Part Seven//Michi's Disguise//Aphmau Minecraft Roleplay Inspired

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Ps: how did the views go from like... 200 to 20? XD rip

??? POV
I sat on a log near the fire. Three wolves came looking for me. I didn't say anything, I just stared into the fire.

I remembered seeing that girl. She had cared enough to bandage one of the pups, leaving her with something that just barely went over her stomach. She wasn't wearing a jacket for some reason, although most humans would out in this weather.
I was lucky she didn't notice me being creepy and staring right at her. I could have been dead meat if she did.
I turned around to see the same pup siting and wagging its tail at me. I looked closer at his paw, making sure there wasn't a weapon or something in it. When I saw that there wasn't, I proceeded to hug him.

"Why would she help one of our pups?" I realized. "It just doesn't make any sense... humans fear us." The other wolves growled and nodded in agreement.
"Most humans would even run away at the sight of us..."
"Exactly. Especially you guys in your natural form. Most humans don't even see you guys as sentient beings... they always have to take a glance at you." I noted.
"She didn't even care that he is a werewolf pup..." one of them said. I wasn't paying much attention to who. I kept a strong gaze on the wondering fire.
"You're right... she didn't. She didn't even question helping a pup from our tribe. She just acted... like it was natural.."
"Do you know anything else on the subject Tatiana?" Another asked.
"A pup needed to respect the alpha... that's all I can say."
Then one of them suggested something. Lol sorry I dunno what they said there (or any other parts for certain, I was just making stuff up trololol)
"I don't know if I agree with that... either way it was the alphas decision to pass judgement on that pup... a decision we must respect." I stated.
"But what about-"
"We do not question our alphas methods... must you forget our alpha has been the one protecting us, making our homes possible? We will follow him no matter what. Unless you're looking to challenge him." I scoffed. They whimpered.
"As I though. Now come on, we need to continue our hunt before the storm gets worse." They agreed and I led them into the cold, crisp night.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Baby there's a place where we can go! Where it's always shining like the snow; listen to hour heartbeat, don't you know
That I just wanna be with you?
Oh oh oh!
Michi POV
"Ugh!! You don't know how much this makes Michi's blood boil!" I stormed, looking around at all of the crates.
"And.. five! There! So glad these just got in before the snow hit harder. Now to get these all set up and inside." Leochant smiled.
"I wonder who else is in the log cabin?" I gazed off, hoping Laurance was there.
"Hm... maybe he's there." I sighed. "Hey! Leochant! Did that group of people say how many there was in the cabin?"
"Huh? Uhh... no, they didn't. Though they bought out a lot of my stock so I would assume quite a few people!"
"Hm... Michi has the sudden urge to find out!" I smiled innocently. "Not only that but~ maybe Michi could have some fun too~! Hahaha! Michi would love to cause trouble there~! For Aphmau especially~!" I mumbled.
"Hm? Did you say something Michi?" Leochant asked.
"Nya? N-no no! Nothing at all!" I hadn't realized I was talking out loud.
"Why do you want to know how many people there are?"
"I was just curious~ Michi wants uh... Leochant's shop to do well! So the more people the better!" I lied.
"Well, that is true! Haha!" He laughed. I had to admit, over the time we had spent together I had developed a small crush on him. His smile always made my day 10x better. I started to walk away, realizing I was blushing.

[DISCONTINUED] Emerald Secret x Reader | Hook, Line, And SinkerWhere stories live. Discover now