Chapter 6

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"Natsu, what are we going to do! Your Mom won't let us skip it and she'll increase the normal number of guards" Happy yell whispered. "I don't know, but I'll figure something out" Natsu whispered back. "Natsu, you know your brain isn't very reassuring right?" Happy said plainly. "Why you little-" Natsu started until his mother interrupted. "Natsu! I have great news" Erza said with a warm smile on her face. Gee, I wonder what it is!, the pink haired man sarcastically thought. Natsu and Happy just plastered a smile on their faces and turned around to face the scarlet haired queen. "Really? What is it?" Natsu asked, trying to sound surprised or at least a little curious. "I'm having a ball. A small get together really. And I expect you to actually attend, and stay there" Erza said, trying to make a clear note to her son. "When is it?" the blue exeed asked. "Tomorrow night" Queen Erza answered simply. "And you didn't think to tell us sooner?!" Natsu and Happy asked, surprised by the close date. The two would have guessed the ball to be somewhere next week, five days later at least. "Well, if I told you sooner, that would have given you plenty of precious time to create a plan so you could be able sneak out" Erza said, her voice holding a deadly warning that could scare a full grown dragon. "What? Why would we escape?" Happy asked nervously. "Oh, no other reason except that you two have done just that every time" Erza said. It was almost true. Natsu and Happy had some how managed to escape pretty much every ball. Well not this time, Erza thought as she looked at her son and his exeed. "Not every time. Natsu was practically glued to the dance floor at that one ball" Happy stated, remembering Natsu stuck at the ball. "I don't care. You're going to this ball tomorrow" the scarlet haired queen said sternly. "Now, I have to go prepare for the ball. You are not to leave the castle" Erza said as she walked out of the library. "Did you come up with a plan?" Happy asked the fire dragon. "Yup. We sneak out at midday, after lunch!" Natsu said with a smile plastered on his face. "Oh boy" Happy said face palming his little blue for head. This will be a loooooong day, Happy thought, not sure if he would be able to handle it all. "Natsu? Where are you going?" Happy asked, when he saw Natsu was walking out of the library. "Well, we have to get ready. We only have a few hours" Natsu said as he dashed to his room. He didn't even bother to close the grand library doors. Happy sighed. Well, this is going to be a fun day, he thought as he flew to catch up with his pink haired friend.


"That is the most tragically beautiful story I have ever heard!" Wendy dramatically sobbed. Lucy had just finished her own "tale of woe", and was surprised by Wendy's uncontrollable crying. "It's not that tragic!" Lucy exclaimed to the little white owl. "Y-you lost your father in an event that pretty much o-only happens in books, and on top of that you c-can't even find the love of your life because you're stuck i-in this heck of a prison!" Wendy cried, still unable to stop being dramatic. "Well when you put it that way..." Lucy mumbled to herself. "That's it! I'm tired of demons ruining lives just to get what they want! I'm sick of it. Come on Lucy, by lunch time you'll be flying like a pro!" Wendy said, her dramatic crying long gone, and standing up as tall was she could with determination written all over her face. "I don't know, I mean lunch is only a few hours away" Lucy said, unsure about this new side of Wendy. I don't know if I should be worried, happy, or what, Lucy thought in her head. "Don't worry, I'll take care if this Lucy. If we really try, you might be able to have time left to go find Natsu and lead him here to the pond" Wendy said as she climbed on to the rock on the edge of the pond. "Now Lucy, I'm going to need you to listen to me very carefully. Ok?" Wendy said, convinced that her plan sounded perfect. "Umm, Wendy? How am I going to FREAKING FLY BY LUNCHTIME?!" Lucy exclaimed, trying to get the point across to her friend. "Hard work my friend. Hard work"" Wendy said simply.


Lucy couldn't believe it, Wendy was actually able to teach her to fly midday. Sure, I may have had a few heart attacks. But I did it!, Lucy thought as she did summer salts in the air with ease. "Enough, Lucy. You need to go look now, but I doubt you'll find anything on your first night" Wendy said. "But I have hope. And I believe hope will help" Lucy said as she took off. In the first hour of her expedition, she was determined, leaving no stone unturned. She checked every area making sure to still be able to find her way back to the pond. The second hour, Lucy was still determined, but farther away. By the third hour, she was wasn't really sure she'd find anything. Not tonight anyway. The sun was almost ready to sink under the ground, tired of it's day in the sky. "Aaaahhhhgggg! Why can't I find anything! Lucy yelled out in frustration. I don't even know here I am! I'm just lucky enough to know how to get back, Lucy thought as she landed on a tree branch with ease, thanks to Wendy of course. Lucy looked up at the goldening sky, wondering if her father was watching. Just because he was dead didn't mean he could still watch over. Lucy often talked to her father, mostly when she really needed a good talk. But she rarely asked him for anything, and this was one of those rare times. "Please Dad, if I could just get a little bit of help," Lucy whispered, hoping he would be kind enough to answer her prayer. A moment later she slowly opened her eyes, hoping to see some kind of sign that her father had helped her. But Lucy only opened her eyes to see nothing new had happened. Looking at the sun one last time, the fire phoenix thought it would be best to start heading back. After all, she couldn't let Mard Geer find her little owl friend. It would not end well. Them, just as Lucy was about to take off, she spotted something, or someone walking along the forest ground. In a heartbeat, Lucy flew down so she could get a closer look. She couldn't believe who she saw. "Natsu" Lucy whispered to herself as the pink haired man looked around, his blue exeed not far behind him.

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