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Sorry! This is not a chapter. You do not have to read, however, if you would like to know when I'm updating, then I will update every weekend day. Also, I'm probably going to continue this book over the summer, so get ready for updates probably every three days. 😂 I'm not really sure what else to say because I'm not very proper. Let's be real here; I'm a pig. XD okay anyways bye.

(This is one of the reasons I write the book first, then publish it all at once

(This is one of the reasons I write the book first, then publish it all at once ;-;)(THX FOR 500 READS WOW LOL)

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599 AHAHHAHA!!! Yey ;3;

[DISCONTINUED] Emerald Secret x Reader | Hook, Line, And SinkerWhere stories live. Discover now