Part Six//Finding Zuzu//Aphmau Minecraft Roleplay Inspired

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K sorry about my fangirling; it happens to the best of us....
And the worst on my case....
Anyways here's the chapter:

Your POV btw...

We walked down into the depths of the tunnel, following the green trail of footprints. We had only walked a little ways, when we came across a cart.
"Wait- what's this?" Aphmau inched closer to it. She shoved it a bit and an avalanche of dirt and gravel came down, right in front of her. A scream was heard. She ran over to Aaron, surprised, but he ignored her.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you, Kim!" Aphmau said, Kim's eyebrows furrowing.
"Tha-that wasn't me...?" Kim seemed as if she had no idea what Aphmau was talking about. Then, Garroth slowly turned around, a look of sheer horror on his face.
"Garroth, you'll be fi-" I started, then he walked over to me and hugged me.
"O...kaaaayyy....?" I looked down at him, he still shivering.
"Man, this is such a complex cave system!" Kim tried changing the subject.
"How's it complex?" Lucinda and Aaron walked back from- I... don't really know where they went... huh.
"I mean... geographically this cave shouldn't exist here!"
"Which means... whoever took Zane planned this out..." I continued. Aphmau had started to tear up.
"I know you must be ecstatic about this... cave.... but, you're forgetting the real reason we're here..." Aaron nodded his head to Aphmau, who was now crying silently.
"Ohh... o-Oh!! Oh my Irene! I-I'm so sorry Aphmau! Garroth! I was just trying to lighten the mood!" Kim said, me nodding in sympathy.
"Ohh... nice going Kim!" She muttered.
"Oh, Zane!" Aphmau twiddled her fingers under her sleeves.
"Aph, don't worry. I'm sure Zane's perfectly fine." I walked over to her, putting an arm on her shoulder. She shrugged me off, though.
"Alright; there are footprints we can follow!" Garroth interrupted "Were bound to find him!"
Lucinda groaned. "And we'd better find him soon..."
"Why is that?"
Then, little by little, the footprints started to disappear.
"Quick! Follow them!" Lucinda shouted.
We ran after them.
"No! No! No!" She shouted again.
"Lucinda?! What's going on?!" Aphmau trailed behind.
"Why are the footprints disappearing?!" Now everyone was asking.
"My spell is wearing off!" She complained. Aaron and Aphmau finally caught up.
"The footprints behind us are disappearing as well!"
Lucinda muttered a "darn it." And thought of what to do.
"Lucinda cast the spell again!" Garroth hoped.
"She can't. It's not like she's unlimited with her magic and energy. Spells take time, and so does our body and mind. She can't just do back-to-back spells because she isn't strong enough. No one is. It's kind of like a roller coaster; she had to have gravitational potential energy before she has kinetic and She has to have chemical potential energy before she can have kinetic, aka spells." I stated. I then saw everyone stare at me. "S-sorry..."
"No, thank you, YN. Now-"
"Zane! ZANE??" Aphmau gave up on waiting, and ran off to a fork in the roa-....cave..? trail...? I... don't know..
"He'll be fine. We'll find him, I know we will." I said. We all started walking again, aimlessly.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Baby there's a place where we can go! Where it's always shining like the snow; listen to hour heartbeat, don't you know
That I just wanna be with you?
Oh oh oh!
(Yes, I know I put hour instead of your. Do I care? No.)
"Oh, this is going to be interesting." Aaron sighed. I sniffed the air, looking for where Zane went.
"Guys, I think we need to go this way..." I pointed to the right cave.
"I.. just have this feeling..."
"Feeling? You're basing where Zane is on a feeling you have!?" Lucinda repeated impatiently.
"It's... just a hunch-"
"Same... I feel it too." Aaron started to back me up.
"I... just... don't know... I have a feeling he was taken this way-" Lucinda sighed, pointing to the left cave.
"Well, which way is it?" Garroth was now getting impatient. It was honestly a little annoying.
"Aaron, YN, I know you two want to help but... I'm on this. I started a chase and I'm going to finish it. I think he's down this way-"
"Lucinda, please! I'm almost certain it's this way-" Aaron started.
"Well then, why don't we just split up and... take both ways?"
"That's... actually a terrible idea..." I mumbled.
"Splitting up is the one thing we shouldn't do right now." Aaron told her.
"Well then! How about you two cast a spell and find the trail of-"
"Guys! Lease, let's just focus on getting Zane back!"
"I agree- so we go this way." Lucinda stormed. I couldn't take it any more. I silently walked away and into the right cave. I'm guessing Lucinda did the same. I had only walked for a little bit, when I heard speeding footsteps behind me.
"YN! Wait!" It was Aaron. I stopped and turned, waiting to see Aphmau following along.
She wasn't...
"Why isn't-"
"I'm not going to stand around and argue. There's no point. She thinks that Lucinda is right..." Aaron sighed in defeat.
There was a little bit of silence.
"Thanks." I finally announced.
"For what?"
"For... I dunno... backing me up..? Just thought I'd say it." I fake smiled. I felt bad for splitting Aaron and his girlfriend up.

[DISCONTINUED] Emerald Secret x Reader | Hook, Line, And SinkerWhere stories live. Discover now