Chapter 16:Speech

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Sehun slid green contacts over his usual brown eyes and fixed his bleached hair carefully. 

Today was an important day. For once, he had no jobs to do-except run a massive meeting with all of the people of Exo, SHINee and NCT, including the lower ranking members. Luhan was bent over his phone, listening to a song called "Fire."

The mafia boss applied a little bit of eyeliner over his eyes and then sprayed his favourite cologne over himself. Luhan looked up and gasped.

"Sehun-ah! You look so handsome!" The deer giggled girlishly and pressed himself against Sehun's warm, muscular body happily. Sehun didn't think so. He was never happy with his appearance, even if others complimented him.

"Why aren't you hugging back? Do I smell bad..." Luhan poured playfully, but Sehun said nothing as he wound his arms around the deer's torso and pulled the smaller boy in closer.

Luhan furrowed his brows a little. Something was wrong. He could it in feel the way that Sehun ran his hands along the outline of his frame.

 "I don't think I'm handsome. I think that I am the highest degree of ugly." He whispered playfully as Luhan stared at him in disbelief. Oh the innocence. He also noticed that Luhan was very easy to trick, and trusted people too much.

"Seriously? What could possibly make you think that?" The deer pointed at Sehun's face. He thought that Sehun was perfect, so what could he possibly not like about himself? Sehun kept his poker face on and took a deep breath:

"My eyes are too big, my eyebrows are too long, my nose is too fat at the end, my lips are non existent, my jawline either barely there or too sharp, my shoulders are just too broad, my-" Sehun rambled on, while Luhan simply stared at him in disbelief.

"I think that everything about your face is perfect Sehun-ah. You're way too harsh on yourself, you know?" The deer frowned, and the mafia boss made a face.

"Your eyes are pretty, your nose is perfect, your lips are heaven to me, your jawline is beautiful and I like to rest my head on your shoulders, Sehun-ah!" Luhan cheered, making Sehun smile a little.

"Thanks, Lu. I guess I'm a little nervous about giving a presentation to all those peasants..." Sehun lied muttered, making the deer frown slightly.

"Don't call them peasants. How many are there?" Luhan asked while adjusting the mafia boss's red tie a little.

"Including the rookies, about 160? I'm not sure. It's not them who I'm worried about. If a spy hears just a few seconds of this speech, the underground is done for. And it will be all my fault; I will be the one getting punishment." Sehun explained, voice going gentle at the end.

"What punishment? You didn't tell me about this!" Luhan wailed, tapping Sehun's right arm repeatedly.

"Well, it's usually death, but-" the deer cut him off.

"Death!?" He shrieked, making Sehun roll his eyes and help calm the older man down.

"Sometimes I wonder how you're older than me..." he muttered as Kai walked into he room.

"Hey Luhan. Boss! They want you to give the presentation now!" The second in command called before walking out of the room. Sehun waved at the deer and got up to leave when a dainty hand grabbed his wrist.

Luhan turned his head and pointed to his cheek before saying: "you know, for good luck..." 

Sehun smiled and bent down to kiss the deer's cheek (his height and the fact that Luhan was sitting down made it difficult) when Luhan turned his head and made the kiss aim for his lips. Their tongues danced around a little in each mouths before Sehun pulled away.

"Thanks Lu. See you in about two hours!" He waved and closed the door. He had asked that Tao take care of the deer while he was gone, as he had practised it on the panda boy about five times before.

And Tao really didn't want to hear the speech again. 

Luhan laid down in the bed, hoping that what Sehun had said before wasn't what he really thought about himself.

"You know Luhan, Boss only said those things so that you could compliment him." The voice made the deer jump, before realising who it was. Tao, thank god. Wait. That pabo! He had been tricked.

He giggled adorably before realising something else. "You were there when we kissed, too?" He squeaked nervously.

"Yeah, it was kind of hot actually. I was really hoping that you guys didn't take it any further though. My eyes can't really handle that much in a day." The taller boy smiled. They could both hear Sehun's rather bored voice rambling on about drug markets.

Luhan blushed.

"I really don't think I've ever seen boss that happy when you arrived. But just know that if anything happens to you, he's going to be in serious trouble too." Luhan turned around, confused at what Tao had said.

"Why?" The deer asked curiously.

"Because you melted his ice cold heart. If anything-I repeat anything- happens to you, his heart will be nothing but a puddle."

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