Chapter 20:Awoken

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"Mrrr..." Luhan opened his eyes after getting shaken awake by Yixing. The rest of Exo were crowded around his bed, peering at the deer curiously. "What...happened?" He breathed, while trying to look for a certain face in the crowd.

"Well, we rescued you two from certain disaster, Lay treated both of you for injuries, and then you started screaming like a mother ing banshee in your sleep." Kris muttered sarcastically as Xiumin jabbed him in the ribs, hard. The eldest man in the room whispered something about respect to the Chinese drug dealer. Kris shrugged and went back to his phone.

Luhan wasn't really listening; craning his neck to see past the taller members of the mafia group. "Where's Sehun-ah?" He croaked, his throat dry and painful. The men in the front shared unsure looks before Kai spoke up.

"He's doing a job right now, and probably won't be back in exactly an hour." The tanned male explained as Kyungsoo patted the deer's shoulder comfortingly. Luhan's eyes widened.

"So soon? Its only been a is he already okay to go?" He asked, puzzled as the mobsters exchanged another concerned glance. Baekhyun jabbed Kai to say something, but the second in command only pointed at Suho instead.

"You were unconscious for twelve days, Luhan..." Suho said softly, as Luhan's eyes widened. Twelve whole days? He thought to himself. "Sehun stayed by your bedside for a long time after he demanded that he was okay. But, job's still a job, I guess." He continued.

"Hope he's okay. Knife wound looked pretty harsh, you know?" Chen rambled on to nobody in particular, but they all nodded.

"He's not our boss for nothing- he'll be fine."


Sehun didn't feel fine. He trudged out of his sleek black Lamborghini and wiped down his hands on his pure white suit and checked his phone for the final time. His eyes scanned over the picture and information and searched through the crowds of people for a match.There. His eyes snapped to a woman in her 30s, pushing a stroller with her husband strolling next to her. It was strange to thing to see somebody that had helped his older brother in his activities doing such normal things.

It had been a whole week and a half and Luhan still hadn't woken up yet. Sehun willed himself not to worry and turn his attention back to finding the target. A group of college girls approached him and asked him if he was okay, to which he simply nodded sharply and walked forward with quicker steps. They followed him immediately, asking irritating questions while Sehun tried not to let the target out of his sight.

"Oppa, where are you going?" The main girl asked, practically running to catch up with the mafia boss, her friends following. Sehun swore internally when he lost sight the target, who had exited the park gates with her family. He finally broke his silence record with the irritating group of students who were a little sasaeng-like.

"Listen, can you all leave me alone?" Sehun breathed as the girl looked at him as if he had just broken up a ten-year relationship with her.

"But-" She rubbed her eyes with her fake tears, but by the time the rest of her friends had caught up with her, Sehun was gone.


"For 's sake. This is why I don't kill without a gun..." Sehun checked his watch again. He had wasted a lot of time, probably about 2 hours, just being chased around by a bunch of college girls and having to find a place to put the body of Lui's ex-girlfriend.

He was in the car, driving home, when his phone rang loudly. He groaned and pressed answer on the hands free system of his car.

"Hello? Boss?" Baekhyun's voice came on in full volume, causing the mafia boss to wince and turn the audio down a considerable amount. "Yeah? What do you want?" His monotone speech seeming to cause chaos on the other side of the line. "Can you hurry up, Baekhyun?"

"Luhan woke up." Sehun's eyes widened. "Really?" He rasped, surprised. Out of all of the nonsense that Baekhyun could have said, he sincerely hoped that the diva wasn't joking.

"I'm not joking! Hurry up! He was fine this morning but-just hurry up! He's getting really panicked right now, and apart from Yixing and Suho, none of us know what to do!" Baekhyun shrieked.

"God, calm down! I'm going to take a long time! There's a ton of cars around and I can't speed forward! something, okay?" Sehun stressed, running a hand through his hair. He was about to press 'end call' when Baekhyun spoke again.

"Okay. Just hurry the hell up!" Sehun nodded, even if Baekhyun couldn't see it, and ended the call.


20 minutes later, Chanyeol and Baekhyun heard keys unlocking the front door and raced to their saviour. "Oh thank the lord! Boss! You came to save us!" Chanyeol made a praying motion, to which Sehun groaned and grabbed both of the giant's wrists before sending him a spiteful glare.

"You're talking to me as if I'm sort of ing angel coming down to save your sorry asses from certain death..." He muttered quietly while letting Chanyeol's wrists go and dumping his keys onto a table in the entrance.

"But you are!" Baekhyun screeched before pushing Sehun into the living room and running out of the room. Chanyeol snapped out of his daze and followed his boyfriend quickly, accidentally whacking his funny bone on the banister. "Ow! Baekkie waitttt~"

Sehun sighed, wondering how they were two of his most trusted hyungs. Only then did he notice the shaking bundle of blankets on the couch. He approached the blanket bundle with slight caution, before realising something.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol overreact toeverything. Literally everything. He was sure that Luhan was fine. The deer was probably just having a nightmare or something.

"Lu?" He spoke loudly, waiting for a response. "Lu!" He tried again, before giving up.

He sighed and crawled onto the couch before trying to lift Luhan's blanket off of him.

"Don't touch me!" A small voice yelled, making Sehun reel back and hold his hands up in innocence.

"Lu, it's me, Sehun. Please talk to me." He sighed. The mafia boss just wanted to go to bed and sleep for the next week.

Luhan made a muffled noise and shuffled further into the corner of the couch, trying to get away. Sehun flinched. Dammit. He didn't really know how to help people.

"Come on, Lu. I'm here..." he noticed the blanket bundle shuffle about before Luhan's face emerged from the pile of cushions.

He looked horrible. The usually bright, shining eyes were bloodshot and dull, and his cheeks were stained with dried tears. He shook slightly, tired eyes barely acknowledging Sehun's presence.

The mafia boss reached out to the deer, but the smaller one of the two knocked the warm hand out of the way quickly.

"Please don't touch me..." he whispered softly, before turning away, back facing Sehun, who's expression became unreadable.

"It's me, Sehun-ah... are you sure you don't want to talk it out? We don't have to do that even, just please let me protect you..." Sehun tried for the last time. His patience had a certain level, and the previous job that day had really brought it down lower. As much as he wanted to help the deer, he couldn't if Luhan wasn't going to let him.

"Don't... I don't want to be touched. I'm broken enough already. What if those men come back and find me? What can I possibly do to defend myself? They'll just do it to me all over again. Again. Again..." Luhan murmured to himself, chanting the last word over and over.

Sehun shuffled over and went under the blanket, even if Luhan didn't want him to. The deer flinched as he get strong arms wrap around his slender waist, being so careful. It was as if he really was made of porcelain. He felt protected and safe. For once after the incidents, he felt comfortable with somebody else being so close to him.

A soft pair of lips brushed against his left ear, making him shiver contentedly. Sehun whispered assurances into the deer's ear, while Luhan shuffled closer to the muscular body next to him.

"Promise?" The mafia boss held up his pinky finger, and Luhan nodded before linking his own with Sehun's. They fell asleep, not noticing Baekyeol coming in and snapping a photo.

"This is going to be the most brilliant blackmail ever!" Baekhyun whispered as Chanyeol nodded.

Hunhan only curled up closer, bodies tangled together under the blanket.

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