Part Two//Unexpected Visitors//Aphmau Minecraft Roleplay Inspired

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It was finally time for me to drive up to Bunny Hill. I said bye to Mr.Howell (of course he said nothing), and took a shower before I left.

When I had finally arrived, I saw that a purple car had been parked outside of the cabin I was headed into. I got out of my car and walked to the trunk, my back turned toward the house. I was suddenly greeted by the sound of the door breaking down and wolves growling.
"Huh?" I heard myself say aloud. I must not have been the only one, because when I looked into the cabin I saw wolves and four other people, all confused and mumbling to each other. I somehow snuck past the wolves and behind some crates to the other owners. I tapped one on the shoulder and he turned around.
"YN." I whispered, and held out my hand. "...Aaron." He took it, but didn't shake it, his eyes glued to mine.
"S-something wrong?" I asked. I guess the blonde heard me because he turned around and yelped a little, startled.
"We're so dead! We're so dead! We're so dead! We're so dead! We're so dead!!" One of the girls whimpered. As the wolves approached the crates, a woman in a red cloak and what looked like white hair stopped them. She led them out and we all let out a brief sigh of relief.
"That was... way too close."  The ginger said.
"..tell me about it.." Aaron said, still glancing at me. Just before I could ask who, why, and what, the blonde apologized.
"I'm so sorry! I could have turned us into dog food..." he looked at his feet "... uhh... Kim?" He looked behind the crates again, a bit of ash falling from his hair. Wait-what...?
"We could have.. died-!" She fell the the ground and the blonde rushed to her side. "We should... get started..." I said, looking over his shoulder and at 'Kim'.
"Yeah... we could all use a moment to collect ourselves." Aaron said.
"Heh... maybe this time close the door?" I said jokingly, but no one laughed. Me, the ginger, and Aaron walked off.
"Kim? KIM!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Baby there's a place where we can go! Where it's always shining like the snow; listen to hour heartbeat, don't you know
That I just wanna be with you?
Oh oh oh!
??? POV:
"Oh this is so bad this is so bad this is so bad!" I said as I paced around the room.
"Calm down, Aphmau; I'm sure everyone will be fine-"
"No! What if Aaron gets hurt?! I won't be there to make him feel better or- worse off- what if he EXPLODES?!" I started to panic even more. "NOT ONLY THAT,I purposely sent Lucinda there... SO WHAT IF SHE GETS HURT?!" I felt myself raising the pitch of my voice, almost to a squeal.
"Aph, look at me! They. Are. FINE." Zane said, holding my shoulders.
"UGHH, ZANE! PLEASE THINK FOR A MOMENT! How would you feel if you knew Garroth, your older brother, was in TROUBLE?!" I looked into his eyes as he dozed off, daydreaming I'm guessing.
"Hmmm...." he looked down at me after a while and  he randomly started laughing. I punched him on the shoulder, but he didn't seem very affected.
"What?" He looked at me again.
"UGHHHHH!!!" I stared at him blankly. "Alright! Alright... as funny as I think that would be... I am... kinda worried about him."
"See? Zane, I need to get to the lodge." I could almost taste how much Zane didn't care.
"What do you want me to-"
"Zane... help me... please!" I started to do puppy dog eyes and he couldn't resist.
"ARGGG! Fine!"
"Yay!" I exclaimed.
"BUT ONLY IF YOU WEAR THIS JACKET. I don't support you getting sick because you didn't wear something warm!" After that, I sighed.
"Fine. Deal. Now, let's pack. But uh- uh oh...
We're going to have to find a way there... I don't even know where to begin with that!"
"Hm... I think I have an idea on how to get there..."

I followed Lucinda and Aaron (they had introduced themselves and Garroth to me) to the couch that Kim was now laying on.
"How's Kim doing?" Lucinda asked. I saw that Garroth was poking at her shoulder.
"Wow. What a big help." I said sarcastically. "How is that even going to help?"
"I dunno... wake her up maybe?"
Aaron suddenly walked off after thinking to himself. I'm guessing he was going to check if the doors where locked.
"Kim? Wake up..."  Garroth said, still panicking.
Aaron randomly turned around and grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me to the door.
"Who are you?" He looked at me, concerned.
"I already tol-"
"Who are you... really?" His grip got tighter.
"I already told you! My name is-"
"I know that's not what you are...
Ultima female." His words stuck like swords. How did he-?!
"Are they locked?" Lucinda asked from behind us.
"Yeah. They're locked."
"Guys! I think she's waking up..!" Garroth said excitedly.

After a little while, Kim woke up and we got the fireplace going. We started to clean up and get everything sorted out. We decided that the first night we would have a "sleepover" in front of the fireplace.
When it finally came time to go to bed, I saw that Aaron was wearing a shirt with a girl on the front, reading "she's my girlfriend". It seems silly, but cute.
We then heard wolves howling, and Kim freaked out.
"M-maybe we should have cuddle buddies!"
"Cuddle buddies?" Lucinda asked, not seeming too fond of the idea.
"Yeah! So we don't get lonely! plus the wolves can't eat us both..."
Lucinda sighed, then laughed. "Kim, its fine! The wolves won't get you!" She looked at her feet, covered by bunny slippers. "I mean... sure."
"Yay! I mean... cool." Kim blushed.
"That sounds like a great idea!" Garroth smiled.
"Yeah. Sure." I sat down on my sleeping bag.
"Oh, YN! I can be your cuddle buddy!-"
"Uhhmm... yeah no." I said, a bit weirded out. Is this normal..?

After a while we all fell asleep One by one- and by "we all" I mean Kim and Lucinda.
"Please?" Garroth rolled over and looked at me.
"No." I said firmly. He rolled back over to Aaron.
He looked back over at me.
"No! Go sleep with Aaron." I said, and Aaron shot up and looked at me horrified.
"Is this because I snore? I swear to Irene-"
"MY IRENE I FORGOT!" Aaron started to sweat.

Thank you for like 16 reads on the first day lol I didn't actually expect that to happen,but I'm not complaining! Also I saw my book on google lol (pic on top)
Yeah okay bye!

Why is u still here?

If you want answers on how Aaron knows u is ultima fem den I ain't tellin ju. Too bad. Bye now!

Ps: I might have accidentally posted this one early... oh well!
(I lost track of time bc I fell asleep this morning XD)

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