bad way! I just me-" Natsu started to say but was cut of by his mother pulling him into a death hug. "Can't you just stay a child forever instead of getting older damnit!" Erza exclaimed as a dramatic tear escaped, gaining a few nervous glances. Natsu blushed as he tried to free himself from his mother's grip. "Moooom, let go!" Natsu told his mother. "Fine, but just because people are starting to stare" Erza said. They're already staring, Happy thought as he carefully took the forgotten plate of cake from the queen's hands. Erza let go of her son and wiped away her teared up eyes. "Now, go have fun. Talk to Gray, he's still here you know" Erza said with a smile. "Ice princess is still here?" Natsu mumbled angrily. "Shut up and go socialize," Erza scolded at her son and snatched the plate out of Happy's paws. The blue cat's face went from content to heart broken in a heartbeat. "I'll be taking that. Thank you very much Happy" Erza said before she walked off. Just because she was being emotional, doesn't mean she won't realize her cake was stolen. "So flame brain, why'd you come down this early? Aren't you suppose to be late?" a familiar voice said from behind Natsu and Happy making the pink haired fire dragon slayer groan. "Shut the heck up Gray, I can be on time too you know!" Natsu yelled at the raven haired ice mage, as he turned around to glare at his pale face. "Apparently, or else you would be here an hour late" Gray said, ticking the pink haired man off more. "Though knowing you, it's a more serious reason, plus I heard you asked if it all this could be in the ballroom. So what's your reasoning?" Gray asked Natsu. "That's my business and mine alone" Natsu told Gray, walking over to the dessert table for a slice of that strawberry cake his Mom loves so much. And he could tell why, with his heightened senses and all. The cake smelled amazing, and he couldn't resist it anymore. "Is it a girl?" Gray asked with a playful smirk on his face, his teasing question confirmed by the light pink that covered the fire dragons cheeks and his reaction. "Shut up ice princess, those are fightin words!" Natsu quietly scowled at the raven haired man. Happy watched the two men glare at each other. The friendship of the fire mage and the ice mage confused him more than anything else. True, they could act like decent friends at rare times, but most of the time they didn't really hate each other, they both were just competitive against the other. Really, really, really competitive. But they were still friends, kind of. They are, deep, deep, deep, deeeeeep down inside, Happy thought. "Oh yeah, how then?" Gray said as he took a glass of wine from one of the terrified servants that were walking around. To see the two arguing wasn't uncommon, but it was what it lead to the scared everyone. In fact, the very reason the kingdom's construction workers were so well paid was because of the magic duels that have been challenge by the two. And since they were both evenly powerful, Natsu and Gray had no choice but to continue to fight. Well, that's how they saw it in their eyes. "Cause it just is at the moment" Natsu said as he shoved a third of his cake down his throat. "Wow, this must be some girl" Gray said as he downed his drink. Natsu smiled as he set down his plate, not noticing the smug look that Happy had on his face. "Can't argue with you there pal" the fire dragon said. "Because he llllllooooooooves her" Happy said to the ice prince next to him using his white angelic wings. "Why you little," Natsu said quietly causing the blue exeed to hide behind Gray's shoulder, but was cut off by the grand ballroom doors opening unexpectedly, catching everybody's attention. And the figure that stood in the doorway made their jaws drop.

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