Chapter 4:Unfortunate

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Luhan was perched on a very expensive and luxurious looking chair while keeping his gaze fixed on the braided bracelet that swamped over his right wrist.

He had the feeling that people were looking at him, dissecting his mind through a simple glance his way.

It was this way for a good few minutes before a slightly more gentle looking man approached him with a soft smile on his face. "My name is Suho. I'm 25. I uh..." he glanced to the others, who all mouthed 'work'. It wasn't a great thing, when introducing yourself, to say that your job is to kill people who couldn't pay back a debt, deal drugs and gamble. "...Work for Sehun, the tall guy who saved you. What's your name?" He said softly, noticing how small, frightened and vulnerable the boy looked.

The others stood there awkwardly, as Luhan looked like he was solving fancy mathematics in his brain. At last, the boy spoke. "Hi! I'm Xi Luhan. I'm 26, from Beijing in China. Nice to meet you!" The boy spoke softly, pausing to check if he was grammatically correct every five words.

Everybody's mouths dropped open at the boy's introduction to himself. Although he wasn't a boy. Except for a small man with chubby cheeks named Xiumin, he was older than all of them.

"What? Is my Korean really that bad?" Luhan furrowed his brows in a cute but curious manner, oblivious to everybody's shock around him.

"Are you sure? 26? You look about 15 to me.." Kyungsoo eyed him suspiciously, and Chanyeol cut him off. "I'd say 12!" He pointed at the deer, who couldn't understand what they were saying. The other men who weren't part of the twelve around him all laughed loudly and pointed at him rather rudely.

Of course, Luhan thought that they were all making fun of him and his appearance. Kai had begun to shout at the men in uniform, while Kris just glared at them. Both methods were equally as effective.

Luhan's big eyes welled up in tears just when the doors were shoved open. He had always been bullied and shoved around for looking rather feminine, and he could remember one memory that was particularly nasty.

The other men had immediately stopped laughing, not only because their rather short tempered boss was now in the room with them, but because they realised that Luhan was starting to sniffle and wipe his eyes.

They gulped and the twelve men bowed before Sehun pointed to the ones that he could still see sniggering before walking back out again, leaving the meeting room in total silence.


Sehun finished washing the blood on his hands before leaving his ensuite bathroom, muttering to himself about better discipline. He hadn't killed them, just taught them a lesson called: if you dare hurt him again, physically or emotionally, you will not live to see another day.

Luhan was curled up in his massive bed, his thumb slightly. He slept in a tight ball, so that all of the rest of the sheets on the bed lay as flat as paper.

Even though the mafia boss knew that this deer was actually four years older than him, he still reminded Sehun of a child that needed protection from the horrors of the outside world.

He had also learnt that the injury on the porcelain white thigh had been caused when he was thrown into the truck, causing him to growl at Kai, who held his hands up in an innocent manner.

Sehun changed out of his sharp black suit into a baggy shirt and shorts and slid into his sheets, not bothering to wipe off his eyeliner.

He didn't take off his watch, but then again he never did. One of his many expensive watches was always on his wrist, whether it was day or night.

As soon as he was about to drift off to sleep, he heard his phone ring, causing him to grumble and get out of bed.

The time on his watch read 11:47pm as he picked it up. "What?" He spat into the phone coldly, not bothering to mask his annoyance at being woken up. A familiar voice spoke from the other end of the line. Chen.

"Sorry, boss. Mr Kim hasn't paid us that 7,000,000 won (A/N that's about £5000, or $6,200 btw) that he owes us. I've bargained him for 3 days extra, and that's being extremely generous. We shook hands on it a month ago." Chen spoke, and Sehun muttered an "I'll be there," before slamming his iphone down onto the desk.

Looks like a certain unfortunate soul is losing something very important to him tonight-his life.

Sehun dressed in a pure white tuxedo with a black shirt underneath before grabbing the keys to his Lamborghini and sliding his handgun into his pocket. He spared a last look and slight smile at the deer, still curled in a ball under the covers, before sliding his bedroom door open and sliding expertly out of the gap that it had left.

He slid the door back before walking casually down the corridor like taking a life was an everyday occurrence to the man. Oh, wait. It was.

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