Part Three//Happy Memories//Aphmau Minecraft Roleplay Inspired

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I heard a yawn as Lucinda got up. I was still half asleep, though.
"Uhhh... Kim...? KIM! GUYS WAKE UP!" I opened one eye to see Lucinda freaking out, leaning over Kim's lifeless sleeping bag. Aaron got up effortlessly, while Garroth seemed to struggle. "What is it?" He finally choked up.
"Have you guys seen Kim?!" Lucinda had started to panic even more when I shook my head no.
"How could we have seen her? We're only just waking up!" I rubbed my eyes.
"Plus, she probably just went to the ba-"
"No way! If I know Kim, then she wouldn't go to the bathroom alone. She would probably ask Lucinda or you, YN, to go with her." Garroth crossed his arms, not noticing how much he knew about her.
"Do you know if she like... sleepwalks? Or anything?" Aaron asked, looking at all of us (but mostly Garroth). He shook his head, disapprovingly.
There was a long pause before Lucinda spoke again. "Well, if she didn't go to the bathroom, and doesn't sleepwalk.." she thought for a moment, unsure of what to say still.
"Oh, Kim! Oh Kimmy Kim!" Garroth got up and sprinted away, panicked.
"Aaron, do you think that those wolves..-" Lucinda started.
"From yesterday?" I interrupted. "I- don't think so... we would have woken up from their noise or their smell." I stated.
"Smell? The had a smell?" Lucinda tilted her head.
"I mean uhh..! Nope! Maybe not! Definitely not! I uh... don't... know what I was thinking... heh..." I put my arms behind my back, feeling Aaron glaring daggers at me. Lucinda hummed and walked off, looking for Kim.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Baby there's a place where we can go! Where it's always shining like the snow; listen to hour heartbeat, don't you know
That I just wanna be with you?
Oh oh oh!

??? POV
"I spy with my eyes...something that begins with 'S'." I said for the twentieth time that car ride.
"Snow." Zane replied, more annoyed than ever.
"What?! How did you know?!"
"Oh-gee... I don't know! Maybe because.. ITS THE ONLY THINK THATS BEEN AROUND FOR THE PAST FIVE MILES?!" He shouted, eyes glued to the road.
"Pfft.. fine..." I sighed,"let's see.. hehe... I spy with MY eye... something that begins with 'S'." I smiled.
"Again?! It's snow!!"
"Actually.. it's not." I crossed my arms and leaned back further in my seat.
"Huh? What else could it be?" He looked at me for a second, then looked back to the road.
"It's 'S' for SOURPUSS because THAT'S what you're being right now." I rolled my eyes. "Oh, haha, very funny." He did the same as he spoke. He started to hum as he drove.
"You okay Zane?" I asked, sounding more worried than I meant to.
"Yea.. I just.. I gotta pull over real quick."
(Me: bish I gotta pee I'll brb)
"Why did we stop? We're not too far front the place we need to be!" I shifted my weight in the snow.
"Because, I'm uh.. my knee was locking up and I need to stretch; that's all, so I'm going for a walk." He said blankly.
"Oh-well then I'll go with y-"
"NO. IM GOING ALONE. You stay HERE and WATCH THE CAR." He rudely interrupted me. >:C
"Uhh.. okay...? Are you sure you don't want me to-"
"IM POSITIVE," He was angrier now "NOW STAY PUT!"

He ran off before I could argue. An audible "Hmph!" escaped my mouth.

 An audible "Hmph!" escaped my mouth

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??? POV
"Good, she didn't follow me... now, let's see.." I looked around for a place to do my thing.
"This looks like a good place." I said, stepping behind a bush and making sure Aph wasn't there. Just as I was about to mark my territory,
(I need Jesus)
(Someone get me Jesus water now)
a smol bunny bean appeared.
"You've got to be kidding me!" I said aloud. I growled and moved away, defeated.
"Finally some privacy." I said, before a family of raccoons came from beside me.
"What the..?!" I looked at them wide eyed.
"Oh, COME ON!" I said, as more animals appeared from where the raccoons had.
"Grr!! This is ridiculous!! How am I supposed to get any peeace?!" I shouted.
(I still need Jesus)
(Hehe.... okey..)

[DISCONTINUED] Emerald Secret x Reader | Hook, Line, And SinkerWhere stories live. Discover now