Chapter 7

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Lucy was instantly overcome by an emotion she hadn’t fully felt in a long time, pure happiness. In fact, the fire phoenix could feel happy tears starting to build up in her eyes. Realizing she had a mission to complete, Lucy wiped her eyes and flew in closer. How can I get Natsu to follow me back to the pond?, Lucy asked herself as she followed the pink haired dragon slayer around the forest. “Natsu, we didn’t find anything here last time, what makes you think we’ll find something here again?” Happy asked as he looked around the area, looking for anything new that could lead to Lucy’s where abouts. “I don’t know, I just got that weird feeling” Natsu told the blue exeed. “That’s what you said when we looked in the mountains, we ended up getting chased by vulcans and stuck in the never ending caves for the whole day!” Happy exclaimed. Lucy’s heart practically burst right there on the branch. He never stopped looking for me, Lucy thought happily. She always thought Natsu had given up, and now she knew he pretty much searched the whole kingdom. “Well this time it’s a good feeling” Natsu muttered to himself as he stepped over a log. Then all of a sudden, the pink haired man stopped. Why’d he stop?, Lucy asked in her head as she watched intently. “Happy, I feel like we’re being watched” Natsu stated, actually sounding serious for once. Great. Now he’s going to sniff out the are- wait, that’s it!, Lucy thought, instantly starting to form a plan in her head. After flying down onto a closer branch, lucy made sure she would be able to be easily spotted. “Natsu!” Lucy yelled, knowing very well that the two boys wouldn't hear her voice, but the proud call of a phoenix. Natsu and Happy turned their heads when they both heard the cry of a bird. They were surprised to find a red and gold fire phoenix standing on a tree branch. As Natsu looked at the magical creature in wonder, his powerful nose picked up a scent he hadn't smelled in a long time. “Lucy?” Natsu said to himself, wondering how the phoenix could possibly smell Lucy. That's it. Now to just lead him back to the pond, Lucy thought as she took off towards the direction of the magical pond. “Come on Happy!” Natsu said pointing to his back. Knowing what his friend meant, Happy latched onto his friend's back and flew after the strange phoenix. Lucy looked up at the sky to find out that the sun was starting to set. No! I gotta go faster, Lucy said picking up her speed, with Happy doing the same. “Natsu! Do you know where this birds taking us?” Happy asked through the wind that was blowing past their heads. “No, but it has Lucy’s scent!” Natsu answered back. Happy nodded and just decided to follow the phoenix. After all, Natsu’s nose was never wrong. As the sun got lower and the glowing crescent moon got higher, Lucy panicked more. Then, she was finally relieved when she saw the pond ahead. By the time she landed, the moon was already up in the sky. “Are you ready?” Wendy asked, standing next to the fire phoenix. “Ready as I’ll ever be” Lucy answered. Happy landed gracefully Natsu on the ground, where they both became generally confused. Why would a phoenix bring them to an old abandoned castle? Why were they brought to the pond?  Why did a bird smell like a person?! The two turned their heads to look around, hoping to see if there was anything that could give them a clue. When the floating blue exeed turned to the direction of the pond, his eyes widened and his mouth practically dropped to the ground. “Natsu, look!” Happy said pointing at the phoenix, who was slowly climbing the the water. The moon light seemed to naturally flow into it’s wings. Then, they watched with wonder as the the water seemed to glow and rise, surrounding the creature in an orb of glowing water. But when the water lost it’s magical glow and began to fall back to the pond, Natsu just stared. There was Lucy, alive and well in a flowing white dress. “Hey Natsu! How have you been?” Lucy asked. She could feel her eyes starting to well up with happy tears, and this time she let them fall. Natsu ran as fast as he could to the pond, splashing the clear water as he ran. The next thing Lucy knew, she was being hugged tightly and lifted off the ground. Natsu held her up, just twirling her in the air. Once she was set on the ground, she felt Natsu push his lips against hers, in a loving kiss. And she kissed back. The kiss itself was short and sweet, but it felt like a thousand years to Natsu and Lucy. It was one of the greatest moment in their lives, only it was a moment that was greatly overdue. When they broke away from the kiss, Natsu pulled Lucy into a tight and loving hug, with Lucy hugging back. “I thought I’d never see you again” Natsu whispered into Lucy’s ear. “What do you think I thought baka” Lucy whispered back, hugging him a little tighter. As the pink haired man pulled back a bit, he wiped the celestial mages tears away with his thumbs. “Well I never stopped looking” Natsu told Lucy as he stared into her brown doe eyes. “He lllloooooooooovvvvvveeeeeesssssss herrr!” Happy exclaimed with his little blue paws on his cheeks, smiling like he would never be able to again. “Lucy! You found Natsu!” Wendy said as she walked over to the two. “Who’s this?” Natsu said, leaning down down so he could have a better look at the talking owl. “Hi, I’m Wendy. Wendy Marvell” the little white owl said holding out her claw so the dragon slayer could shake it. He did so very gently, seeing as how she was injured. “All this time, and you were here?” Happy asked Lucy. “Yeah, it’s a long story” Lucy said. “Does it involve someone named Mard Geer?” Natsu asked. “Yeah, how did you know?” Lucy asked. “We found a book on your kingdom's enemies in the library” Natsu said. “We don't have a book on our kingdom's enemies. But if it lead you to me, then thank Mavis” Lucy said, a bit confused. She knew plenty of her kingdom's history books, but she didn't think there was a book on its enemies. Maybe it was written sometime after I was kidnapped, Lucy thought. “Lucy told me a bit about you two! Especially Natsu” Wendy said, hopping on a small rock. “And when I helped her learn how to fly, the thought seeing you guys again kept her going. No matter what!” Wendy said with a big smile on her face. Then Natsu tensed up. He looked alert, almost like he was expecting a full out magic duel. “Natsu, what is it?” Lucy asked, becoming a bit concerned. “Someone's coming” Natsu said barely above a whisper. Lucy and Wendy’s eyes widened in horror. It was Mard Geer.

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