Part Four//Kiss ATTACK!?// Aphmau Minecraft Roleplay Inspired

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Everyone was cleaning around the lodge. More specifically, I was cleaning a window, Aaron was cleaning a lamp, and Garroth was... I dunno what he was doing actually.
Speaking of Garroth, I heard him groan from behind me.
"You okay?" I asked. He sighed. "Yeah, I'm just really worried about Kim..." he had tears in the rim of his eyes.
"She's gonna be fine. Everyone else has an eye on her." I said, simply.
"I hope she'll be fine. It's been a few days and she's still not 100% herself." He continued to clean whatever, not really paying attention. "I'm just really worried about her. Who else is going to do mall day with me?"

There was a long, awkward pause.

"Seriously? She like.. almost raped Zane basically and you're worried about who's gonna go to the mall with you after all of this?"
"Yeah." He acted as if it where second nature.

" He acted as if it where second nature

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He then looked at me in a pleading way.
"No." I said, already knowing what he would ask.
"See? Thats what I mean! Kim is the only one who could do a full mall day with me." He looked away, sadly. "But... aside from that she's a cool friend."
"We'll make sure she's okay." Aaron said, walking by us with a wet towel and a bucket of hot water.
(Yea I know I f*cked up bc I said he was cleaning sh*t but LEAVE MEH ALONE BETCH)
"Huh.. yeah..." Garroth looked more upset than I had ever seen him (even though it's only been a few days).
"So! This place is looking better already!" Garroth perked up.
"Talk about a sudden change of attitude..." I mumbled.
"Right? I mean; this place looks really nice when it's clean." Aaron said, looking around the lodge.
"I think you and YN and Aph should all share that room." Garroth pointed to the largest room.
"What?!" Me and Aaron asked in sync.
"Why us?" Aaron asked, reading my mind.
"First, both of you stayed in that room when you where young and second, you and YN don't really know each other at all as far as I'm concerned. Also, it would be weird for your girlfriend to be in a different room." Garroth stated as if he knew everything about all of us.
"Well... if Aph and you and YN are okay with it.." Aaron said, disregarding every bit of grammar in his brain.
"Of course," Garroth put his words in my mouth. I was GOING to say "well, I think you and Aphmau should have your privacy.."
"but uh... we should get back to the main hallway; I want to see if Kim's okay." Garroth looked at me.
"Yeah. Let's go." I started to walk to the room Kim was in.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Baby there's a place where we can go! Where it's always shining like the snow; listen to hour heartbeat, don't you know
That I just wanna be with you?
Oh oh oh!
Aphmau POV
"Do you think she's going to be alright?" I asked Lucinda. Kim still wasn't awake, and Aaron was still getting her a wet towel.
"Oh yeah, I'm sure." Lucinda assured me. I faked a smile and sat next to Kim.
"It seemed like it was a minor possession spell." Lucinda finished after a moment. Then, Kim seemed as if she where slightly conscious.
"Kim? How are you feeling?" I asked as Kim yawned.
"Mm... better.. actually..." Kim tried to speak, but it came out as mumbles.
"Can I get you anything? Water? Or... food?" I leaned on the couches arm rest.
"No! No, I'm fine," Kim managed to say normally "I've just got a small headache." She explained.
"You're recovering well for someone who was possessed only a few days ago." Lucinda smiled warmly.
"Thanks.. I guess? Umm.. is the guy I attacked alright?" Kim looked at Lucinda disbelievingly. I remembered Garrth had not old Kim she tried to kiss him, he just said "attacked".
"A...ttacked..?" Lucinda repeated slowly.
"Mhm. Garroth said I attacked his brother, Zane." She held her worried gaze on Lucinda.
"Oh... so that's what he told you, huh?" Lucinda asked laughing a bit.
"Oh! I'm so embarrassed!" Kim covered her eyes, then spoke unlike herself; "I owe an apology to Zane's... devilishly handsome face..." she smiled, creepily.
"Uhhh... Kim? Are... you okay?" I put a hand on her shoulder, not believing what she said.
"Heh, I'm always okay when thinking about Zane." She looked at me, then mumbled something I couldn't hear.
"Kim!" Lucinda snapped. "Snap out of it." Heh... punny.
"Hhhhhuh? HUH?!" Kim looked around as if she'd forgotten where she was "what happened?" Was all she said before Lucinda mumbled something as well. "What does that mean?" Kim must have heard her. "Am I going to attack Zane again?" She put her hands back up to her face.
"Attack isn't the word I would use for-" I started, but Lucinda started to cough.
"Eh....? O-oh! Right! Umm... let's keep you away from Zane, at least until we can figure out what's going on with you." I put an arm around Kim's shoulders.
(When I first wrote "I put an arm around Kim's shoulders", it autocorrected to "I put an Aaron around Kim's shoulders" 👍🏼😂😂😂 ilysm auto correct)
We talked for (hours and hours about the sweet and the sour) a few more minutes. Apparently Kim doesn't remember anything she did to Zane- good. She wouldn't be able to look at him the same way. Lucinda and I both agreed that we would have to keep Kim out of Zane's way.
"Hey! How are things going? Any updates ?" I heard Garroth run into the room.
"She's still going in and out of it. But she's getting better." Lucinda notified him.
"Well that's good to hear." Garroth sighed in relief.
"Alright. So there are.. a few things we need to do." Aaron twiddled his thumbs, changing the subject.
"Like what?" YN asked and made eye contact with Aaron. It honestly made me a little jealous. Well, more than a little, I'll admit that.
"Well, we're running out of food, and plus we need a few supplies." Aaron kept his eyes on her. It made me unsettled..
"That's right!" I interrupted "I almost forgot! We kinda need food to survive.. heh..!" I tried to distract Aaron. YN didn't realize what I was doing, and smiled as if I where joking around. I had to admit her smile was pretty.
"This would be the perfect opportunity to get Kim out of the house!" Lucinda suggested, looking at Kim.
"Alright, well then... I guess it's a road trip!" Aaron smiled.
"Uhh... I'll stay back with Zane, I want to make sure he's okay." Garroth offered.
"Good idea." Lucinda nodded. Aaron did the same.
"Well, let's get going then!" YN cheered.
We left and where about halfway there, before I started to ask questions.
"Is there even a town around these parts?" I looked at Aaron. "Yeah but.. I think is a really small one though."
I didn't pay much attention to anything besides the way Aaron looked at me. It wasn't the same. It was like he didn't have half as many feelings for me anymore.
Is it YN?

[DISCONTINUED] Emerald Secret x Reader | Hook, Line, And SinkerWhere stories live. Discover now