Part Eight//Losing Aaron//Aphmau Minecraft Roleplay Inspried

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We're starting the day off strong with 1k+ views!! Yay!!!! Thank you all so much for the support on the last chapter, I'll admit I was a little scared that nobody would see it, heh.

We're starting the day off strong with 1k+ views!! Yay!!!! Thank you all so much for the support on the last chapter, I'll admit I was a little scared that nobody would see it, heh

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Again, jut thank you so much. Now on with he chapter!!

Michi POV
Aaron and I walked through the forest. It was kinda cold, but Aaron gave me his jacket, so I was fine. I think..
"Ba-" Aaron blushed. I smirked. "YN....? Where exactly did you say you saw Zane again?"
"Oh I saw him.. this way!" I waved my hand for him to follow me under some trees. "He really should have been somewhere around this clearing..."
"Are you sure? We're getting really far from the lodge..." Aaron looked back in the direction of the lodge.
"Y-you...don't want me to find Zane...?" I acted hurt.
"That's not it at all. Of course I wanna help you find Zane, it's just... the storms really picking up..." he clutched his own arm.
"Are you upset that I like Zane?"
"W-what? No! Not at all! I could care less if you liked Zane more..." he didn't sound like he meant it..

Does he like YN?

Hah!! I didn't even have to do anything, he already doesn't like Aphmau anymore! Nyahaha!! I didn't even have to use my plan? Well, gee! Thank you Aaron~!

"It's just a little weird that you're acting like you don't want me to find Zane!"
"YN, I know you're under a lot of stress right now, so... maybe your judgment is off a bit...?" He grew more worried looming by the second. I suppose he really does love YN... huh... kinda boring for me, he already did all of the work....
"Jealousy doesn't look good on you Aaron."
"I'm not jealous  in the slightest bit... you know that! I just don't see the point of putting ourselves in danger. Zane wouldn't want you to do that..." he, once again, sounded fake.
"Jealous~!" I sang.
"Argh... fine, we'll keep moving.."
"Perfect! This way." I perked up. I think he was into me because he didn't really seem to believe me that whole time.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Baby there's a place where we can go! Where it's always shining like the snow; listen to your heartbeat, don't you know
That I just wanna be with you?
Oh oh oh!
Finally changed it to "your"! Yay!

Your POV
"Zane! I was so worried about you! You have no idea!!" Aphmau clung onto Zane. It was cute!
"Shhh sh sh sh sh shhhhh... it's okay Aphmau. I'm here now.. ah-aH-ACHOO!" He (thankfully...) looked over his shoulder before he sneezed, so at least he didn't sneeze all over someone.
"Ah! You're cold! Here, you can have your jacket back..." she said, taking it off as quickly as she could.
"Thanks, Aph." They hugged again.

I backed away, seeing Lucinda walk in.
"I put Zane's clothed is the wash. Also I moved your clothes to the dryer, both of you."
"Thank you Kim." Lucinda smiled.
"You're welcome! How is Zane?"
"Well, he's acting... odd..." I interrupted.
"Yes, that's the thing! From what Aphmau said he's not that touchy... his body language seems so different from what she said..."
"I wonder what happened to him..." Kim said the thing we where all thinking.
"He hasn't said a word about that. He's just been holding Aphmau..." Lucinda turned her head to look at the two, rocking each other in heir arms. Me and Kim looked as well.
"That little lassie better her hands off my man!" Kim growled.
"Uh... Kim?"
"Hm?" She reacted normally.
"I... I thought you said something..."
"I just said 'I wonder what happened to him'..."
"Uhhh okaaayyy... it just sounded like you said something else."

[DISCONTINUED] Emerald Secret x Reader | Hook, Line, And SinkerWhere stories live. Discover now