Part 13//I Will Always Love You//Aphmau Minecraft Roleplay

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Aaron's POV

I ran through the forest, unsure of where to go, for as long as my legs would take me. I looked around, but saw nothing. Just snow, trees, and the grey sky.
"Aaron! Aaron, wait up!!" Garroth yelled behind me. I only kept running. "Aaron, where are you going?!" He continued to yell. I stayed silent and closed my eyes.

"Aaron! The the storm is getting worse, we need to turn back! Please, Aaron, we will never be able to find them! Lucinda used a spell. There's no way on earth we can track them down!" He shouted. I waited for him to continue. "I care about them too, but we're no use if we freeze to death!" I heard him yell. I began to block out noises of the things around me, Garroth's voice fading. All I could hear was the sounds of my uneven breathing.
After a moment, I heard a heartbeat.


"I can hear her. She's this way." I said, still panting.
"W-what? Aaron, stop!" Garroth yelled. "Aaron?" He yelled after me again. I stopped in the middle of an opening in the trees.
"Stop..." I mumbled to him. "Someone's here."
"Wha-?" He said back. I put a hand over his mouth.
"I know you're there. Come out." I shouted confidently. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around.
"A-A-Aaron! Th-this is that girl with the wolves!" Garroth stepped backward.
"You had something to do with this, didn't you?" I asked her. It was the lady from the cave who helped warm [Y/N] when we were nearly frozen to our dooms.
"Aaron! You need to leave... you need to leave now!" The woman's voice cracked as she held her hands up.
"I won't. I'm going to bring her back." I retorted.
"You can't follow her!" The woman cried.
"Please. Stand aside." I took one more step forward but the woman didn't budge.
"No! I won't!" She yelled, her voice breaking.
"Please." I repeated.
"She's gone! Forget about her!" The woman yelled.
"I will never." I said, my voice raising.
"If you continue, he-" she started "he will kill you! Don't you understand?"

"What?" Garroth asked, giving me a nervous glance. "What in Irene's name is going on?" He asked.
"Please! Let me protect you!" The woman yelled, tears in her eyes. I walked up to her.
"Please... shes my world." I told her. She looked up at me and stared into my eyes.

What am I doing?

I thought I loved Aphmau...

"No. No! He'll hurt you!" She cried once more.

"Please. I said, hoping it would be the last time. "She is everything to me." I said, standing my ground.
The woman and I locked eye contact for a moment more. She sighed.
"Fine. But please, listen to me." She looked at her feet. "I didn't want any part of this! You have to understand this wasn't my fault-!" She began to cry harder.
"'ll be okay. Please, tell us what's going on..." I put a hand on her shoulder. "You can help us."
She only cried more.
"Help me understand. Who wants to hurt me? Why did they take [Y/N]?" I asked.
"B-but, he'll hurt me... he'll hurt my pack..." the woman said quietly.
"I won't let him. Now please...
Tell me everything." I said.

"I-I saw her help that wolf pup he had left for dead. Why? Why did she help him?" She asked.
"She's-" I began, but caught myself. "He didn't deserve to die. No one deserves to die." I said.
"You promise to help us?" The lady began twiddling her thumbs under her sleeves.
"Yes. I promise." I said. "Please, help me find her."
"Aaron, who is she? What's going on?" Garroth yelled behind me. I'd completely forgotten he was there until then.
"My name is Tateana. I am... a female wolf.
"Uh... werewolf?" Garroth asked, correcting her.
"No." I mumbled in response.
"I am not a werewolf! I am a wolf, you understand?" Tateana yelled.
"What?" Garroth asked again.
"I was once a wolf, a pure blood wolf! I ran, I hunted, nature was my home and it accepted me... now it rejects me and the human I've become!" She shouted. Garroth walked up behind me. "Aaron," He asked. "what do we do?"
"Just listen." I said calmly.
Stop interrupting, already! I thought.
"A man shrouded in black had come to the cave we had called home. One by one... he began to slaughter my pack. In desperation to stop him, I threw myself at his feet. He spoke, and as I looked up at him, he revealed to me that he was a werewolf." Tateana shuddered. "I had never seen a werewolf before.. it was frightening. I begged him to spare my pack, and he did. But he demanded to become alpha in my place, and take control of the pack. It was cruel... such a cruel way to become alpha, but I gave in. I needed to save my people. He removed an emerald from our cave,
and then forced me to follow him. He took me to a lodge, where a man with the eyes of a snake waited. The werewolf handed him the emerald, and with it he took the snake eyed man had created a potion. Then, just as it was completed, he handed it to the werewolf. He turned to me, and used it to transform me into a human. It was the first time I had human legs... it was the first time I felt so weak." She finished (finally), hugging herself and stuff tearing up.
"I'm sorry..." I felt my eyebrows furrow and turn up. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that..." I said after a moment of silence.
"I'm not so sure I trust her." Garroth mumbled, just loud enough for me to hear.
"But he wasn't done with us." Tateana started again. "The strange werewolf then made us gather more of those... emeralds... not just ordinary emeralds, but emeralds containing traces of raw power. But, they weren't for the werewolf. They were for the man with the eyes of a snake. The werewolf was just his grunt. The snake eyed man was taking the emeralds to create potions with the effects that would last... forever. He made them, and even had one tested on his own son. But it failed. Once all the emeralds were mined from the mountain, the snake eyed man left, leaving the werewolf with us."
"So, they were making forever potions... is that what they used on my friends?" I asked.
"Yes." Tateana said. "The werewolf stayed behind and tried to make the exact same potions for himself. He couldn't make them alone, even with the few emeralds he had. But then you all had shown up, and he realized, the orange haired girl, Lu-Lucinda..? Could make the potions he desired. How he knew her, I'm not sure, but he did. And then he saw you, Aaron." She waited a few seconds before continuing. "His blood boiled. He grew angry at the sight of you. Especially when he saw [Y/N] with you." She explained.
"Why...?" I asked.
"I don't know. I don't know what you did, but he despises you, Aaron. And he wants [Y/N]. He wants her... desperately." Her eyes saddened more and she squinted.
"No. We won't let him have her." Garroth said behind me in a low, smooth voice. It was surprising to hear her talk in such a manner, though I'm sure he liked [y/n] enough to fight for her, as well.
Tateana opened her mouth to speak, but a gasp came out. She fell onto the snowy ground and clenched a fist in pain.
"Th-the potion! It's become permanent!" She shrieked, looking up. Her eyes had changed from green to a brownish-orange.
"...What?" Garroth asked, in a more normal tone.
"These potions... once the eyes settle to their original color, they can never be undone!" It means... I'm stuck as a human... forever!" She began to cry again. She must have been forever potion-ed to follow the werewolf around. I looked at my feet, thinking. My eyes went wide. I began running, Garroth following me. "Aaron! Wait!" He yelled.
If the effects of a forever potion can be permanent,

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