Part Ten//Aaron's Jealousy (hehe)//Aphmau Minecraft Roleplay Inspired

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Hey guys. Sorry I don't update very frequently. I've been a little depressed lately and let me just say this; it sucks. Especially when you can't describe 'sadness' to someone, so you just pretend everything's fine and slap on a smile. It's also pretty discouraging when you finally have the courage to tell someone you're asexual, just to have them laugh at you and go away. Again, I'm sorry. It's just tough right now. Anyways...

Thank you so much!! Anyways, here's the chapter for this

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Thank you so much!! Anyways, here's the chapter for this... week? Day? I don't really have a schedule.. anyways, here's trash. And please, don't comment out of pity. Comment because you like this chapter and want to see more.

Aaron POV

"She's warming up..." the girl kept YN close to her chest. "Are you awake?" She tilted her head to get a better view of YN. Her checks where still blue, but the rest of her seemed warm enough to live.
"Still needing more rest... I understand. You lost a lot of strength doing what you did. I still don't understand why you chose to do such a thing." The girl then turned to me, seeing a straight face.
"You're still staring at me.."
"No I'm not." I kept my eyes on her.


"You are. Your gaze is as bright as fire." She observed.
"Th-that's not... I just-"
"A gaze like an alpha." I nearly choked on my breath.
"Something about your eyes. It's like an alpha."
"What do you mean?" Does she know we're ultimas?
"Are you, by chance, a wolf?"
"Uh... no. I'm not." I lied.
"I see... "
there was a moment of silence between us.
"You're friends with the wolves here, aren't you?" I scooted a little closer to her.
"I am. You seem rather calm about it." I tried to shake off the fact that someone else was holding YN.
"I've heard rumors about the wolves around here, but like I said, I've befriended many werewolves so word 'wolf' doesn't really scare me as much as it would a normal human."
"You act as if you're-" I'm glad she was cut off by something. It sounded like a howl. The girl got up and ran to the cave entrance, leaving YN to lean against the cave wall. I walked over to her slowly breathing body.
"YN... please.. wake up..." I held her close to me. She was warm, but still not awake. I put one hand on her cheek (I know what y'all thought, y'all r nasty). Then, the girl muttered something. I couldn't make plot out over the whistles of the wind, but se soon ran back into the cave. I sadly set YN down and walked over to the other girl.
"What's going on?" She turned around swiftly, more jumpy than she had been before.
"We need her to wake up!" She also seems more worried.
"Why? What's wrong?!" I crossed my arms when they met the cold wind.
"Our alpha is coming! If he finds her here he'll take her!"
"Huh?" What was "take her" supposed to mean? Like, is he just gonna waltz right on up be like "Oh HAAAAY!" And walk away with YN?!? The girl ran back to YN, holding her closer than ever.
"Wake up!!" She shook her by the shoulders. "Please!!"
"What are you doing?!?" I got a bit jealous. I'll admit.
"She needs more of my body heat!" The girl started to breathe down YNs neck (Jesus save me ;-;).
"No she doesn't!"

[DISCONTINUED] Emerald Secret x Reader | Hook, Line, And SinkerWhere stories live. Discover now