You Should (Never) Be Alone | Mystreet Emerald Secret x Reader | Chapter 14

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Okay anyway here's what I have written for you:

Hello :) so if you didn't notice already, I changed the formatting of the title. I did that because I didn't like the way it looked before and this way feels more accurate to the episodes. Also, I'm writing on my computer now! So I can see mistakes more easily.. BTW sorry if I forget to capitalize the word "i" lol

Okay! On to the chapter! :)) <3

Aaron POV

I woke up with a gasp in a room I did not recognize. I sat in silence for a moment, until I heard a voice.

"Looks like you're wake..." they said. I looked to my right to see somebody wearing a purple cloak standing in front of a counter.

"Where am I?" I asked, worried about everything that I could remember.

also, for some reason, whenever i press enter, it skips like a whole line... idk why it does that but i'm not able to undo it so... sorry about that! ok back to the chapter :P

"Don't worry. you're safe here. Nothing will hut you." They said.

"Who are you?" I asked again,my voice dry and raspy. "An old friend." they said. "You always manage to get yourself into trouble, every once in a while." As I wondered what that meant, it dawned upon me that I might be unconscious, or worse.

"Am I...?" I asked. My throat hurt and it felt like it was on fire, but I kept pushing through questions.

"Well... yes.. and no." The lady, I'm guessing, said. "That girl really hurt you... in more ways than one."

"I'm guessing death was the easy part. her words really pierced you, didn't they?" she asked. As I remembered what happened more clearly, what [y/n] had done, I began to cry.

"That all happened... didn't it? I fell..." I asked. the lady stayed silent. Sitting up in the bed I was in, I continued. "She had a knife... and forced me to that ledge..." we sat for a moment in silence.
"I should have turned her!" I yelled and banged my fist onto a crate. The fragile things in the create shook and rattled inside.

"I should have done what he said..."

"You doubt yourself." The lady said. In a softer voice, I replied, "Of course I do... I failed... I would have done anything for her, and I froze!"

"You couldn't stop anyone from finding out what you really are. And when she found out that you were one, too..." The lady put her palm on the counter and half-turned to me. I couldn't see her face, but she had black hair and pale skin.

"Everything she said," I tried to speak with a monotone voice, but my voice cracked and it was obvious I'd teared up, "it was true... all my life I've been alone... I had to be. I was a danger to everyone, a monster...".

"You'll never be able to open yourself up if you're scared of what you are." She said. "Aaron, you need to accept who you are."

"I was raised to be alone." I said with a limp tone.

"It's a shame. you aren't the man I remember." She said, looking down and shaking her head. I let out an uttered "Huh?".

"The Aaron I remember wouldn't allow a minor setback like this to determine. Even when everything was lost, he pressed on." She said calmly. This statement filled me with more rage than I think I'd ever experienced in such a swift moment.

"A minor setback?" I yelled. "Somebody I love is in danger and you call it a 'minor setback'?"

"Exactly." She said. "She's in danger. Being near danger almost made you forget. There are people who are in danger, Aaron. People you care deeply about. are you just going to give up and forget them?" I was taken back by how calm her voice was. It took me a moment to respond, but even when I tried to speak, she cut me off.
"Maybe you should." she said finally. "After all, the woman you loved caused this."

[DISCONTINUED] Emerald Secret x Reader | Hook, Line, And SinkerWhere stories live. Discover now