Part one//The Emeralds Secret//Aphmau Minecraft Roleplay Inspired

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Your Name... YN
Last Name... Howell

"Huh??" I asked. My dad was on the phone with another business. He mouthed to me, 'You can drive right?' Of course he wouldn't know if I had a drivers license. When I felt the need to respond, he put one finger to my mouth and made a 'shush' sound. He mumbled a couple times and then I heard him bidding over something on the phone with others.
"What? Who even has gold just on hand like that?!" He yelled angrily. I heard another angry voice respond; one I had never heard before.
"Sir, what's-" I started, before he shushed me again. He forbid me to call him dad because it was "unprofessional", so Sir it was.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Baby there's a place where we can go! Where it's always shining like the snow; listen to hour heartbeat, don't you know
That I just wanna be with you?
Oh oh oh!
"Partnership? Really? With who might I ask?" He yelled into the phone.
"Sir please I-"
"Get me some coffee." He kept his eyes on nothing. "But sir it's-"
"NOW." He looked into my eyes for once.
"Yes dad." He looked at me, even angrier than usual.
"Sir." I corrected myself, feeling hot streams on my cheek. I walked I to the kitchen. I made him black coffee, as usual. I set it on the counter, knowing what was next, anyways.
"Here, please." He grunted. I simply sighed and brought it to him, avoiding any sort of eye contact. He didn't even thank me, he just took a sip, wiping the coffee around his mouth off with his sleeve. He looked down at it and grunted again.
"Shirt." He demanded. I obediently walked up the steps and grabbed a blue flannel shirt for him, making sure it was spotless before handing it to him.
"Ugh... I wore that one last week." He rolled his eyes, expecting me to go up and get another one. I sighed and got a white shirt with the family company logo in it. I gave it to him, and he seemed satisfied.
He said a few more angered words and then hung up.
"You're going to go up to Bunny Hill. Do you remember that place?" I thought a moment. "I think..?" He crossed his arms. "Well, yes or no YN?" His eyebrows furrowed when I said yes.
"Well, you're going up there and you're going to stay there with a few other people. You won't know them, but that's okay, I guess." He continued.
"I trust that you can drive?" He asked. "Yes dad-SIR. You forced me to learn on my 16th birthday, remember?" I looked down, tearing up. I wasn't usually like this, but around
Mr. Howell...
"Ah, yes. Now go on ahead and start packing, girl." He said disgusted with what I was. Who I am. "Yes, sir." I said anyways. I walked upstairs and into my small room. I got things I would need, like extra clothes and stuff. I also brought my phone just in case there was an emergency at the house.

I did a few more chores for Mr.Howell (mostly concerning Bunny Hill) and then went off to bed.

Sorry for the short chapter!! :0 but at least it's a chapter right?

[DISCONTINUED] Emerald Secret x Reader | Hook, Line, And SinkerWhere stories live. Discover now